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Twilight (Alacakaranlk) Fanatikleri...

yalnız bu başlık feci spoiler kaynıyor, bilmeyen biri gelip okumasın :):)

burası yine iyi yaa..twilightla ilgili olan her yerde nerdyse breaking dawn ı cevirmişler.ben de duyup duyup heyecanlanıom böle mi olmuş olmamış mı fln diye....kaydirigubbakcemile3
daliah bişi sorcam sana honeymoon da edward bellaya zarar mı verio?öyle bişiler duydum da?
evet canım zarar verıyor yatak basları falan gidiorrr kızda curuk carık hak getireee :)))))))
burası yine iyi yaa..twilightla ilgili olan her yerde nerdyse breaking dawn ı cevirmişler.ben de duyup duyup heyecanlanıom böle mi olmuş olmamış mı fln diye....kaydirigubbakcemile3

ah sorma ya kendi adıma cok ozur dilerim ama ınan heyecandan duramıyorumda susamıyorumda..
And then Edward said to Bella:

“Before you, my life was like a moonless night.
Very dark but there were stars---points of light and reason…
And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Suddenly, everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty.
When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black.
Nothing had changed. But my eyes were blinded by the light.
I couldn’t see the stars anymore.
And there was no more reason for anything.”

ustune daha ne diyebilirm kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Bella, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don’t know how it’s tortured me. The thought of you, still, white, cold… to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses… it would be unendurable. You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.

Edward Cullen, Twilight
#1 reason to watch the Oscars? Robert Pattinson!

Need a reason to watch the Oscars Sunday night?

Or at least Tivo the show so you can fast forward to the exciting (cue the ear-piercing screams!!!!) moment when "Twilight" hottie Robert Pattinson steps onstage to present an award?

Pattinson has been widely rumored to show up for Hollywood's most star-studded evening and now HitFix.com is confirming the rumor.

No word on whether his "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart will also appear. Or what award he will present. But who cares?

Wild speculation now is focused on who Pattinson's date will be.

We're betting he flies solo.

Pattinson shot to stardom after playing the young man of millions of teenage girls' dreams, vampire Edward Cullen in "Twilight." The first in a series of films based on Stephenie Meyer's popular book series, "Twilight"

He's expected to begin production in March on the "Twilight" sequel, "New Moon." due in theaters Nov. 2.

Finally, an Oscar red carpet that will interest for teenage girls!

Related Robert Pattinson posts:
Bella, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don’t know how it’s tortured me. The thought of you, still, white, cold… to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses… it would be unendurable. You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.

Edward Cullen, Twilight

"I love you," I whispered.
"You are my life now," he answered simply.
Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, p. 314
"Twilight, again. Another ending. No matter how perfect the day is, it always has to end."
Edward Cullen, p. 495

her kitabında boyle tematik buyuk sozleri var hehe
ay bende 4 . kitabın cıkmasını okumanızı ve deli gibi kaynatmayı bekle bekle ölücemmmmmmmmmmm
kızlar ya bu haber dogru ise cok itici ya. sozumona madonna new moonda oynayacak ve soundtrackte bir parca seslendirecekmis.sarki tamam ama oynaması cok ıtıcı ya...iyice pop kultur birsey olur..gotikligi kalkar...UMARIM DEDIKODUDAN IBARETTIR...OFFFFF

Madonna to be involved in Twilight sequel!
Madonna to be involved in the Twilight sequel ''New Moon!''

According to Ryan on E! News, Madonna will be involved in the sequel to "Twilight" which the second movie will be made on the second book of the "Twilight Saga", "New Moon". Guy Oseary is the executive producer to the movie starring Robert Pattison and Kristen Stewart.
It is unknown to whether Madonna will either act in the second installment to the saga film or sing for the soundtrack or both.
Gaycrest also said it's most likely she'll both appear in the film and do the soundtrack.