Bence de kitap gibi kadın yakından görmüş biri olarak :) Oku oku bitmez her sayfada başka bir ŞEY !
Bir başka sitede bunu buldum www= zzz
Gennet Prague 4,900 (fromn nisan2011) reçete hariç
Reprofit Brno 4,500 (from Temmuz 2011) reçete hariç
CRM Zlin 4,500 reçete hariç
Gyncentrum Ostrava Klinikle irtibat
Fertimed Olomouc Klinikle irtibat
Dogus £4500 (approx 5,350)
Pedieos 5000 (they also offer a package of 6 cycles over 2yrs for 7500)
North Cyprus Fertility Clinic home page 4500
ISIS, Cyprus fiyat yok sitede : 4800
ISIS clinic
Serum Athens inc prices 5000 reçete hariç
ÇİN 4000
Ava Petersburg 5595
Altra Vita, Moscow 6,860 (271, 650 rubles)
Intersono, Lviv Confirm with clinic direct
ISIDA Confirm with clinic direct
NB: prices from Fertility Friends July 2010 not verified as clinic websites do not have price lists, you would need to contact to confirm latest prices
IM 9800 including meds (+ 155 consultation)
About Us - Instituto Marquès
IVI 9-10,000 (+ 150 consultation)
Ceram, Marbella 5,800
Vista Hermosa 6540 excluding meds
Eugin Barcelona 6590 inc meds (+ 105 consult)
EUGIN Clinic: fertility clinic in Barcelona (Spain)
Shady Grove (Washington) Contact the clinic for costs (they offer a shared risk programme of 6 cycles & if a term healthy
baby is not born then 100% full refund, plus detailed information on the donor)
Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago The success rate with fresh donor eggs is one of the highest in the US (74% live births in
(recommended by Bling1975) 2009) but they are a bit less costly than the other top clinics. A fresh DE cycle costs
$25.000 + meds (approx $3.000) They also offer shared risk and 100% guarantee programs
of 4 fresh and unlimited frozen cycles (you have to pay the donor and the meds for each
fresh cycle)
GÜNEY Africa
Cape Fertility Clinic Contact the clinic for prices. You have to use an egg donor agency of which there are
(recommended by Candee) several, eg Nurture:
Fertility | IVF| Egg Donation South Africa. You are also given quite a lot of information about
the donor, as well as pictures of the donor as a child, although I should stress that donors are
anonymous in South Africa so you can't have an open donor as in the UK.
You also don't have more than one patient per donor and the clinic also have frozen eggs and
back up donors if things don't go right with your donor.
GünEY Afrikada donor acentaları var arada Klinikle hasta arasında. Donorün bebeklik resimlerini gösteriyorlar detaylı bilgi veriyorlar ama İngilterede ki gibi çok açık değil iletişim kuramazsınız.Her bir donor bir aile için Anonim değil. ve de mutlak donduruyorlar ne olur ne olmaz diye.
And thanks to Lillyann for these DFET prices (as of Feb 2011, all in Avro and assumes 2 embryos to be transferred ediliyor
Reprofit 1,000 Frozen = donmuş
Serum 2,000 Frozen
Serum 5,000 Fresh = taze
IB 3,140 Frozen
Dogus 5,000 Fresh only = sadece taze
Irema 2,500 Frozen
Ceram 1,400 Frozen
IM 3,585 Frozen
BCNIVF 2,550 Frozen
BCNIVF 3,300 Fresh shared - taze ama paylaşmalı
Zlin 5,050 Fresh
FIV 2,500 Frozen
ISIS 4,950 Fresh
Eugin Contact clinic for a price specific to the tx required