sorf yapıodum soyle bir makale cıktı karsıma.3 sayfa uzunlugunda falan bir psikolog yorum yazmıs twilighter olarak anlatılan fan grubuna.
aslı su :
"This is a sad story and not in the star-cross’d lovers category. It’s sad in that we have a teenage girl whose only source of existence is her boyfriend. The whole of her self worth is buried in her boyfriend. The reason for her existence is her boyfriend. Nothing else matters except the moments spent together. Perhaps I’m made of stone and I should see the love in that relationship. When I’m reading, I do. But when it sinks in it depresses me. There are a lot of young, impressionable girls reading these books and it makes me sad to think what they’re going to take away from this. I’d like to say they’ll get that true love really does exist but I’m afraid the magnification they’re going to give it, the romantic levels they’re going to take it to are going to surpass any sense of reality that they should have. It’s OK to put your head in the clouds so long as your feet are on the ground. I can only hope"
kısaca bellanin hayatının sadece erkek arkadasından ibaret olmasının uzucu ve zavallı olmasından bahsedip bu romanı okuyan genc kızlara kendilerini boyle askların var olmadıgına inandırmalarını soyleyip,kendinizi romanın buyusune kaptırın ama ayagınız yere bassın diye ogut vermis.bu bızım durumumuzu acıklıyor sanırım :)))))))))))))))))))