• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

Neti alt üst ettim ama yok!!!

Bu olabilir mi? Fransızca bir siteden buldum

Kızlar çok çok önmli.bir bayan arkadaşım hasta ve ona doğum günü için sürpriz hediye yollamak istiyorum.oraya gidemeyeceğim ama hediyem gitsin istiyorum.parfümün neydi diye sorarsam anlar hemen.parfümü pembe kapaklı patiser mi neydi bütün neti dolandım ama ismini bulamadım ve hatırlayamıyorum da.palette patiser mi öle bi şeydi.pembe kapağı vardı içindeki parfüm böyle tütün kolonyası renginde.çokta harika kokuyor.çiçek kokusu galiba bilemiyorum.kullanan bilen varsa lütfen resimde eklesin.o kolon kanseri ve can dostumun morale ihtiyacı var.

Bu olabilir mi? Markası patti labelle kapak pembe ve renk tutun kolonyası..sanrm bu

valla gir çık gir çık bende merak ediyorum arkadaşına sorcaktın hani nolduuuu parfümün adını buraya yaz nolur içim şişti o kdr kişi Google tarayıp bulamadıysa bu ark nerden almış bu parfümü :52: zaten adını öğrensende bulamazsın gibime geliyyyy :14:
Ay çatlıycam biriniz bulsun artk şu parfümü😊 çok merak ettim

Kadınlar Kulübü Mobil uygulaması kullanılarak gönderilmiştir.
biri demiş ya belkide üretilmiyor artık:(Oysa enfes bir kokuydu ya.bulurum sandıydım.nasıl olurda böyle güzel koku ortadan kaybolur anlamıyorum.

bu olabilirmi acaba :))

