• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
hi girls

how are you today ? I haven't slept yet here is 2am in the morning now :( what happened to the vocabularies on the third pharagraph nobody wrote anything yet. have you guys already gave up ??

ought to meli malı şeklinde çevrilebilecek bir gerekliliği gösterir.
ought to ile o eylemin yapılmasıın bir görev veya doğruluk gereği olduğu belirtilmiş olur

she ought to understand poor people___yoksul insanları anlamalı ( yoksul insanlara anlayış göstermesi dürüstlük gereğidir.

you ought not to make a noise in the library___kitaplıkta gürültü yapmamalısınız (gürültü yapmanız doğru değil.)

ought to ile mişli mastar

have ve fiilin 3.şeklinden oluşan mastar birlikte kullanılırsa ihmal edilip yapılmamış bir görev veya iyi hareketi anlatır.

you ought to have told your mother that you'd be late____geç kalacağını annene söylemeliydin.

ought ve shold
should ile ought aynı anlamda kullanılır.

we ought to work hard_____çok çalışmalıyız
we should work hard______çok çalışmalıyız
kk nın yarısı ingilizce biliyor bir benmiyim kalan:senağlama:
offff anlaşıldı öğrenemeyeceğim ben bunu:senağlama:
kk nın yarısı ingilizce biliyor bir benmiyim kalan:senağlama:
offff anlaşıldı öğrenemeyeceğim ben bunu:senağlama:
tatoşum selam napalım yavaş yavaş olacak galiba ama çok çalışmak lazım işte üstüne düşmek lazım. bizim gibi günde yarım saat bakmakla olmıcak galiba. okulda nasıl günde 6-7 saat ders görüyorlar vs. inşallah ilerde kursa yazılırız. bu arada sen neler çalışıyorsun şimdi kelime ezberliyordun noldu?
goodmorning everybody.
it is not so nice to get up early if you feel tired.
ı went to bed at 01 a.m. and ı woke up at 7 a.m this morning.my son sleps but ı can't sleep.
ı am alıttle bit angry today.
hello nartcan why are you angry today? whats happened?
i wish ı had been your student.ı would have been so young now.
ı was also an old teacher and ı am still having contacts with my students by the help of facebook and this makes me so happy for that reason ı asked,ı had written all about my life beforeand ı haven'T been teaching for a long timeand ı forgot most of the things .thanks to sıla 1 ı am trying to use english.
teaching and being a teacher is holy job as everybody knows.
are you an old english teacher ?? vaw!
thank you very much what you said about my eng.ı studied eng.at university.but before winning öss.ı had decided that ı would study eng.and ı managed this.ı am from a small town,ı started from books like sıla1.ı was a hard working student.ı am hard working and stern about everthing except eating.later ı worked as a teacher than ı became deputy headmaster and ı worked for 8 years.and then ı found a husband and ı left everything that ı had.my work,my home town,my friends, my social status.and ı culdn't work for two years.meanwhille ı attended some courses such as ornamental designs of neclace etc

dear sıla1 .look at page 83 please.ı had written that before .you may have missed it.
yes.ı was a teacher in a known private school once upon a time.
and ı especially like practising more than giving grammer rules.but of course it is also necessary.
my dear friend if you want you to enjoy.you will enjoy.it is nice no see you.
ı have also a son who is 2 and half years old.
so you have only one year toı learn english.you are luckier than the ones who are trying to learn here because you are living in a foreign country.you have to speak when you go out .do you often go out alone.?girls here have to spend time to learn words but you can learn by living:1hug:
Yes, you are right.I really want to learn English.When I was in Turkey I had learned English just for to pass the tests.After I came here,I had felt so sorry.Also,I was afraid to speak people who really know English well.However Now I try to talk everybody .That's very helpful for me to improve my English.
Note:If I have mistakes about writing can you fix it for me? Thanks a.s.
yaa allah aşkına ingilizce yazdığınız cümlelerin altına anlamlarını da yazsanızda bana kolaylık yapsanız çok memnun olacağım...sevgilerrrr a.s.
dear tatoş.
it is nice to please someone if it is a good way.
if we write turkish meaning it wont be so helpful. you should force yorself to understand.first youshould write what you understand .lets see how succesful you are. if you are wrong we will correct.
bye bye.
dont be angry.
dear tatoş.
it is nice to please someone if it is a good way.
if we write turkish meaning it wont be so helpful. you should force yorself to understand.first youshould write what you understand .lets see how succesful you are. if you are wrong we will correct.
bye bye.
dont be angry.

