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bi dosyam var kk ders notlarım diye orada çözmüştüm örnekleri. 15 e kadar kopyalamışım gerisini yapıştırmamışım farketmemişimde. :roflol:
Dear LadyBaltimore,
Who said them to you? They are only i understood u are a student and u have to learn British English as well Amercan English.please dont confuse ur mind cos these have no importance :)
if u let i wanna explain u this issue :)
with SHALL u can only use I or WE as subject pronoun.and usually u offer something.for example, "SHALL I SHUT THE WINDOW?" u say this cos u think that the person u talk to is interrupted with the window ok?
with SHOULD u offer something again but there is a little difference here.i'll explain with the examples.ur friend looks ill and u say him/her "YOU SHOULD SEE A DOCTOR" the difference here is that if ur friend doesn't see a doctor for his/her illness s/he'll be worse.
i hope u'll understand when u read these explanations. and also some words are different in British and Amercian English and sometimes we have to memorize them.but as i said before,dont confuse ur mind with such things oke? :)
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evet kitapta baya ayrıntılıydı sıktı beni. şimdi kitaba bile bakasım yok. hepsi birbirine benziyor gibi.

Hunny as u said they are similar and boring :smiley-cool: but on the other hand they are very easy a.s

CAN : - ebilmek. (Genel yetenekleri bildirir)
I can swim.
She can speak French.

BE ABLE TO : -e bilmek (Özel yetenekleri bildirir)
I'm able to swim.
==>Yukarıdakiyle arasında ne fark var diceksin,şöyle anlatayım sana..aralarında durum farkı var.mesela CAN kullandığında yüzme yeteneğinden genel olarak bahsediyorsun,ama BE ABLE TO kullandığında atıyorum o an havuzdasın,arkadaşın sana sordu sen de evet yüzebiliyorum dedin ve yeteneğini özel bir durumda belirtmiş oldun..demek istediğim ve aralrındaki küçük ayrıntı da budur.

Ayrıca CANin RİCA anlamı da vardır.
Can you open the door,please?

May in de RİCA anlamı vardır.
May I come in?

==> Peki aralarındaki fark nedir? CAN kullandığın zaman,ricayı ettiğin kişiyle samimisin.aranızda herhangi bir statü,power farkı yok..mesela arkadaşından kalemini isteyeceksin;
Can u lend me your pencil? diyebilirsin.

MAY kullandığın zaman ise karşıdaki kişiyle aranızda resmiyet var.Klasik bir örnektir,sinemadasın ve bir bayanın yanı boş.yarına oturmak için izin isterken;
May I sit here? dersin,çünkü bayanı tanımıyorsun.
ya da
Müdürün odasına girmek için kapıyı çaldığında CAN I COME IN? diyemezsin,çünkü eşit statüde değilsiniz,öyle bir durumda MAY I COME IN? şklinde bir ricada bulunursunuz..

Umarım açıklayıcı olmuştur.Takıldığınız noktalarda pm de atabilirsiniz..Sevgilerleeee :1hug:

Dear Grandmother,

Dont read the book "Chariots of Fire" because it is only about sports. I know that you hate all sports.
There were two men and they wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games. Their names were Eric Liddel and Harold Abrahams. Harold's training was in Cambridge, and you hate this town, don't you??? Harold's biggest competitor was the big American runner Carly Padog. His parents came from Germany, but they lived and worked in England. As a little boy, he did well at school. He was tall and he could run very fast. Therefore he started to run. He won many races. And one day he was at the Olympic Games and he had to run against other great runners. The Games were very exciting, and you mustn't get excited because it's bad for your health.
Your grandchildren,
Leon and Raphael
CHARIOTS OF FIRE (W.J. Weatherby)( ateşin yarış arabaları)

Dear Grandmother, (sevgili büyük anne)