Eki Görüntüle 1088220

bu resmide burdan aldim P ile basliyan parfüm markalari

P Nach oben
P1 (2)
P2 Cosmetics (5)
Pacha (12)
Pacific PerfumesPacific Perfumes - Infos zur Marke (18)
Pacifica (24)
Paco RabannePaco Rabanne - Infos zur Marke (54)
Pacoma (18)
Paglieri (1)
Pal Zileri (18)
Palais Aromaetica (9)
Palmolive (6)
Paloma Picasso (5)
Pamela Anderson (2)
Panama Jack (2)
Pancaldi & B (2)
Panouge (4)
Pantheon Roma (4)
Paola Ferri (4)
Paolo Conti (1)
Paolo Gigli (26)
Papillon Artisan Perfumes (4)
Paquin (2)
Para Ti Corporation (1)
Paragon Perfumes (12)
Parah (6)
Parera (11)
Parfum Côte d'Azur - K. C. Joerger (1)
Parfum d'Empire (16)
Parfum de Grasse (8)
Parfum Satori (17)
Parfum-Individual Harry LehmannParfum-Individual Harry Lehmann - Infos zur Marke (62)
ParfumBar (45)
Parfume de Vanille (1)
Parfume Noire (87)
Parfümerie Brückner (32)
Parfumerie de Raymond (1)
Parfumerie GénéraleParfumerie Générale - Infos zur Marke (51)
Parfumerie Liebe (1)
Parfümerie Miller (3)
Parfumerie Naturelle (2)
Parfumerie Rose de Rhodes (4)
Parfümerie Schnitzler (1)
Parfums 137 (7)
Parfums Ailleurs (3)
Parfums Bleu (3)
Parfums Bombay 1950 (12)
Parfums Café (23)
Parfums Christine Darvin (34)
Parfums Chypron (7)
Parfums Ciro (19)
Parfums Codibel (2)
Parfums Corania (6)
Parfums d'Armando Martinez (7)
Parfums d'Imperfiction (3)
Parfums de Charières (11)
Parfums de Coeur / Fragrance Rebel (56)
Parfums de Gency (1)
Parfums de Marcy (5)
Parfums de Marly (16)
Parfums de NicolaïParfums de Nicolaï - Infos zur Marke (59)
Parfums DelRae (9)
Parfums Donelian (1)
Parfums Dorian (3)
Parfums Esmeralda (3)
Parfums et Senteurs du Pays Basque (69)
Parfums Forvil (18)
Parfums Genty (28)
Parfums Jacques Heim (7)
Parfums Jamaica (1)
Parfums Jaspy (1)
Parfums Jean d'Albert (1)
Parfums Kremlin (1)
Parfums Lalun (5)
Parfums Lively (2)
Parfums Liyah (1)
Parfums Love (4)
Parfums MDCI Paris (13)
Parfums Mercedes (3)
Parfums Moneau (2)
Parfums Namara (5)
Parfums Paul Parquet (1)
Parfums Pergolèse Paris (13)
Parfums Privés (5)
Parfums Privilège (1)
Parfums Raffy (5)
Parfums Renée (1)
Parfums Rétro (1)
Parfums Sabrina (1)
Parfums Sophiste (11)
Parfums Valjean (3)
Parfums Victor (10)
Parfums Visari (6)
Paris Elysees (1)
Paris Gallery (26)
Paris Genève (1)
Paris Hilton (16)
Paris Memories (2)
Paris-Bahamas (4)
Park & Tilford (11)
Parlux (6)
Pascal Morabito (26)
Pascal Schaller (1)
Pashana (2)
Patanwalla (1)
Patch NYC (12)
Patricia Kaas (1)
Patricia Murphy (2)
Patrick Cox (2)
Patrizia Pepe (2)
Patrizier Haus Köln (9)
Patti LaBelle (2)
Patyka (6)
Paul & Joe (3)
Paul Donnant (2)
Paul Emilien (4)
Paul Janke (1)
Paul Rieger (10)
Paul Sebastian (9)
Paul Smith (25)
Paul Tranoy (4)
Paul's Boutique (3)
Paula Dorf (1)
Paulina Rubio (1)
Pauline Trigère (2)
Payard (3)
Payot (4)
Peccato Originale (6)
Pecksniff's (29)
Pedro de Leana (3)
Pell Wall Perfumes (23)
Pénélope Zagoras (1)
Penhaligon's (42)
Penthouse (2)
Perfumatory (1)
Perfume by Nature (5)
Perfumer's Workshop (35)
Perfumeria GALPerfumeria GAL - Infos zur Marke (3)
Perfumes Hedoné (1)
Perfumes Polynesia (4)
Perlier (32)
Perris Monte Carlo (6)
Perry Ellis (43)
Persephenie Studio (4)
Peter Andre (5)
Peter Brown Yachting (1)
Peter Nygård (1)
Peter Thomas Roth (1)
Petit Bateau (3)
Pfeilring (2)
PG Parfums (1)
Phaedon (20)
Phat Farm (2)
Phebo (16)
Philippe Venet (1)
Philly & PhillPhilly & Phill - Infos zur Marke (6)
Philosophy (23)
Phoenicia (6)
Phoenix Botanicals (16)
Piacenza 1733 / Ricardo Piacenza (1)
Piazzetta di Portofino (3)
Pickwick Charm Products (3)
Pierre Amouroux (2)
Pierre Cardin (49)
Pierre de Velay (1)
Pierre Dune Parfumeur (6)
Pierre Durrani (5)
Pierre Laussey (2)
Pierre Lorain (7)
Pierre Sterlé (12)
Pierre Wulff (1)
Pilar & Lucy (3)
Pimkie (33)
Pineider (8)
Pino Silvestre (11)
Pinrose (10)
Pirate Parfum (51)
Pirouette (12)
Pitbull (2)
Pitralon (5)
Pixie Lott (1)
Pizza Hut (1)
PK Perfumes (12)
Places des Lices (8)
Plantes et Parfums de Provence (1)
Platinum J (5)
Playboy (21)
PMP Perfumes Mayr Plettenberg (1)
Pnina Tornai (1)
POGOPOGO Jo Kemby (2)
Poiray (3)
Pola (5)
Police (33)
Pollena-Lechia (1)
Polly Bergen (2)
Polyaromatics (1)
Pomellato (6)
Pompöös - Harald Glööckler (9)
Ponti Parfum (55)
Pony Kampen (4)
Popy Moreni (5)
Pork Barrel BBQ (1)
Porphyrogene (6)
Porsche Design (6)
Portland General Store (10)
Ports 1961 (1)
Possets (230)
Potter & Moore (6)
Pour le Monde (3)
Pout (1)
Pozzo di Borgo (4)
PP Perfumes (7)
PradaPrada - Infos zur Marke (33)
Prai (4)
Prescriptives (4)
Prestige de Menton (4)
Primavera (1)
Prime Collection (7)
Prime Enterprises, Mumbai (1)
Primrose House (1)
Prince (2)
Prince de Lorme (2)
Prince Henri Pierre d'Orléans (2)
Prince Henrik (1)
Prince Matchabelli (81)
Prince Obolenski (1)
Prince Parfums (2)
Princess Bea Auersperg (1)
Princesse Carolina (1)
Princesse Marina de Bourbon (38)
Pringle of Scotland (1)
Priscilla Presley (8)
Privé (4)
PriyaMeansLove (3)
Próchnik (3)
Procter & Gamble (15)
Proderma (1)
Profumi Capri (2)
Profumi del Forte (19)
Profumi di Pantelleria (10)
Profumo di Firenze 1954 (4)
Profumo Napoli (2)
Profumum RomaProfumum Roma - Infos zur Marke (33)
Project D by Dannii and Tabitha (3)
Promod (9)
Promoparf Exclusive (4)
Prospector Co. (4)
Proteo Profumi (5)
Provence & Nature (67)
Provence Santé (9)
Provida Organics (4)
Providence Perfume (17)
Prudence Paris (27)
PuigPuig - Infos zur Marke (39)
Pull & Bear (13)
Puma (33)
Pupa (30)
Puppy Love (1)
Pure Fiji (10)
Pure Natural Diva (4)
Puredistance (5)
Purplecat Creatives (15)
Pussy Deluxe (6)
Pyrus (16)

