- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #721
bende yazamadim kac gundur isler cok yogun. Nartcan aramiza hosgeldin :)))
Thanks a lot my dear.You are so kınd.It's nice to be here and to see how much eager the women have to learn english.we are hardworking because we do lots of things every day,such as cooking,cleaning,ironing,washing,organizing etc.
and we are doing sth. for ourselves for our progressing. (learning eng.)yerimseniben
Swallow and sparrow became close friends.--- Kırlangıç ve serçe yakın arkadaş oldular.
They started walking around in together.------onlar beraber etrafta yürümeye başladılar.
Other swallows said nothing at the beginning about this circumstance.-------diğer kırlangıçlar başlangıçta bu durum bişey söylemediler.
However, the things changed when the swallow started bringing the sparrow to its nest. ----ancak, kırlangıç serçeyi yuvasına getirmeye başladığında işler değişti.
Nest of the swallow was under the eaves of an empty wooden house and there were many nests of swallow next to it.------kırlangıçın yuvası boş tahtadan bir evİN SAÇAKLARININ ALTINDAYDI ve orada biçok kırlangıç yuvasının yanındaydı.
Going there from and there to made swallows disturbed. ------ GİDE GELE kırlangıçları rahatsız etti. ( YAKIN ANLAMI)
Swallows held a meeting and they appointed a spokesman.----BİR TOPLANTI YAPTILAR VE kırlangıçlar görüşme için bir sözcü kararlaştırdılar.
This spokesman told about this circumstance with it in a suitable time and said it not to bring this sparrow to its nest.---------bu sözcü bu durumu uygun bir zamanda anlattı ve dedi ki bu serçeyiyi yuvana getirme.
Although the swallow showed some obstinacy, it finally was obliged to obey by this requirement. ------kırlangıç biraz inatçılık göstermesine rağmen o sonunda bu talebe itaat etmeye mecbur kaldı.
One night the sparrow suddenly wakened while it was sleeping.----bir gece serçe ansızın uyuyorken uyandı
Tree on which it built up its nest among its branches was swinging. -----yuvasının yapılı olduğu ağacın dalları sallanıyordu.
It flied away and had a look-see round the environment. ----o buradan uçtu ve çevrede bakındı.
Thereupon, it recognised that it was an earthquake. -----bunun bir deprem olduğunu anladı.
Its close friend, the swallow, came to its mind.-------yakın arkadaşı kırlangıç aklına geldi.
It arrived at its nest and it weakened its close friend.----yuvasına vardı ve yakın arkadaşıNI SARSTI
It said the swallow to weaken other swallows and the wooden house may be fallen onto the ground. --------kırlangıç DİĞER KIRLANGIÇLARI SARSMALARI GEREKTİĞİNİ. Ve tahtadan ev yere düşebilECEĞİNİ SÖYLEDİ.
The swallow fulfilled what it said.--------kırlangıç dediğini yerine getirdi.
Once the last swallow flied away there, the wooden house was fallen onto the ground.-------- son kırlangıç buradan UZAKLAŞTIĞINDA, Tahtadan ev yere düştü
Later, swallows set up new nests under eaves of another house-------sonra kırlangıçlar diğer BİR EVİN saçaklarının altına yeni yuvalar kurDULAR.
and they did make no rejection for the sparrow t go from---------ve onlar serçein KIRLANGIÇIN YUVASINA GELİP gitmesiNE HİÇ İTİRAZ ETMEDİLER.
and to the nest of the swallow, for the reason that they were owed their life to it.--------- ÇÜNKÜ ONA HAYATLARINI BORÇLUYDULAR
weaken ın en yakın sözlük anlamı buraya uygun sarsmak oluyor I mean in literally
ama uyarmak uyandırmak olarak da güzel olur.
hi everybody...
hi nartcan...
ı m fine and you?
where are you from..
what do you do?
ı m housewife ...
ara vermeye gelmiyor bu ingilizce hemen bildiklerimi dahi unutuyorum...
herkese iyi pazarlarrrr...
hi girls.i am a house wife i have got time. i want to speak enlish with you. but i speak english little. so i write english little.
hi girls.i am a house wife i have got time. i want to speak enlish with you. but i speak english little. so i write english little.
hi everybody...
hi nartcan...
ı m fine and you?
where are you from..
what do you do?
ı m housewife ...
ara vermeye gelmiyor bu ingilizce hemen bildiklerimi dahi unutuyorum...
herkese iyi pazarlarrrr...
yes honey i memorize to words. how have you learned english?Hi sıla,you are perfect.congratulatıons you suggested this topic and thanks to you we are writing in english.
do you memorize the vocabulary you wrote here ?
thanks to the ladies who welcomed me.it's nice to be here and spend time practicing.we are all here for the same aim.little or much.let's help each other in every subject.:icecream:
no honey i am not work. i love english. since my child. and i want to learn english.ok.ı seemy dear friend.you learn 5 words everyday.that's the rıght thing.I learrnt at school but I haven't been using my english for many years.only when ı'm on holiday .
everybody knows little english .don't be afraid of making mistake.
why do you kearn english?
hom do you study?
take care of yourself.
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