Dont read the book "Chariots of Fire" because it is only about sports.(ateşin yarış arabaları kitabını okuma çünkü sadece spor hakkında.
I know that you hate all sports.( bütün sporlardan nefret ettiğini biliyorum)
There were two men and they wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.(orada iki adam vardı ve onlar olimpiyat oyunlarında altın kupayı kazanmak istiyorlardı
Their names were Eric Liddel and Harold Abrahams. (onların adları eric liddel ve harold abrahamdı)

Harold's training was in Cambridge, and you hate this town, don't you???(haroldın antrenmanı cambridgedeydi ve sen bu kasabadan nefret ediyorsun değil mi?
Harold's biggest competitor was the big American runner Carly Padog.(harıldın en büyük rakibi büyük amerikan koşucusu carly padog.)
His parents came from Germany, but they lived and worked in England. (ailesi almanyadan geldi,ama yaşamak için ve çalışmak için ingilteredeydiler.
As a little boy, he did well at school. küçük bir çocukken okulda iyiydi.
He was tall and he could run very fast.(uzundu ve çok hızlı koşabilirdi.
Therefore he started to run. He won many races.(bu yüzden koşmaya başladı. biçok yarış kazandı
And one day he was at the Olympic Games and he had to run against other great runners.(ve bir gün olimpiyat oyunlarındaydı ve diğerleride karşı daha mükemmel koşucuydu.
The Games were very exciting, and you mustn't get excited because it's bad for your health.
Your grandchildren,(oyunlar çok hayecanlıydı ve sen heyecanlı olmamalıydın çünkü bu senin sağlığın için kötü. senin torunların
Leon and Raphael
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training :antrenman
Therefore:bu yüzden
Hi everybody,

The weather is very good today in Istanbul, sunnuy,warm ...etc. But I have to work unfortunately. I want to go to beach and than lunch with my boyfriend. Because I bored work today, I am very busy.
Have a nice day ladies.
dear sila,
ı am going to write to soon as ı find time from my husband.cos he is playing he is at home
hi ladybirddaisy
actually no. i ascend stairs only. and i have got two sporting equipments. i make sport sometimes. are you?

my honey,

I am working about sport. I like watching a sport programme on television but unfortunately I couldn't make a sport. Because I am very busy this days for example I make a reservation hotel, buy a ticket for executive commitee members etc.

This is really :Sports is healthy life!

Are you agree with me ladies?
hello ,ladybirddaisy,
you are bored at work.and you want to have lunch with your boy friend.
are you interested in sports?
the best wishes for you,şutarafagitti

Hi honey,

Yes, I bored today because I dont want to speak telephone but eveyone calling my office.
I interest sport but only watch, I dont have enough time make a sport . If I have a enough time I want to play a tennis.

Have a nice day honey,

Kiss you :smiley-cool:
you don' t want to speak on the phone.everyone calls your must be a big office because it is you earn good like doing sports especially tennis.ı am afraid you like expensive things,
ı hope you have all your wishes soon.
bye bye
No, my office not a very big. I am a executive assistant to presidency. So I am writing a international and national letter about meeting or other details... etc.
I am not good earn salary but better than other assistant.

How about you nartcan?
yes i am agree to you. sports is very important for our healthy.:1hug: how you a job? you said it is about sports. do you sell sporting equpment? or do you work in the gym?
OH MY GOODNESS :smiley-cool:
what is happening here??? ŞenizŞeniz
everybody speaks english??? even perfectly?? :teytey:
finally we have reached our goal, havent we? :hooray:

Maşallah Süphanallah :)))

come on girls go onnnn please
you re doing pretty good

He hesırnaşık şeyYes they are speaking very fluently, I sometimes come and follow them. I am Big Brother.:roflol:

Hey girls you are developing English. I think you are very good. Continue girls continue...a.s.
Hi girls !
Here I am too ! I understand engilish but I don't talk so I don't writting....
Dear ''heart broken'' welcome ,you don't come way teacher
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