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good morning mirmirmirmir what's up girls?
while i was a little child i believed that.............. this can be our topic if you want.. there was a topic like this in''hayata dair'' and it was really funny...i think we will have fun while we are trying to explainsositososito
good morning mirmirmirmir what's up girls?
while i was a little child i believed that.............. this can be our topic if you want.. there was a topic like this in''hayata dair'' and it was really funny...i think we will have fun while we are trying to explainsositososito
hello.my name is sivaslı58.how are you.
yorgun savaşçı I am sorry ama ben okadar çok ingilizce bilmiyorum canım ne dediginin çogunu anlayamadım![]()
ım fine thanks and you :)) are you sick? ımmmmmmmmmm ( geçmiş olsun ama nası denir bilmiyo cnm )
do we use while or when, duygu?:uhm:
when/while i was a little child, i believed that there are all good people in my circle :ecrin_bebek:
thanks mnla a.s.
my grammar level is -2i mix up when/if, many tenses, of/from
but some informations, which i learned through the songs, stay longer in my head. sositososito
when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, what will i be...
i remembered this song, when i rode/have readen/readen (i don't have idea how can i use the verb here) the topic. therefore i asked it.