İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
hi girls how are you all. i am fine. and i am tired. i am glad in the our new house. here is second floor. we have got a small garden. my kid plays there sometimes.
ıt is nice to hear from you. ı hope everthing is ok. live happy in your new house,
you are rıght it is forgotten easily when we dont use it.kaydirigubbakcemile
bende ingilizceyi ögrenmek istiyorum ama konu anltımlı okunuşlu bir sekilde bana cd olarak kolay ögrene bilmem için neyi tavsiye edersiniz lütfen özelden mesajlarınızı atın artık ögrenmek farz oldu bana kararlıyım ne yapayım yardımmmmm.....
canım benim kitabım var fononun güzel anlatıor bol örnekli. cd lerimde var aslında hikaye kitabı edinmelisin başlangıç seviyesi. kitapçılara eski kitap satan yerlere. gittigidiyora bak bi istersen
evrybody can learn english.dont worry and everytime smile...
It is said : eat to live , dont live to eat! so we have to have a must to learn english, ıf the world can be a small town, ıts langue could be english,
It is said : eat to live , dont live to eat! so we have to have a must to learn english, ıf the world can be a small town, ıts langue could be english,

That would be a big tragedy than, because ıf everyone had the same native language CADIARZU
everybody would have the same manners, look the same
there wouldnt be any cultural differences, which -I think- could raise the devil-----> remember the Tower of Babel :1no2:

but anyhow I am with you that it is a must to learn a bit english at least
Dont get me wrong I am only against colonialization :1closedeyes:

Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:

no, i dont get you wrong ,i think you gave me some general informationa.s, but i hadnt meant about colonialization, i think you got me wrong, i only said about necessity of learning english, and i agree of your opinion, but as i said learning foreign language(especially english) a must for us to see closer about what happening in the world, to describe us to world better, i hope you meant that..

have a good weekenda.s.
Hi girls...! It´s very late and you aren´t sleeping??

I have seen this place by chance...! It´s a very good idea to work together...I will always train my english, but often I´m too lazy..! My vocabulary isn´t so big and I have forgotten a lot of words..! I think vocabulary is the important thing for speaking a laguage?? Is that right?
girls, i´m going to is very late and i must sleep a little bit...Monday is working day...kafamçokkarıştı

See you later...GOOD NIGHT!! a.s.
good nıght girls

how are you today? samsun is very hot ... i went to sea today... i enjoyed a lot but i will go to austria

especially i will miss çiftlik road,the samsun shore beach,atakum by nıght and the fener plajı

good by i love kk muck
hello ben de var acemi olmak ve hiç ders çalışmamak. allahım noldu bana böyle çatır çatır ders çalışyordum üç ay oldu bıraktm ben ya :dilcikar:

nazar değmiş olabilir bacım sana,
ben anlamam banane yaaa görelim özetlerini en kısa zamand
a kaydirigubbakcemile2

:icecream::lepi: Şeniz :asigim:
bende evde kendim çalışıyorum
I not married
yes me to bende ıngılozcem gelişsin die yabancı ınsanlarla konuyorum hemde degısık ınsanlar tanımış oluyorum..mesala gecen angoladan bırıyle konustum angola neresıdır haytımda duymmaıstım ama ögrendım hemde inglzceye katkı oluyo
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