• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

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Dear bonibon.
hello.ı wonder about you.are you still working?why did you go abroad?if you don't mind.

Hi Nartcan
I'm a housewife here because of my son and English.My husband is doing his doctorate in US.That is why I,m here.See you..

Not:Ustume alindim cevap yazdim ama :1rolleyes:

Bence senin ceviri de super olmus canim cok anlasilir sanirim ikimizin de anlama seklimiz ayni :)) Senin cevirdigin paragraf kelime acisindan da zengin dedigin dogru bu kelimeler gun icerisinde en az 3-5 kere karsimiza cikacak kelimeler ( ozellikle bizim gibi usa da yasayanlar icin) uzerlerinde durmakta fayda var. Bunlari daha iyi kavramak icin baska cumleler kurabilir ve aklimiza iyice yerlestirebiliriz.

Hole --delik cukur ---- There was a huge hole in the road---
Cumle yolda buyuk(kocaman) bir delik vardi.

Drop --- birakmak,dusme, iptal etmek, damla,damlamak ya cok manasi var bu drop un ahahaha

Cumle I dropped my purse on a chair ( cantami sandalyenin uzerine biraktim ) dropped past tense

dreadful-------korkunc dehsetli

Cumle-- I've had a dreadful mistake ( korkunc bir hata yaptim )

hadi devamini siz getirin bayanlar ekip calismasi :)))
hi dear,
welcome.you ara so sweet..sorry for my impoliteness.we are all here for sharing.when some of the ladies here welcomed me ,ı had felt very happy .you are right.
then anwer my questions please
how long have you been there?
how long will you live there?
how old is your son.?
what's your husband's sıubject*?
where do you live?
where are you from?
how do you spend time there?
whatever you want you can write.
bye bye
your translation is good. ( sanirim cevirin güzel olmus demek istedin)

you translate it ( sen cevir)

aslinda söylede daha güzel olurdu : better you translate it... ( sen cevirsen daha iyi olur)

translation : ceviri
translate : cevirmek

bu arada sila söylemeden gecemiyecegim senin cevirilerin de cok güzel... bence sen de dene... yaptigin hatalardan ögreniyorsun... vazgecme en azindan kücük bir paragraf cevir derim ben... :teselli:
tamam öğretmenim kırarmıyım hiç seni:teytey:
"It's the one behind the table," she cried, "but I'm too big to fit through such a little door. May be the potion in that bottle will help me," she decided. And she drank it.
Alice began to shrink until she was no bigger than a doll. She opened the door and quickly ran through it. "What a splendid garden !" she exclaimed. "Why, I'm no bigger than the insects that crawl on these flowers." But the excitement soon wore off. Alice grew bored with her tiny size. "I want to be big again," she shouted.

masanın arkasında biridir diye ağladı. ‘Ama ben Küçük bir kapıdan geçmek için çok büyüğüm. Belki bu şişedeki iksir bana yardım edebilir.’ karar verdi. Ve onu içti. Alice bir oyuncak bebekten daha büyük olmayıncaya kadar küçülmeye başladı. Kapıyı açtı içinden çabucak koştu. Ne muhteşem bir bahçe diye haykırdı. ‘Neden çiçeklerin üzerinde sürünen bu böceklerden daha büyük değilim?’ Ama çok geçmeden heyecanı yavaş yavaş yok oldu. Alice küçücük bedeniyle sıkıntısı büyüdü. Tekrar büyük olmak istiyorum diye bağırdısenağlama
Dear bonibon.
hello.ı wonder about you.are you still working?why did you go abroad?if you don't mind.

sure nartcan... it is normal that you want to know more about me as I didn't write much about myself...

I was an English teacher ... After 10 long teaching years, I had to change to tourism. But it is still not too far from teaching as I work as a Training Coordinator...