:1shok::1shok: hiçbir şey anlamadım canım yaaaa :çok üzgünüm::a015:
Yes, you are right.I really want to learn English.When I was in Turkey I had learned English just for to pass the tests.After I came here,I had felt so sorry.Also,I was afraid to speak people who really know English well.However Now I try to talk everybody .That's very helpful for me to improve my English.
Note:If I have mistakes about writing can you fix it for me? Thanks a.s.

dear friend,
dont be afraid of making mistakes.even in our native language we make mistakes and try to remember how sweet the foreigners who are speaking turkish.
this is a chance for you.
ı had learnt english just for passing the exams.for için anlamını veriyor ve iki prepositiona gerek yok:uhm:
after ı had come here,ı felt so sorry. iki olaydan önce olan past perfect le gösterilir.önce oraya gittin sonra pişmanlık hissettin.:çok üzgünüm:
Hadi bakalim 4. paragrafta benden lsun :((( ogretmenlerimden yorumlari acilen bekliyorum ve sinif arkadaslarimdan da kelimeler ile ilgili katilim bekliyorum yine konu dagildi gibi geliyo bana 1 haftamiz doluyor daha hikayeyi bitiremedik :(((((

Her shouts startled the White Rabbit, who ran past her again. Mistaking her for his maid, he ordered, "Go to my cottage and fetch my gloves and fan."
Alice was confused by the Rabbit's behavior. "May be I'll find something at the cottage to help me," she said hopefully.

Onun (alice) cigligi ile ona dogru geri kosan tavsan irkildi. Onu hizmetcisi ile karistirdi . Ve dedi ki benim kulubeme git ve eldivenlerimle yelpazemi getir. Tavsanin bu davranislari Alice nin kafasini karistirdi ( veya alice ni kafasi karisti tavsanin hareketlerinden dolayi ) belki kulubede bana yardimci olacak birseyle bulabilirim dedi alice umitle.( insallah )
neden bilmiyorum ama kisa bir paragraf olamasina nazaran bana zor geldi yanlis anlamis olabilirim ama umutluyum :)))
dear friend,
dont be afraid of making mistakes.even in our native language we make mistakes and try to remember how sweet the foreigners who are speaking turkish.
this is a chance for you.
ı had learnt english just for passing the exams.for için anlamını veriyor ve iki prepositiona gerek yok:uhm:
after ı had come here,ı felt so sorry. iki olaydan önce olan past perfect le gösterilir.önce oraya gittin sonra pişmanlık hissettin.:çok üzgünüm:

Thank you.I'm going to be careful next time.Byeea.s.
birini memnun etmek yapılacak iş doğru ise güzeldir.(ancak ben yazdığımızcümlelerin altına açıklamasını yazmanınsizi çaba sarfetmekten alıkoyacağını biliyorum.her nekadar siz hayır sadecce ne kadar doğru anlıyabiliyorum bunu gösteriyor desenizde.)
biz türkçe anlamını yazdığımızda o sizin için yararlı bir yöntem değildir.önce siz ne anladığınızı yazın sonra biz cevap olarak ne kadar doğru anladığınızı gösterelim.ok mi*sevgili tatoş cum. kızmayın gücenmeyin lütfen .
ama arkadas tam olarak beginner ise ve cumle kurmayi dahi bilmiyorsa nasil anlayacak ?? Ya anlamadigi icin vazgecerse :((
A piece of chocolate cake was kept on a table by the doorway. Next to the cake was a note that read "EAT ME". "I'm so hungry," Alice said as she ate the cake. "I feel strange. Oh no ! I've grown larger than this house !" she cried.

"Get out of my way ! You're blocking thedoor !" shouted the White Rabbit. Alice managed to pick up his fan. Immediately, she began to shrink.

"Oh, I'll never get back to the right size," Alice cried. She went looking for help. Soon, she saw a green caterpillar dressed in a pink jacket. He was sitting on the top of a large mushroom, smoking a bubble pipe. "One side makes you big, the other side makes you small," he said to Alice before slithering away.
"One side of what?" Alice called after him."The mushroom, silly," he answered.
Alice ate a piece of the mushroom."Thank goodness, I'm growing !" she cried, "But
which way do I go?"

