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İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

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May be I love this pay.
Because all of them writing englısh very good.
I speak and write englısh very well ten years ago but now not it...
This is right or wrong what?
Please answer... I'm waiting yours idea.
See you soon.


lucita i think many foreigners can understand your englısh but yes there are some mistakes on your grammer .
if you let me to correct them i will repeat your speech with a more proper grammer ok? grammer.
"i may love this topic , because all of you are writing english very well.I was writing and speaking english very well ten years ago however now i am not good at speaking and writing as before.
Are these sentences are correct or not?please answer ...i'm waiting your ideas:)

canım yardımcı olabıldım umarım
uups sorry, i just realize that i made a mistake when saying "let me to correct..." it will be "let me correct.."
İola, your english is perfect..:) i'm curious about your fluency in speaking...how do you practice, what's your way? Is it really necessary to go foreign?
actually, i'm a university student and the education language of my university is english .our theachers are speaking english , we are writing many essays for the exams in english and we are reading many english books about our courses, however it is still not enouhg to say that i know english at a great level.According to me, the best way for speaking is practice .if you don't be shy or if you don't worry about your mistakes ,you can improve your ability to communicate in english very quickly.if you are trying to imrove your english by yourself ,you can try to read books or newspapers in english by asking help from dictionaries and you can try to summarize what you read about.this will help you to improve your grammer.the important point is summarizing because it improves your ability to express any idea and develops your vocabulary .
lucita i think many foreigners can understand your englısh but yes there are some mistakes on your grammer .
if you let me to correct them i will repeat your speech with a more proper grammer ok? grammer.
"i may love this topic , because all of you are writing english very well.I was writing and speaking english very well ten years ago however now i am not good at speaking and writing as before.
Are these sentences are correct or not?please answer ...i'm waiting your ideas:)

canım yardımcı olabıldım umarım

I had more mistakes I think... I was read your answers and I sea them.
Yes, you are help me... Thanks...
(But if I have a mistake please say me... I will sea my mistake where I am.)
slm arkadaslar!!!bu sayfayi daha yeni kesfettim yoksa acildigi günden beri burda olurdum:)
bende lisede ingilizce bölümünü bitirdim sonra ingiliz dili ve edb(istanbul uni)kazandim.ama bazi sebeblerden dolayi devam etmk istmdm,simdi almanyada yasiyorum.burda uniye devam etme hakkim var ama daha önce almanca sinav vermem lazim ve ins az kaldi.ama ben almancayi ilerlettikce ingilizceyi kaybetmeye basliyorum ve bu beni cok korkutuyor!!!!bildgm kelimeleri unutmaya basladimm hep almanca düsünüyorumm!!!ama insallah sizlerle burda sohbet etmekk isterimm....
ay bende yenı keşfettım kıslar ıngılızceyı lısede gordum yabancı dil bolumu mezunuyum ama 5 yıl oldu unutmaya basladım yazdıklarınızın hepsını rahat anlıyorum ama kemdım yazamıyorum umarım bana da yardımcı olursunuz..
slm arkadaslar!!!bu sayfayi daha yeni kesfettim yoksa acildigi günden beri burda olurdum:)
bende lisede ingilizce bölümünü bitirdim sonra ingiliz dili ve edb(istanbul uni)kazandim.ama bazi sebeblerden dolayi devam etmk istmdm,simdi almanyada yasiyorum.burda uniye devam etme hakkim var ama daha önce almanca sinav vermem lazim ve ins az kaldi.ama ben almancayi ilerlettikce ingilizceyi kaybetmeye basliyorum ve bu beni cok korkutuyor!!!!bildgm kelimeleri unutmaya basladimm hep almanca düsünüyorumm!!!ama insallah sizlerle burda sohbet etmekk isterimm....

canım bence panık yapma genellıkle ıkıncı yabancı dıl daha kolay ogrenılır dıye bılıyorum ıngılızceyı bıldıgını ve unutmaya basladıgını soylemıssın unutmuyorsundur sadece pratık hafızadan(bu terimiı sımdı yarattım) sılınıyordur yanı tekrar ettıgınde hatırlarsın onun dısında dıl cok nankor zaten turkce de bıle kullanmaya kullanmaya bırcok kelımeyı konusma dılımızden cıkartıyoruz ama bu o kelımlerı bılmedıgımız anlamına gelmıyor ingilizcede de oyle unuttugunu sandıgın bır cok seyı bır kere bakarak hatırlayacagına ınanıyorum pratık yapıp bır yandan ıngılızce kıtaplar karıstırabılırsın:)
iola can you advise any practice book or English web sites?... i really want to improve it...
English Grammer in use - Elementary

Elementary is the blue one.... I think it will help you to refresh your knowledge...

sorry, not elementary..... It is intermediate ....

somehow I wrote it wrong kafamçokkarıştı ... I had to sen another post as it is not allowed to edit the posts anymore
Some books dont have the correct answers..if there are no correct answers, i can t check and learn my mistakes...
and also i dont know what my level is... intermediate??
Some books dont have the correct answers..if there are no correct answers, i can t check and learn my mistakes...
and also i dont know what my level is... intermediate??

yes, you can find the key at the end of the book.... as far as I understand, you have learnt English and you want to refresh your knowledge... This book will help you to refresh... It is not for beginners, not for advanced either... just the correct one who has knowledge but needs some more practice, refresh....

if you think that you are more than intermediate, you can find the same same book in advanced.... but sure beginner book is nothing for you...
yes, you can find the key at the end of the book.... as far as I understand, you have learnt English and you want to refresh your knowledge... This book will help you to refresh... It is not for beginners, not for advanced either... just the correct one who has knowledge but needs some more practice, refresh....

if you think that you are more than intermediate, you can find the same same book in advanced.... but sure beginner book is nothing for you...

thanks very much, can you tell me who the writers are, and also can you advise any web sites who can improve my English?
I want to study grammers.
Where are them?a.s....
English Grammer in use - Elementary

Elementary is the blue one.... I think it will help you to refresh your knowledge...

sorry, not elementary..... It is intermediate ....

somehow I wrote it wrong kafamçokkarıştı ... I had to sen another post as it is not allowed to edit the posts anymore

dear bonibon,
I think my level is pre-intermediate, at least it was so 5 years ago:utangac: with the time my listening skills are improved and also vocabulary, but I don't have enough idea about grammar:utangac: I thought, that maybe it's good idea to start from the red one "grammar in use" but for one year I try it. But after I read some pages, it comes to boring to mekafamçokkarıştı but there are subjects, which I don't know. I have also the blue one for intermediate level. Do you have an idea, how can I work with this books?hihoyyyt
iola can you advise any practice book or English web sites?... i really want to improve it...

endeniz if you want to improve you grammer, i suggest you to study the books of Cesur Ozturk . i do not remember the exact name of his book which i studied , but it must be " building skills for the proficiency ". i studied his book to pass my proficiency exam.the book contains every structure in grammer it is easy to understand.on the other hand if you want to improve your reading listening writing speaking skills you can study the books preparing you for the toefl IBT exam ,for example baroons, kaplan, cambrıdge , longman toefl books. these books teachs you how to prepare for the toefl but i believe it also improves the english skills
( TOEFL is an exam which holds by USA it is valid in many country , also many company requires toefl score before engaging somebody.)