If you once get in tourism, you can never know where you fly :)) hope next stop will be in Turkey again :))

hope it is enough for now :smiley-cool:
ı see.Thank you very much.if you come to turkey,let us know.
10 years of teaching is not a short period.did you live in turkey _while you were living teaching.?
if so ,you must have lots of student in turkey.
do you have contacts with your students?
good morning eveybody.
have nice weekend.ı got up at 5.30 a.m.
so ı am sleepy but ı won't be able to sleep.
good morning eveybody.
have nice weekend.ı got up at 5.30 a.m.
so ı am sleepy but ı won't be able to sleep.
good morning nartcan. i got up 5.50 a. m. i am sleepy too. my son is awake now. we will go to the playground and we will buy milk and yoghurt. we will come back noon. after i will sleep maybe.
goodmorninğ everyone

ı get up 11:30 :)))
ı m lazy :senağlama:

yazışıyorsunuzda bende bir anlasam dahada süper olacak....can ı help you please
Hello girls.I'm not a english teacher.but i like learning languages
Hey girls!
Hope you are doing fine. I'm waiting for my love,like always:) Haven't heard from him since last night, miss him sooooo much. I don't know why he doesn't call me so much as before. Maybe because we often had discussion while we were talking almost every 2 hours:) But love him no matter what. Love him more than he knows.

And I love you allll girl! I love KK..
hi dear,
welcome.you ara so sweet..sorry for my impoliteness.we are all here for sharing.when some of the ladies here welcomed me ,ı had felt very happy .you are right.
then anwer my questions please
how long have you been there?
how long will you live there?
how old is your son.?
what's your husband's sıubject*?
where do you live?
where are you from?
how do you spend time there?
whatever you want you can write.
bye bye

I'm so sorry.It' was my mistake also I felt so embarrassed myself.Then let me answer to your questions.
I have been here for 2,5 years.I hope we will stay here until next year.Actually, we are waiting for my husband to graduate from his school.
My son is almost 2 years old.He is so active i spent a lot of time to take care of him.Therefore i don't study enough.
My husband subject is Economics We live in Texas .I hope I'll enjoy in this group .Byeeea.s.
ı see.Thank you very much.if you come to turkey,let us know.
10 years of teaching is not a short period.did you live in turkey _while you were living teaching.?
if so ,you must have lots of student in turkey.
do you have contacts with your students?

thanks a lot.. will let you know when I come... I have been teaching in Turkey as well. I still have contacts with many students... many of them knows what I am doing and where I am ... are you one of my students sengözlerimebaksanab
I'm so sorry.It' was my mistake also I felt so embarrassed myself.Then let me answer to your questions.
I have been here for 2,5 years.I hope we will stay here until next year.Actually, we are waiting for my husband to graduate from his school.
My son is almost 2 years old.He is so active i spent a lot of time to take care of him.Therefore i don't study enough.
My husband subject is Economics We live in Texas .I hope I'll enjoy in this group .Byeeea.s.

my dear friend if you want you to enjoy.you will enjoy.it is nice no see you.
ı have also a son who is 2 and half years old.
so you have only one year toı learn english.you are luckier than the ones who are trying to learn here because you are living in a foreign country.you have to speak when you go out .do you often go out alone.?girls here have to spend time to learn words but you can learn by living:1hug:
i wish ı had been your student.ı would have been so young now.
ı was also an old teacher and ı am still having contacts with my students by the help of facebook and this makes me so happy for that reason ı asked,ı had written all about my life beforeand ı haven'T been teaching for a long timeand ı forgot most of the things .thanks to sıla 1 ı am trying to use english.
teaching and being a teacher is holy job as everybody knows.
goodmorning everybody.
it is not so nice to get up early if you feel tired.
ı went to bed at 01 a.m. and ı woke up at 7 a.m this morning.my son sleps but ı can't sleep.
ı am alıttle bit angry today.
Hey girls!
Hope you are doing fine. I'm waiting for my love,like always:) Haven't heard from him since last night, miss him sooooo much. I don't know why he doesn't call me so much as before. Maybe because we often had discussion while we were talking almost every 2 hours:) But love him no matter what. Love him more than he knows.

And I love you allll girl! I love KK..
[/QUOhi dear,
the last sentences are so interesting.
do you think he is worth of this.you are dıscussing dear,it happens between people.you can'T do it on her own. you know better of course.you are flirting now and you are strong.
take it easy.he will call.
but ı think you will call if he insists on not calling you.it is also a way.but the reasons of your discussions are important.
take care of yourself.:asigim:senağlama