intermediate ustu dil grubu


Anneler Kulübü
Kayıtlı Üye
23 Mayıs 2010
Arkadaşlar ben ve benim gibi birsürü arkadas olduguna inanıyorum. Toplanıp belirli konuları belirleyip haftalık aylık plan yapsak ne calıscaz konusucaz diye ve bu gruplada ing olarak yazıssak forumda ne dersiniz su an için 10 kişi olsak yeter. Ayrıca ingilizce öğretmeni olan bir arkadaşımız bize rehberlik ederse süper olur. Fikirleriniz neler sizinde olabilir mi sizce? ohaoldumsmile

her isteyen katılabilir liste falan yok
Son düzenleme:
I agree with you..I will be here , it is ok for me :))

I wonder how your job interview was at last week. Did they call you for the second one ?
not yet maybe later thet will call me :) i hope that
so now u and me okey for group and where are the others?
hi! i want to attend this group....I believe that we improve our english owing to this topic:)
hello zencefil welcome :) i think we will improve english all together
hi all of you :))
how are you today ? and what did you do ?

i went to cooking course today..
we cooked a lot of meal..for example ; broccoli soup, rice with mushrooms, the mansion of nightingale(bülbül konağı), cookie with lemon, Sultan liked (hünkar beğend i:) ),and salad..
and after the course i went an english course to have an idea how much speaking course is..
it is discovery and 840 tl for 120 hours..what do you think about it ?
Son düzenleme:
i heard discovery it is good course for language.
today ı went to cinema with my bf =) aşkın iki yüzü it is good film. u must see it than bougt 2 books and now i starts first one pasaklı tanrıca. do u read that book?

and tourmale your cours must be enjoyable

now we are 3 people so everynight explain our day each other :) if somebody finds mistake tell us about gramer and others okey =)
hmm , i have never heard about pasaklı tanrıça..
but it has an interesting name, what is the subject of it?

i am not sure whether it is interesting..because class is very crowded, there are 30 people..and all of them talk at the same time..they always stand up..
we can say it in a turkish way 'curcuna'
If you see my mistakes you can correct me :)olumunekankayizsmile It is ok for me..olumunekankayizsmile
As well as i can, i ll correct yours..
Son düzenleme:
i tried to correct yours..

i heard discovery it is a good course for language.
today ı went to cinema with my bf =) aşkın iki yüzü it is a good film. u must see it then bought 2 books and now i start first one is pasaklı tanrıca. do u read that book? (have you ever read ? it is more suitable maybe i m not sure..)

and tourmale your cours must be enjoyable

now we are 3 people so lets everynight explain our days to each other :) if somebody finds mistake tell us about gramer and others okey =)
Son düzenleme:
why not :) its oky for us welcome :)

Tell us about yourself? what your job?
you are engineer like tourmale and me we are chemical engineer.
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