• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

intermediate ustu dil grubu

Thanks :)))

I'm a food engineer. I've been working a factory which is producing fruit juice, UHT milk and carbonated drink for 6 years. I'm at holiday now, because I've got a baby. Its 2,5 months. I try to learn look after my baby. we are together all day.ıt's a little handsome boy.
ıts name is Efe Özgür.
I think to be a mother is more difficult from to be an engineer :) You can work with computer or machine easily but you can't manage your bab. It always manages you :))

What about you?
i am student in GYTE for master and looking for job.
İ want to see yours handsome brother's picture. İt must be so pretty. Good luck =)
Thanks :)))

I'm a food engineer. I've been working a factory which is producing fruit juice, UHT milk and carbonated drink for 6 years. I'm at holiday now, because I've got a baby. Its 2,5 months. I try to learn look after my baby. we are together all day.ıt's a little handsome boy.
ıts name is Efe Özgür.
I think to be a mother is more difficult from to be an engineer :) You can work with computer or machine easily but you can't manage your bab. It always manages you :))

What about you?
welcome :)

i am chemical engineer too as emk87 :)
i took my master degree 1 year ago..
i am looking for a job for 1 year..Finding a job is very hard for me..:(
when i was a student ,studying wasnt hard for me. but after university, finding a job is the most difficult thing :(
what can you advise me ?bilmiyorumkismile

do u mind if i ask you 'how old are u' ?

i think you are right..motherness must be more difficult than being an engineer :)

Congratulations for your baby :)) hayırlı bir evlat olur inşallah..allah analı babalı büyütsün..bunları çeviremedim :)
Son düzenleme:
This is my son :utangac:
I'm 30 years old. ı graduaded from univesity at 2001. So I try to work at different area. I have been worker for 9 years.:))) You re right, finding a job very difficult at these days. Every factory ask you ıf have an experience . But ıf every boss wants to have an experienced engineer, how can you have an experience or How ?.

But new graduaded students are another problem.I sometimes make an interview for a job. They want to have a comfortable job with wide conditions. I think this is impossible for begining. I advaced to them to be patient. Because we dont graduade from university with special knowledge. Our knowledge is basic convention. We can develop them while we can work. Then we can choose our conditions, and we can have what you want :)
this is my idea.

What do you want to do after your graduation ?
This is my son :utangac:
I'm 30 years old. ı graduaded from univesity at 2001. So I try to work at different area. I have been worker for 9 years.:))) You re right, finding a job very difficult at these days. Every factory ask you ıf have an experience . But ıf every boss wants to have an experienced engineer, how can you have an experience or How ?.

But new graduaded students are another problem.I sometimes make an interview for a job. They want to have a comfortable job with wide conditions. I think this is impossible for begining. I advaced to them to be patient. Because we dont graduade from university with special knowledge. Our knowledge is basic convention. We can develop them while we can work. Then we can choose our conditions, and we can have what you want :)
this is my idea.

What do you want to do after your graduation ?

is the question for me ?
because i newly graduated just 1 year ago..and i want to work as a chemical engineer at any company..it doesnt matter any position, any sector or any salary..i dont expect big big things..i only want to have experience as soon as possible..i graudated from really good schools..and i cant understand why they dont employ me..being patience is very hard at this situation..it makes me so hopeless,unhappy and feeling bad myself..
if i had an opportunity , i would want to work at medicine sector as a quality assurance specialist...but they never call me back :( i am asking myself all the time, why why why..
it can be only a dream for me now ..
Son düzenleme:
tourmale it isnt dream for us. Oneday it will be. dont be unhappt about that and trust yourself.
i hope so , honey :(

Sorry tourmaline:))) I try to download my son's pıcture. There was a photo, while I was writing a message today . I'll try again.

is the question for me ?
because i newly graduated just 1 year ago..and i want to work as a chemical engineer at any company..it doesnt matter any position, any sector or any salary..i dont expect big big things..i only want to have experience as soon as possible..i graudated from really good schools..and i cant understand why they dont employ me..being patience is very hard at this situation..it makes me so hopeless,unhappy and feeling bad myself..
if i had an opportunity , i would want to work at medicine sector as a quality assurance specialist...but they never call me back :( i am asking myself all the time, why why why..
it can be only a dream for me now ..