"That path leads to the Mad Hatter. The other way leads to -Lae March Hare," said a voice. Alice turned to find a smiling Cheshire Cat in a tree. "I'll see you later at the Queen's croquet game," he said before disappearing.
Alice walked down a path, "How lovely ! A tea party," she thought.
"There's no room for you !" shouted the Mad Hatter, "You may stay if you answer my riddle." Alice smiled. She loved riddles.
After several riddles, Alice became confused. "Every time I answer, you ask a question," she told the Mad Hatter.
"We don't know any answers," he giggled. "This is a waste of time," scolded Alice. The others ignored her. They were trying to wake the Dormouse.
Alice continued her walk. She found herself in the middle of a field where the Queen of Hearts was playing croquet. Her guards and gardeners were shaped like cards. One gardener had planted white roses by mistake and then painted them red, "Off with their heads !" shrieked the Queen. "I hate white roses !" "Have you ever played croquet?" the Queen asked Alice.
"Yes," Alice timidly answered. "But I've never used a flamingo or a hedgehog." "Play with me !" ordered the Queen."And let me win or I'll have your head !" Alice tried her best to play we,l, but she had trouble with her flamingo. "Off with her head !" cried the Queen. Just then a trumpet sounded at the distance calling court to session.
Everyone rushed into the courtroom. "Court is now in session," announced the White Rabbit, "Will Alice please come to the stand?" Alice took the stand and looked at the jury box, where the March Hare and the Mad Hatter were making noise. The Dormouse slept and the Cheshire Cat smiled at her. "What's going on?" asked Alice.
"You are guilty of stealing the delicious heart-shaped tarts !" accused the Queen, "And now you must be punished. Off with her head Off with her head!" yelled the Queen.
"How silly," replied Alice. "I did not have the slightest idea what you were talking about ! I was only playing croquet."
Alice felt someone touch her shoulder, "Wake up. You've been sleeping for too long," said her sister softly.
"I had a strange dream," said Alice. She told her sister about the White Rabbit, the mad tea party, the Queen of Hearts and the trial. But her sister wasn't paying attention. "You're reading again," mumbled Alice. As she stretched, Alice saw a little White Rabbit with pink eyes scurry behind a tree.

doorway:--------kapı aralığı
manage: --------kullanmak,çevirmek
bubble: ----------kabarcık
slithering:----------kayar gibi yürümek,kaymak,sürünmek
silly: ----------ahmak
shape:---------biçim, şekil
timidly:-------- mahçup,utangaç
rush: -----------hızla akmak
announce:--------ilan etmek,anons etmek
slightest-----hiçe saymak
Hadi bakalim 4. paragrafta benden lsun :((( ogretmenlerimden yorumlari acilen bekliyorum ve sinif arkadaslarimdan da kelimeler ile ilgili katilim bekliyorum yine konu dagildi gibi geliyo bana 1 haftamiz doluyor daha hikayeyi bitiremedik :(((((

Her shouts startled the White Rabbit, who ran past her again. Mistaking her for his maid, he ordered, "Go to my cottage and fetch my gloves and fan."
Alice was confused by the Rabbit's behavior. "May be I'll find something at the cottage to help me," she said hopefully.

Onun (alice) cigligi ile ona dogru geri kosan tavsan irkildi. Onu hizmetcisi ile karistirdi . Ve dedi ki benim kulubeme git ve eldivenlerimle yelpazemi getir. Tavsanin bu davranislari Alice nin kafasini karistirdi ( veya alice ni kafasi karisti tavsanin hareketlerinden dolayi ) belki kulubede bana yardimci olacak birseyle bulabilirim dedi alice umitle.( insallah )
lady ben kelimeleri vermiştim ama bikaç tane daha yazdım. yanlız cümledeki kelimeyi buluyorum kelimeninde birkaç anlamı oluyor hepsini tek tek deniyorum hangisi uyuyorsa bazen hiçbirinide uyduramıyorum buyüzden kelime tercihini kendin yaparsan ii olur. bazı cümleleri hiç anlamadım :1no2:
bir dili öğrenmenin en iyi yolunun ,o dilin konuşulduğu ülkede yaşamak olduğunu herkes bilir.çünkü başka şansınız yoktur hiç bir şey bilmeden gitseniz bile ben anlamıyorum diye vazgeçemessiniz ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamak ,iletişim kurmak için öğrenmek zorundasınızdır.burda tabiki öyle bir ortam yok.ancak bu bir dersi ingilizce anlattıktan sonra şimdi türkçesinide anlatayım demektirki hiç de doğru değildir.sorun varsa tabiki açıklama yapılır.
ne yaptım biliyormusun ilk sayfadan belli bir yere kadar burada yazılanları okudum.tatoş ilk günlerden beri burda ve ingizceyi seven,ama konuşmaktan çekinen ve farklı alanlardada ilgileri olan bir arkadaş .bütün çabalar desteklenmeye değerdir.hiç bir şey yapmadan tv karşısında vakit geçiren bir sürü bayan arkadaşımız var.çaba sarfetmeden öğrenme olmaz,tatoşcukda burdan vazgeçmez.bir sürü nick dolaşmış buralarda ama kalanlar ve süreklilik gösterenler hep belli bir gayret içinde olanlar yada yardım etmekten paylaşmaktan zevk alan arkadaşlar.önce tatoşcum ne anladığını yazacak sonra ben türkçesini yazacağım .