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Hi there - my husband and I are ecstatic to report, after 14 months of trying, the first month we tried with PreSeed we got our BFP!!!! We started trying for a baby 14 months ago. I suffered a miscarriage almost 8 weeks into the pregnancy. We have tried to conceive every month since then, and had numerous Dr. appointments, everything was to no avail

I'm on a TTC (Trying to Conceive) discussion thread on Weight Watchers, as well as the forum. A few women had mentioned PreSeed, and I thought "heck... I'm willing to try anything!". I ordered my PreSeed online and it arrived a couple weeks later. Just in time for ovulation! Perfect. I read the instructions and followed them to the letter. 2 weeks later, that glorious "Pregnant" word came out on the home pregnancy test. I have no doubt my wonderful BFP was due in large part to the PreSeed. You have an amazing product that makes peoples' dreams come true. I don't have an ultrasound photo yet, but I will forward it when I get it! Thank you!! J Mills, Canada
Bu kisi ve kocasi 14 ay ugrasmislar ve 8 hftalik bir bebek dusurmus. Bundan sonraki aylarda ugrasip durmuslar bebek icin ve bir suru doktora gitmisler. Ve bu bizim gibi bir foruma kayitliymis FertilityFriends diye orda birkac kisiden duymus bu Pre-Seed i. Demiski ne olsa denerim hamile kalmak icin ve Pre-Seed i siparis etmis ve tamda ovulasyon gununde varmis. Vee 2 hafta sonra hamile oldugunu ogrenmis.
Preseed is a miracle worker. We have been TTC for almost 3 years now and were told based on my husband's motility and sperm count that we had a 1% chance of getting pregnant on our own and IVF with ICSI was our only option. I was suppose to begin the birth control pills and hormone stimulation June 1st. As a last hope, I ordered Preseed after reading all of the testimonials. We have tried everything you can think of to make this happen. After one month of using the Preseed I found out today that I am pregnant. I did not think this would ever happen for us on our own. We feel so blessed and owe it to our faith and Preseed. I would recommend this product to anyone that has given up hope and think the odds are against them. God willing this will be a healthy happy pregnancy. I know next time we try to get pregnant I will be placing my order of Preseed again first thing! ~ A.M.
Bu bayanda Preseed in mucize oldugunu soyluyor. 3 yildir bebek icin ugrasiyorlarmis, kocasinin sperm sayisi ve hareketliligine gore sadece %1 lik hamile kalma ihtimali varmis. Dogum kontrol hapi ve hormon uyarici kullanmasi gerekiyormus Haziran 1 den itibaren fakat Preseed hakkindaki olumlu yazilari okuduktan sonra, son bir umut olarak Preseed i siparis etmis. Hamile kalabilmek icin akliniza gelen herseyi yaptik diyor. Preseed i 1 ay kullandiktan sonra, bugun hamile oldugumu ogrendim diyor. Cok sukretmisler ve bunu inanclarina ve preseed e bagladiklarini soyluyorlar. Tekrar hamile kalmak istediginde yine bunu siparis edecegini soyluyor.
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