I see, you re right. You notice lots of thing about work. But this is a complicated situation. I think to have a job, is really chance. And to be at true situation at true time. because of this patience is very important. But you never be hopeless , It would hurt you.
you have good education, they would discover you( medicine sector). After have an opportunity,you can show whatever you can.
But maybe they think that you wouldnt like their work conditions or salary, You have good features.
have you ever been any job interview with medicine firm ?
I see, you re right. You notice lots of thing about work. But this is a complicated situation. I think to have a job, is really chance. And to be at true situation at true time. because of this patience is very important. But you never be hopeless , It would hurt you.
you have good education, they would discover you( medicine sector). After have an opportunity,you can show whatever you can.
But maybe they think that you wouldnt like their work conditions or salary, You have good features.
have you ever been any job interview with medicine firm ?

yeah only one time..position was about laboratory..
they made me english spoken test..
i dont know why they didnt employ me, maybe because of my english..i dont know..:(
it was really big and good company, i am so sad..
Son düzenleme:
she said before. His name is Efe Özgür :)

what are you doing today girls?
Son düzenleme:
she said before. His name is Efe Özgür :)

what are you doing today girls?

hi honey =) how are you ?

i am a bit alzheimer nowadays..:) lol :)

routine things..not any change...and you , what did you do today :)
tell me more :)

and i want you ask you a question, can we work as a teacher at private schools ?
Son düzenleme:
hi girls,
today, I got a p.m. from tourmaline, about this topic. I ve read the rest 4 pages, vocabulary and grammar were ok for me. I didnt have any problem. I'm completely sure that I will make mistakes. you can correct me, I will be glad;)
I am a quite lazy girl, so thinking about studying english makes me mad. but here, in this topic, it will be chatting rather than learning. so I will be happy:)
and finally, ladiessss, ofcourse I want to join youuu:)
I've met emk87 and tourmaline before, but I dont know the others,probably they dont know me. so let me introduce myself.

I'm 23, undergraduate student in a university in istanbul.(I dont want to write the name of the university here but if you wonder I can say with pm;) ) This year, I am going to finish uni. and ı will be a chemical engineer. i dont think to have a MS degree, so I am going to look for a job. like tourmaline, I am not very hopeful about this. ı dont have a short range goal about my career. I only want to earn enough money to live without needing anyone. I ve beeing studying about oils, extraction technologies and ı want to have a job about these.

I live alone in an apartment (before you ask, I answer: No I am not scared about living alonesempatiksalakcinni) sometimes it may be boring, and ofcourse ı spend most of my money for home-kitchen-bills. Sometimes I become totaly broke and I spend most of my free time at home because of money money money:çok üzgünüm: I love cooking and trying new tastes. I love to be at home watch tv, read something, listen music, do housework. sometimes ı go out with friends and sometimes alone for wandering and shopping. by the way I am single and dont have boy friend for 2 and half year. generally ı am ok with this, ı am free, ı dont have any argument(nasi diyor siiiz kafam rahaat:p) but sometimes ı feel myself very lonely. as you see, my daily life is quite boring. too many responsibilities about home and school, very little happy things. I am on a mode of the acıların cocugu emrah today:roflol: in the morning ı had to listen a seminar about technologies about coal. (I didnt manage to listen) It took 2 and half hours, men from a research center in korea. after a half hour break, I had german course. english-german and now english. my brain made hararet(did you know the english word for it?) I have already prepared the meal for dinner, so I watch esra erol(really!) you see I am a good housewife, I am young, I am beautiful, ı am educated, ı am waiting for my husband-candidates.:lepi:

thats all for now, ı wrote too much, congratulations to you, the chosen one, if you have managed to read the whole textvereliniortak
Son düzenleme:
Huzunapla welcome, i am so glad for accepting and coming here..(it is not a correct sentence i think , you can correct me :)
and i want to say that ' allah iyiliğini versin ', because you make me smile very much..:)
today i was very dissapointed because of being unemployed, feeling lonely :(
i'm sometimes thinking that my life will never begin to go well..(yoluna girmeyecek galiba :(
i am in a 'acıların çocuğu' mode too..

and your english seems perfect :lepi:
Son düzenleme:
hi honey =) how are you ?

i am a bit alzheimer nowadays..:) lol :)

routine things..not any change...and you , what did you do today :)
tell me more :)

and i want you ask you a question, can we work as a teacher at private schools ?

i went to school today. than now watching tv =)

i dont know but i think we will work it isnt a problem for legal.
Why u ask that? Will you be a teacher :D

and welcome huzunapla :D
girls dont be hopeless. One day we will find a good and quality job :) i believe that. HuzunApla where do u live in istanbul? and yours english looks perfect .
Next weak in yeşilköy polat renosans otel have seminer for polymer. Do u know that seminer? i am going to work there but i dont know they will give me money? But i want =)))
i went to school today. than now watching tv =)

i dont know but i think we will work it isnt a problem for legal.
Why u ask that? Will you be a teacher :D

and welcome huzunapla :D
i dont know, maybe :))
girls dont be hopeless. One day we will find a good and quality job :) i believe that. HuzunApla where do u live in istanbul? and yours english looks perfect .
Next weak in yeşilköy polat renosans otel have seminer for polymer. Do u know that seminer? i am going to work there but i dont know they will give me money? But i want =)))
what are you going to do at seminer ? are you going to have a presentation ?