16 yaşında 16 yaşında baska bir ergenle cinsellik yaşamak başka, 16 14 yaşındaki kız çocuğu ile evlenen 20-30-40-50-60 l erkekler baska şey demek.
Hala sapla samanı karıştırıp ortaya saçıyorsun, LGBT yi pedofiliye ve hatta zoofiliye eşitliyorsun. Dur bakalım o zaman dünyayı başka ne tehlikeler bekliyormuş, ahlaksız batının yanında iffetli islam dünyasında neler oluyormuş!!
"Muslim clerics resist Pakistan’s efforts to end child marriagd"
"A Muslim cleric whose marriage to a 12-year-old girl triggered controversy in Indonesia has been detained along with the girl's father on suspicion of violating the child protection law, police said wednesday "
"CAIRO, Nov 14 2012 (IPS) - An ultraconservative Salafi cleric recently sparked outrage among Egypt’s liberal circles when he attempted to justify his opposition to a proposed constitutional article that would outlaw the trafficking of women for sex."
Speaking on privately-owned Al-Nas satellite channel, Sheikh Mohamed Saad El-Azhary said he feared the proposed article could conflict with the local practice of child marriage. He explained that in Egypt, particularly in rural areas, there is a culture of marrying off girls as soon as they hit puberty "
"A Turkish cleric supports marriages between children and adults – but others in the country slam such unions as child rape.
Nureddin Yildiz, 58, president of the Social Fabric Foundation, said Jan. 10 that Islam imposes no age restrictions for marriages, Central European News reported.
“Children can even marry before puberty,” he said. “There can be marriages between children or between a child and an adult. For example, a marriage between a 7-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man, or a 7-year-old boy with a 25-year-old woman. There are no inconveniences preventing their marriage.”
Çocuklarla cinsel ilişkinin anormal karşılandığı adına pedofili dendiği yerlerden gelseniz / gelsek oturun eleştirin diyeceğim de, tam tersi yerden geliyorsunuz/geliyoruz . Bizi bize anlatmayalım oldu mu!