Korsan parfüm yapıp fotosunu mu çektin yoksa :))) ay içim şişti parfüm aramaktan ama bu meraktan kurtulamıyor insan... adı ne bu parfümün.. :)

HAhaha buna cok güldüm evet sanki korsan yapmis gibi görünüyor nekadar uyanik :9::9::9:
bu olabilirmi acaba :))

Eki Görüntüle 1088220

bu resmide burdan aldim P ile basliyan parfüm markalari

P Nach oben
P1 (2)
P2 Cosmetics (5)
Pacha (12)
Pacific PerfumesPacific Perfumes - Infos zur Marke (18)
Pacifica (24)
Paco RabannePaco Rabanne - Infos zur Marke (54)
Pacoma (18)
Paglieri (1)
Pal Zileri (18)
Palais Aromaetica (9)
Palmolive (6)
Paloma Picasso (5)
Pamela Anderson (2)
Panama Jack (2)
Pancaldi & B (2)
Panouge (4)
Pantheon Roma (4)
Paola Ferri (4)
Paolo Conti (1)
Paolo Gigli (26)
Papillon Artisan Perfumes (4)
Paquin (2)
Para Ti Corporation (1)
Paragon Perfumes (12)
Parah (6)
Parera (11)
Parfum Côte d'Azur - K. C. Joerger (1)
Parfum d'Empire (16)
Parfum de Grasse (8)
Parfum Satori (17)
Parfum-Individual Harry LehmannParfum-Individual Harry Lehmann - Infos zur Marke (62)
ParfumBar (45)
Parfume de Vanille (1)
Parfume Noire (87)
Parfümerie Brückner (32)
Parfumerie de Raymond (1)
Parfumerie GénéraleParfumerie Générale - Infos zur Marke (51)
Parfumerie Liebe (1)
Parfümerie Miller (3)
Parfumerie Naturelle (2)
Parfumerie Rose de Rhodes (4)
Parfümerie Schnitzler (1)
Parfums 137 (7)
Parfums Ailleurs (3)
Parfums Bleu (3)
Parfums Bombay 1950 (12)
Parfums Café (23)
Parfums Christine Darvin (34)
Parfums Chypron (7)
Parfums Ciro (19)
Parfums Codibel (2)
Parfums Corania (6)
Parfums d'Armando Martinez (7)
Parfums d'Imperfiction (3)
Parfums de Charières (11)
Parfums de Coeur / Fragrance Rebel (56)
Parfums de Gency (1)
Parfums de Marcy (5)
Parfums de Marly (16)
Parfums de NicolaïParfums de Nicolaï - Infos zur Marke (59)
Parfums DelRae (9)
Parfums Donelian (1)
Parfums Dorian (3)
Parfums Esmeralda (3)
Parfums et Senteurs du Pays Basque (69)
Parfums Forvil (18)
Parfums Genty (28)
Parfums Jacques Heim (7)
Parfums Jamaica (1)
Parfums Jaspy (1)
Parfums Jean d'Albert (1)
Parfums Kremlin (1)
Parfums Lalun (5)
Parfums Lively (2)
Parfums Liyah (1)
Parfums Love (4)
Parfums MDCI Paris (13)
Parfums Mercedes (3)
Parfums Moneau (2)
Parfums Namara (5)
Parfums Paul Parquet (1)
Parfums Pergolèse Paris (13)
Parfums Privés (5)
Parfums Privilège (1)
Parfums Raffy (5)
Parfums Renée (1)
Parfums Rétro (1)
Parfums Sabrina (1)
Parfums Sophiste (11)
Parfums Valjean (3)
Parfums Victor (10)
Parfums Visari (6)
Paris Elysees (1)
Paris Gallery (26)
Paris Genève (1)
Paris Hilton (16)
Paris Memories (2)
Paris-Bahamas (4)
Park & Tilford (11)
Parlux (6)
Pascal Morabito (26)
Pascal Schaller (1)
Pashana (2)
Patanwalla (1)
Patch NYC (12)
Patricia Kaas (1)
Patricia Murphy (2)
Patrick Cox (2)
Patrizia Pepe (2)
Patrizier Haus Köln (9)
Patti LaBelle (2)
Patyka (6)
Paul & Joe (3)
Paul Donnant (2)
Paul Emilien (4)
Paul Janke (1)
Paul Rieger (10)
Paul Sebastian (9)
Paul Smith (25)
Paul Tranoy (4)
Paul's Boutique (3)
Paula Dorf (1)
Paulina Rubio (1)
