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civciv ne güzel kelimeler yazmışsın Şeniza.s.a.s.

it looks logical to learn grammar with songs but unfortunately the lyrics aren't always grammatically right.. for exemple yesterday a man was singing "me love you".. it's not right "me love you", no?.. so even it's a song lyric, we have to check it before using..

Hi,but don't u think that the way you write here is too difficult for the ones who just want to make practice?
Hi everybody,I am an English teacher and I advise you not to mind grammar too much.Just write or talk as you want.Don't think simple present or past tense:)) good luck!

Yes Lucita, it can be like that. But even kaydirigubbakcemile3 I can understand "me love you" is not correct. My grammar knowledges are very bad, as you see.

I just gave that excample, because it helps really.Maybe we can take here, to this topic the lyrics, which are grammatically correct? What do you think? I can suggest but I can be not sure, if they are correct or not.a.s.
Hi,but don't u think that the way you write here is too difficult for the ones who just want to make practice?

maybe.. but how can I know everyone's english level? that's my level, so I'm writing.. someone knows much more than me and someone knows less.. anyway we are here just for practice..

no no, I think you are good enough..:) and will be better too..

also watching movies with subtitles is very useful for learning.. but the subtitles must be in english so that you hear in english and you see in english.. try it..

no no, I think you are good enough..:) and will be better too..

also watching movies with subtitles is very useful for learning.. but the subtitles must be in english so that you hear in english and you see in english.. try it..

Yes you're right Lucita! 2 days ago I was in a book&music store. And I thought maybe I can buy the DVD's of a film serie in cnbc-e. I can't follow it on tv, because my workhours are very disorganized.:çok üzgünüm:

but which serie shall I follow, I don't know yet. Maybe I have to see one part of each serie and than I can decide.

Can you suggest me one?hihoyyyt

thanks honey :)
what i meant with LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS was gectigimiz bir kac aydan beri :)
esim belinden ameliyat oldu ve evet ehliyetimi aldim.
im flying next monday and i'll be in Turkey next tuesday and i still haven't pack.

of course I can.. "Scrubs" is a comedy serial, it doesn't take long time; 20 minutes every episode.. It's verry funny I swear :)

for exemple, after dinner you can watch 2 episode o only one if you have no time.. because for fnishing a film, you need to have 2-2,5 hours..
Hi girls, I'm pleased to talk to you.
My little brother wants to go to an english course in İstanbul.
Could you suggest me one and do you know how much it costs?
thanks honey :)
what i meant with LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS was gectigimiz bir kac aydan beri :)
esim belinden ameliyat oldu ve evet ehliyetimi aldim.
im flying next monday and i'll be in Turkey next tuesday and i still haven't pack.
get well soon mina. how is your husband now? did he heal? are there qualify difficult? i have taken driving licence last year. i gone 10 days at the course. the car was very old. i was adjust oneself to it. after i used ours. but i didnt adapt to it. and i am timid. for example i get into the car. i was very exciting. and my son was with me. he was speak continuous. i said enough. i can accident. i made some mistakes. thanks to my Allah i come back to home. i didnt made accident. do you drive a car?
thanks honey :)
what i meant with LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS was gectigimiz bir kac aydan beri :)
esim belinden ameliyat oldu ve evet ehliyetimi aldim.
im flying next monday and i'll be in Turkey next tuesday and i still haven't pack.
mina i wish from my Allah safe motoring for you. good be.
türkçesini de yazayımda uydurdum çünkü.....:teytey::hooray:Allahtan kazasız belasız sürüşler dilerim senin için. hayırlı olsun.
dear married with children and lost very good films. you find to its ex parts on internet. kaydirigubbakcemile5
aşağıdaki cümleleri kontrol edebilir misiniz? teşekkürler... a.s.

1. I'm waiting for my 3. cup of coffee of this day.
2. I miss having 2 months summer-holiday.
3. It is a bit cold and cloudy.
Son düzenleme:
May be I love this pay.
Because all of them writing englısh very good.
I speak and write englısh very well ten years ago but now not it...
This is right or wrong what?
Please answer... I'm waiting yours idea.
See you soon.

I see that it's time to practice this language...I haven't spoken and written english for 6 years, i've forgotton ninety percent of what i had learnt...
and also I don't know which level i'm in..
I need your help...If i make a mistake, please correct it...
(I think i'll be addicted to this topic:):)
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