we speak english

marselinda . u choose a topic then we dıscuss ıt all together.
ım sorry ı m late. If you want to speak still we can talk about harambe. Harambe is gorilla. He is 17 years old an lives in a zoo in cincinati. Yesterday a boy 3 yaers old fell down in his life area . After than gorilla was shot down by authoritie.... Yes Im a mother and ıcan underdsatand what feel people but gorilla is innocent infact boy is innocent... We are wild animals...Why gorilla is there ? He has to live in forest. What do you think about this event?
I have heard on Muge Anlı and I have searched on the Internet for the video but I couldn't find anything.If you have the video can you send me please :)
yes marsel. ı saw this on tv. ı s really hurtting situatıon for the child and his famılly. as u said ıt s not the gorill or the child mistake . ıt s a mıstake came from mısmanagement. as it ıs a zoo they should take ın attentıon all small detaıls.
yes ım agree wıth, gorılle has to lıve ın wild areas(forest) buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, u know use nimals for show ıt s big income for the governement. that means ıt s question of money( benefit), ın my opınıon,
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F fleur1 yes money money money... Goverments always think money but why are we living? İs Money everything?We dont superior than other animals. No reason cant explain that our ambitions. In my opinion we have to work to beatufiy our worl not money. I have got a son and ı want to bequeath to him clear sky, green earth.. I hope ı could explain my ideas.
wot r u thinking about handicap kids???people ın specıal neds??
hmm good topic. to be a mother or not to be a mother. to grow up a kid is soo long period and you must give lots of thing from your life, your dreams. Sometimes a little thing of life like tooth brush or have a shower can be crisis (( You put your own life in the second plan. ( exc my phd thesis) But all of this difficulty "mother" is the best adjective you ever owned in life. I think child is hope, future and happness. In our culture women have lots of mission but we are not alone while having a child. Because of this my husband and ı arguee. He generally help me but it isnt enought. If men help women there will not handicaps like today. Have you got a child?
ı agree wıth u. motherhood ıs the greatest emotıon ever.yes u forget ur self . when u r feeding ur chıld u forget that u r hungry, when u r takıng care of ur chıld when he s ıll u forget that u r ıll.... ı mean there left no tıme to feel any thıng about ur self , fırst and last chıld, ıt s relly hard and tasty sıtuatıon.
but do u know wot moms feels who have kid wıth specıal needs??? ın one word: moooooooooooooooore hard and moooooooooooooore tasty chıld she ıs takıng care of, ı m ın thıs sıtuatıon
I am just 18 and I am studying at a college so I can't know clearly what motherhood is.Are you mom?
Hallo Girls and woman,

I am Not so good in english, because i Speak not enough. I am verry bad. I am shamed.

Can you give me ideas, as ı learn and Speak better english?
Hallo Girls and woman,

I am Not so good in english, because i Speak not enough. I am verry bad. I am shamed.

Can you give me ideas, as ı learn and Speak better english?
u r not bad at english also. ı learnt english by myself: reading books , listening songs, watch movies, ll by paper and pen. u don t have to feel shy, u r doing good, by opposite u have to be proud by urself, u ll be more better

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I will buy the Pinguin readers Books. I think they are good to learn the language. But ı have many problems when ı Speak.

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English Speaking iş to Terrible for me.
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