Pauline Trigère (2)
Payard (3)
Payot (4)
Peccato Originale (6)
Pecksniff's (29)
Pedro de Leana (3)
Pell Wall Perfumes (23)
Pénélope Zagoras (1)
Penhaligon's (42)
Penthouse (2)
Perfumatory (1)
Perfume by Nature (5)
Perfumer's Workshop (35)
Perfumeria GALPerfumeria GAL - Infos zur Marke (3)
Perfumes Hedoné (1)
Perfumes Polynesia (4)
Perlier (32)
Perris Monte Carlo (6)
Perry Ellis (43)
Persephenie Studio (4)
Peter Andre (5)
Peter Brown Yachting (1)
Peter Nygård (1)
Peter Thomas Roth (1)
Petit Bateau (3)
Pfeilring (2)
PG Parfums (1)
Phaedon (20)
Phat Farm (2)
Phebo (16)
Philippe Venet (1)
Philly & PhillPhilly & Phill - Infos zur Marke (6)
Philosophy (23)
Phoenicia (6)
Phoenix Botanicals (16)
Piacenza 1733 / Ricardo Piacenza (1)
Piazzetta di Portofino (3)
Pickwick Charm Products (3)
Pierre Amouroux (2)
Pierre Cardin (49)
Pierre de Velay (1)
Pierre Dune Parfumeur (6)
Pierre Durrani (5)
Pierre Laussey (2)
Pierre Lorain (7)
Pierre Sterlé (12)
Pierre Wulff (1)
Pilar & Lucy (3)
Pimkie (33)
Pineider (8)
Pino Silvestre (11)
Pinrose (10)
Pirate Parfum (51)
Pirouette (12)
Pitbull (2)
Pitralon (5)
Pixie Lott (1)
Pizza Hut (1)
PK Perfumes (12)
Places des Lices (8)
Plantes et Parfums de Provence (1)
Platinum J (5)
Playboy (21)
PMP Perfumes Mayr Plettenberg (1)
Pnina Tornai (1)
POGOPOGO Jo Kemby (2)
Poiray (3)
Pola (5)
Police (33)
Pollena-Lechia (1)
Polly Bergen (2)
Polyaromatics (1)
Pomellato (6)
Pompöös - Harald Glööckler (9)
Ponti Parfum (55)
Pony Kampen (4)
Popy Moreni (5)
Pork Barrel BBQ (1)
Porphyrogene (6)
Porsche Design (6)
Portland General Store (10)
Ports 1961 (1)
Possets (230)
Potter & Moore (6)
Pour le Monde (3)
Pout (1)
Pozzo di Borgo (4)
PP Perfumes (7)
PradaPrada - Infos zur Marke (33)
Prai (4)
Prescriptives (4)
Prestige de Menton (4)
Primavera (1)
Prime Collection (7)
Prime Enterprises, Mumbai (1)
Primrose House (1)
Prince (2)
Prince de Lorme (2)
Prince Henri Pierre d'Orléans (2)
Prince Henrik (1)
Prince Matchabelli (81)
Prince Obolenski (1)
Prince Parfums (2)
Princess Bea Auersperg (1)
Princesse Carolina (1)
Princesse Marina de Bourbon (38)
Pringle of Scotland (1)
Priscilla Presley (8)
Privé (4)
PriyaMeansLove (3)
Próchnik (3)
Procter & Gamble (15)
Proderma (1)
Profumi Capri (2)
Profumi del Forte (19)
Profumi di Pantelleria (10)
Profumo di Firenze 1954 (4)
Profumo Napoli (2)
Profumum RomaProfumum Roma - Infos zur Marke (33)
Project D by Dannii and Tabitha (3)
Promod (9)
Promoparf Exclusive (4)
Prospector Co. (4)
Proteo Profumi (5)
Provence & Nature (67)
Provence Santé (9)
Provida Organics (4)
Providence Perfume (17)
Prudence Paris (27)
PuigPuig - Infos zur Marke (39)
Pull & Bear (13)
Puma (33)
Pupa (30)
Puppy Love (1)
Pure Fiji (10)
Pure Natural Diva (4)
Puredistance (5)
Purplecat Creatives (15)
Pussy Deluxe (6)
Pyrus (16)

HAhaha buna cok güldüm evet sanki korsan yapmis gibi görünüyor nekadar uyanik :9::9::9:

bu liste sanırım amazondakini aynısı ve ben bunların hepsine baktım, bi kaç tane benzeyeni de çıkardım, ama yok sanırım :/