intermediate ustu dil grubu

Hi girls :)
I'm new member. I want to speak english very well but i cant. Unfortunality i forget a lot of words, rules etc. maybe i can't make true sentences. Today, i bought new english short story book, i will read this night and i believe this book good for me :)
Take care :)

Welcome Tülay :))
If you want i can correct your mistakes :71: Reading novellas is more beneficial than short stories, but of course you can start with the stories
Welcome Tülay :))
If you want i can correct your mistakes :71: Reading novellas is more beneficial than short stories, but of course you can start with the stories

Thank you :)
Yes i want very much because i have to know my mistakes. Thank you again, firstly i will finish this book than i promise i will buy short stories book :)
Hi girls :)
I'm a new member. I want to speak english very well but i can't. Unfortunately i forgot a lot of words, rules etc. maybe i can't make true sentences. Today, i bought a new english short story book, i will read tonight and i believe this book is good for me :)
Take care :)

you must be careful, that's all, your mistakes are not important, nor were they serious problems
Thank you :)
Yes i want it very much because i have to know my mistakes. Thank you again, firstly i will finish this book than i promise to buy short stories book :)

we generally build the sentence up with that form: subject + promise to do something (when two subjects are same)
(but your sentence is not wrong)
My Lulu, my fish is dying:(((((((((((He is swimming but on his back and his stomach became very big,it has swollen up
I called the vet and recommended me to give cooked spinach to my LULU
Oh MY gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
Whenever I am sad , I write new poems, one of them is coming

Lulu !!!!! dont die
You are my apple pie
Everything is a lie
Without my little sweetie:5::43::58:
My Lulu, my fish is dying:(((((((((((He is swimming but on his back and his stomach became very big,it has swollen up
I called the vet and recommended me to give cooked spinach to my LULU
Oh MY gooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!
Whenever I am sad , I write new poems, one of them is coming

Lulu !!!!! dont die
You are my apple pie
Everything is a lie
Without my little sweetie:5::43::58:

Maybe he won't die :/ why are you so hopeless?
hello everybody
Speaking in English is a wonderful idea. I want to thank you first of all :)
I began to forget English :( and writing is too difficult for me now :( maybe i write wrong but i decided to remember english again. I want to begin an english course in Ankara. But it must be cheap. Have you any advice?.. :/
Hello! I'm in foreign language class on the 12th grade.I want to practice more.I realized this group.And I thought that I attend this group this will be efficient for me.So can I attend this group? :17:
Hello! I'm in foreign language class on the 12th grade.I want to practice more.I realized this group.And I thought that I attend this group this will be efficient for me.So can I attend this group? :17:

Welcome honey :)
Not only for you, it'll be eficient for us, too . :) I wait your helps for making practise:) Practise makes perfect, doesn't it ? :) (If i'm writing wrong, warn me please... :61: )
hello everybody
Speaking in English is a wonderful idea. I want to thank you first of all :)
I began to forget English :( and writing is too difficult for me now :( maybe i write wrong but i decided to remember english again. I want to begin an english course in Ankara. But it must be cheap. Have you any advice?.. :/

Hello! I'm in foreign language class on the 12th grade.I want to practice more.I realized this group.And I thought that I attend this group this will be efficient for me.So can I attend this group? :17:

welcome facia and buket :))

Thanks God!!!!!!! She didnt die, she is still living:66::64::62::61:
but now, I am dropping with fatigue and cant keep my eyes open, ı am exhausted:37:

i'm happy for you! why are you exhausted?
no, i didn't change
both of them at the same time

I admire you, u are great:3:
Today I watched a film... It is called "The Seven Deadly Sins" ...You know ıt is about seven dangerous sins in our lives:47::47:
These sins are:
lust (sexual desire)
anger (annoyance)
pride (arrogance)
sloth (laziness)
envy (jealousy)
gluttony (prodigality, being extravagant)
greed (being insatiable)

Are the explanations, meanings of the words(written in the parantheses) right????
and which one of these is your biggest failing?
ın fact ı am a bit confused:44::44:::44:about the difference between gluttony and greed???????????????????????
I look at the dictionary it says:

Gluttony:the bad habit of eating or drinking much more than you need,

Greed:a strong desire for more food or drink, a strong desire for more wealth and power etc

Arent they similar????No matter whether you are greedy or glutton, you always want much more of something, ıt can be money, wealth , food or drink.....
ın fact ı am a bit confused:44::44:::44:about the difference between gluttony and greed???????????????????????
I look at the dictionary it says:

Gluttony:the bad habit of eating or drinking much more than you need,

Greed:a strong desire for more food or drink, a strong desire for more wealth and power etc

Arent they similar????No matter whether you are greedy or glutton, you always want much more of something, ıt can be money, wealth , food or drink.....

greed: aç gözlülük, doyumsuzluk, aşırıcılık
gluttony: oburluk

gluttony is about food and beverage
greed is about food, clothes, sexual act, shoes, it is about anything
ohh, lucky lol
Are you travelling around the world?
how is the weather over there?
this hot weather is really crushing and smashing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ı dunno what ı will do in the hell after death:50:??????????:26: