İngilizce Öğrenmek İsteyenlere Yardım :)

ı need write english paragraph and english story but theese have much mistakes.ı want someone correct theese mıstakes.could you reccomend have thıs someone website for me?
Hi tolin, you can write your story here so that I can correct your mistakes.
Or if you like, are you looking for a professional editor maybe?

In my opinion, you can write to this topic your paragraph. Bogurtlenkusu can help you, of course if she want:)

Ay inşallah olmuştur :KK70: mesela burda ne demeliydim yanlışsa doğrusu ne?
It's quite good, just a few tiny things.
You need to put 'your paragraph' just after 'write'.
"into" is more appropriate than "in".
And of course the verb "want" takes an "s" at the end of it. That's all. :)
Sıfırdan başlayacağımmm , beni de katın. Ama eski mesajşarınızın bir çoğunu anlayamadım henüz çok başlardayım :( Nereden başlamalıyım ?
Hello ladies! What's going on with you? This topic is one of the most useful topics in this forum site. Well, I'm glad you guys let us know all about English as much as you can. I don't think I'm very good at English but I try to improve it. So, I'll be really happy if you help me with English. At least, you can chat with me on this topic, right? Oh... I have had too many troubles and awkward moments when I tried to learn the language, LOL. Now, again, I'm here and I need a person to talk to in English. Because one of my friends who talks to me in English just left me... He was a native speaker but I'm sure you girls are much better than him, huh? Please, I want you to correct my mistakes. :)
hi girls!
My English is quite enough for our perfect exams! such as YDS, KPDS but as you know this exams are bullshit and many of us have problems with in English.
I got promoted last month and I need to learn English in real terms, I need to write and speak in English. maybe you can not believe in me but last night I could not sleep because of thinking about this situation.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone and in particular to Böğürtlenkuşu.
and ı want to ask you a question. what do you do about improving your writing and speaking skills. reading newspaper in English, watching films in English... can you give me an advice?
Gittiğim birtakım İngilizce kurslarında oluşan hüsran ve yaptığım uzun araştırmalar

sonucunda Just English’le tanıştım. Hayatımda keşke ve iyi dediğim şeylerden biri haline

geldi Just. Keşke hiç başka bir İngilizce kursuna gitmeden Just English’e gelseydim ve her ne

kadar zaman kaybetmiş olsam da iyi ki gelmişim.
Gittiğim birtakım İngilizce kurslarında oluşan hüsran ve yaptığım uzun araştırmalar

sonucunda Just English’le tanıştım. Hayatımda keşke ve iyi dediğim şeylerden biri haline

geldi Just. Keşke hiç başka bir İngilizce kursuna gitmeden Just English’e gelseydim ve her ne

kadar zaman kaybetmiş olsam da iyi ki gelmişim.

Sıfırdan başlayacağımmm , beni de katın. Ama eski mesajşarınızın bir çoğunu anlayamadım henüz çok başlardayım Nereden başlamalıyım ?
Kızlar size bir sorum olacak.sırf bu yabancı dil eğitiminden ötürü çocuğumu ozel okula göndermeli miyim?
Kızlar size bir sorum olacak.sırf bu yabancı dil eğitiminden ötürü çocuğumu ozel okula göndermeli miyim?

sırf buyüzden tabiki de gönderilmez benim düşüncem çünkü genel eğitimi de bazalmak zorundasın çocuğun geleceği sonuçta bu küçük yaşta ingilizce kurslarla da kapatabilirsin arayı...
ben ingilizceyi hızlı öğrenenlerdenim :) tabiki üniversitede hazırlık okuduğum için şanslıydım ama yine de her zaman dilin kendi çabamızla öğrenileceğini savundum, üniversitede de zaten asla sadece hocanın anlattığı şeylere bakmaz kendim kitaplar alır, bilmediğim her kelimeye internetten sözlükten bakarak ne demek istediklerini birleştirerek çözmeye çalışırdım, bir de her kelimenin nasıl okunduğunu sesli sözlükten dinler ve kendi kendime yüksek sesle sürekli tekrar sonuçta sınıfın en yüksek puanlaırnı alırdım hep...bu bir matematik fizik gibi anlaşılacak bişey değil...alışkanlık kazanılacak bişey...söyle düşünün, bir ülkede yaşayan herkes, zekasından bağımsız olarak o ülkenin dilini çatır çatır konuşur...çünkü sürekli duyar ve anlamaya çalışır, dil böyle öğreniliyor, birinin size ders ders anlatmaısnı beklerseniz çok vakit kaybedersiniz...benim kardeşim de inat etti ve dil kursuna yazıldı...bir hafta sonra parasını geri almak için uğraşır vaziyetteydi çünkü kurslar acayip yavaştır paranızı almak için...en iyi yöntem her zaman kendi çalışmanız...internette yüzlerce kaynak var, herkese hangisi iyi diye sorup durmayın bence, gooogle a yazın "ingilizce öğrenme sitesi" diye, çıkan sitelere girin bakının, hangisinde rahat ediyorsanız ordan ilerleyin...ben kardeşime "dersimizingilizce" diye bir siteye girmesini söyledim, ama bana o daha iyi geldiği için,size başka bir site daha iyi gelebilir, sonuçta hepsi bedava, girin girin bakın...para isteyen siteler varsa da uzak durun derim, hiç hiç hiç gerek yok...tabi bunlar benim tecrübelerim arkadaşlar...sadece bazen insanlarn nasıl paralar döküp sanki matematik gibi birilerinin kendisine öğretmesini beklediğini görüyorum ve üzülüyorum...tabi bu daha yetişkin insanlar için, çocuğunuz kendi başına bunu yapmayı beceremeyebilir, onun için yönlendirecek bir hoca vs iyi olabilir...

Hi. I hadn't got any notifications from this topic for so long, that's why I couldn't see your message sooner. Sorry about that. Do you still need some advice?

Of course I need it. I want to learn more about reading and especially speaking tricks.
Its not about tricks, actually. You don't have much to do as I'm glad to tell you that you have no trouble with grammar or vocab. In your paragraph above, the only problem is about spoken english, in other words, "the use" of english. Think of it as a problem of practice, not theory.
In such cases, learners need to practice as much as they can, that's the only way to improve writing and speaking skills. And while you do that, no matter how you do it, you'll always need somebody to correct your mistakes, and to talk to, to speak with. That person's supposed to know the language "really", unlike you, so that you can take advantage of him / her. You can attend courses, or take private lessons in order to have that somebody.
I'll just give a few examples of your little mistakes in your paragraph above. Remember that these are not grammatically wrong, they're just not used that way.
Ok, "this exams" and "problems with in english" are grammatical ones, but I'm sure it's just because you weren't careful enough. ("these" and "problems with")
Instead of "can not believe", "don't believe" is preferable in terms of usage, and since that's an informal text, you shouldn't use "cannot". "can't" it is.
"believe in me" means something like "have faith in me", it has a deeper "trust me" in it. So it should be "believe me" in this context.
Again, the formal "could not" isn't appropriate for this informal paragraph, so it's "couldn't".
"because of thinking about this situation"
Here, "because of" sounds like it's grating on the ear, it's really formal, and doesn't suit here. You can use something like "I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about this"
The same goes for "about improving". "to improve" sounds better, not grating.
"an advice" is actually a grammar mistake, because "advice" is an uncountable word here and you can't put an "an" before it. "some" is okay though.
And since advice is uncountable, you can't answer like "i need it", we also know about the verb already, so it's okay to say "Of course I do".

These all seem unimportant or not worth to be taken into account, I know how it looks to you. But believe me, when these small stuff come all together, they just make it purely visible that your spoken language is deficient.
Find somebody to talk to, and to correct your mistakes, and speak as much as you can. Watching movies is something I mostly not recommend. Tv series do a better work in helping people improve their english because they are much longer and it gives you the time and chance to get used to the characters' accents - which makes it easier for you to listen to them and grasp the sentences and put them into your mind to use later in your speech.
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thanks a lot böğürtlenkuşu.

As you said on your message I have to practice a lot.

Because of my little girl and my job I don't have time to go any courses. Only I can do is watching tv series and reading some articles about my interests.

Actually, when you have time I want to talk here with you. If it is ok for you.

Thanks again.

Kisses to the little girl.
Of course, we can always chat here. Just make sure that you put a @ before my nickname, like bogurtlenkusu , I'll get a notification and see your message in time.
Still, taking private lessons could help you a lot. For instance two or three lessons a week, each one lasting two hours, your speaking skills would improve.
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bogurtlenkusu thank you. I will search these lessons for me.

apart from that you are always different-in a good way- in this forum.