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where is everybody today?
tmorrow is weekend.,resting day . sightseeing or windows shopping?
what are you going to do?
where is everybody today?
tmorrow is weekend.,resting day . sightseeing or windows shopping?
what are you going to do?

I am going to/have to read Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer... and what about you? :)
good morning everybody,
it is nice to be here ,.to wake up without any pain.,to see the sun,to live in my country even though there are many conflicts,problems.etc.
simply to be alive ,and to be together with the loved ones and to be aware of these .
have a nice day.
hi ladies,
it is sunny today. the weather is warm. we were climb to down stairs. we have many stairs in apartment. my son was cycling on the walkway. the walkway is large on front of our house.
hi ladies!
everyone's talking about weather i thought i'll give you some updates from Australia too :)
well its the beginning of winter here so it's getting colder everyday.
i'm going go shoping for winter clothes tomorow :dance::dance::dance:
i love shopping :) who doesn't like shopping? right ladies?
talk to you guys later
hello dear,
what do you think you are going to buy?do you try to buy everything on sale or buy what you need*?do you like being abroad?How long have you been there?what about the women and eating habbits there?
write about yourself ,your likes and dislikes?
bye bye

oh i definitely have to buy what i need , if its on sale i won't mind i'm going to get winter clothes for my daughter tomorrow. she's growing everyday so last years clothes don't fit her anymore. it doesn't matter i love shopping even though it's not for me :)
i've been living overseas for the last 6 years.
6 years.and you are 23 years old.why did you go there?if you say for must have got married at an early did you learn eng.,are you happy living there.the only place ı would like to see is Australia,especially Sidney opera house.
take care of yourself.have a nice shopping.
sıla1 what happened to you today.are you ok?
did you go to picnic as the weather is nice?
maybe,you got tired yesterday abd today you are having a rest.
sıla1 what happened to you today.are you ok?
did you go to picnic as the weather is nice?
maybe,you got tired yesterday abd today you are having a rest.
nartcan we were shop today. we bought vegetables and fruit. after we went the supermarket. we bought a toothpaste, a shampoo, a soda water, three chewing gum. after we went a children playgraund. my son was swing. he was slide. and my son was cycle on the walkway. i fryed food. i am very tired now. and i have a pain in my knee. i must ironing shirt. i ironing only one shirt enough for now. but i am weak now. i need a rest. Despite everything it was a beautiful day.
how feel you today? are you fine?
yes is nice to hear from you.ı am you see ı am losing weight and ı managed putting my diet ticker on my profile at the end by the help of my husband.
ıt was a usual day for husband was at home .he took our son to the playground so ı was at home doing housework,cooking and writing for w.c.
take care of must have been very tired.
hi girs

how are you all. I was very busy I haven't talked to you for a long time I miss you guys very much :)) Today the weather is horrible here. It is raining now and tunderstorms ( and dark cloudes all araund. I didn't go to work I gave myself off I felt very tired this morning I think I am getting sick
thank you dear.get well soon.
is it easy there to be off when you feel ill.ifeeling tired is beause of the weather,ı think.dark weather ,and thunderstorms ara enough to make me depressed.ı wonder if you could write about youself and your life there.
what does guy mean.*?ı know as boy
but you use as friends.ı may be mistaken.
thanks honey i am fine. i wonder you and others. get well soon. take care. Şeniz
good morning..........yes i am looking your diet ticker. are you tall? ( boyun kaç kilon kaç nasıl sorulur?)

yeah i got married when i was 18. and yes i got married and came to australia. the crazy thing is i always wanted to see Sydney Opera House too and i live here now :)
i used to work in the city and saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge and The Opera House every single day.
i went to an english course for about 7 months when i first arrived to
Aus and afterwards just picked it up from work, family and of course my husband. i really like living here but of course there are some day i wanna be in turkey with my family.
so what do you do? your english is great. what did you study?
how tall are you ?
how many kilos do you weigh? ( How heavy are you?)

hi dear.
as you know ı am on a diet.they didn't accept me friday teams.of course ı can't spend time waiting for acceptance so ı am losing wait.
ı am 1.63cm.and now 79 kilos.
yoday ı was out and ı ate so much.ı am sorry.
Hi,everyone who wants to practice english in this topic.I am Arzu from İstanbul.
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