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A study of Swedes estimated a ratio of 1.4:1 trans women to trans men for those requesting sex reassignment surgery and a ratio of 1:1 for those who proceeded.
[104] Studies have investigated whether sexually dimorphic brain structures in transsexuals are more similar to their preferred sex or their birth sex; research is complicated because there are known differences between homosexual and heterosexual people and that the brain changes in response to hormone-treatment, which many transsexuals use. Studies consistently show that both
androphilic and
gynephilic male-to-female transsexuals show a shift towards the female direction in brain anatomy, intermediate between male and female.
[105][106][107] Brain-based research has also shown that female-to-male transsexuals have several male-like characteristics in their neuroanatomy.
Studies have found that male-to-female transsexuals were more likely than non-transsexual males to have a longer version of a receptor gene for the sex hormone androgen or testosterone, suggesting reduced androgen and androgen signaling contributes to the female gender identity of male-to-female transsexuals. A
twin study found that 20% of identical twin pairs in the sample were both transgender, whereas among non-identical twin pairs there were almost no pairs where both were transgender, suggesting that genes rather than
rearing are the main factor in transgender identity formation.
Brain structure differences associated with transsexualism do not exist in isolation. Similar
brain structure differences have been noted between homosexual and heterosexual men and women.
[110][111] More recent studies have found that circumstance such as parenting, and repeated activities such as
meditation, modify brain structures in a process called brain plasticity or
Yani diyorlarki mesela erkeklerde beyinlerinde "kadinsal" aktiviteler göründügü. Ayrica ikiz kardeslerin beraber transgender olma orani, ikiz olmayan kardeslerden daha yüksektir. Yani bir genetik faktörde olabilir.