• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

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good morning mirmirmirmir what's up girls?
while i was a little child i believed that.............. this can be our topic if you want.. there was a topic like this in''hayata dair'' and it was really funny...i think we will have fun while we are trying to explainsositososito
i thought that god is male.because everybody said 'god father''(Allah baba) saw me. when i went to bathroom i was ashamed..because i believed the god was looking at me and it's shamefulsırnaşık şey and i was hiding with the towel:roflol:
good morning mirmirmirmir what's up girls?
while i was a little child i believed that.............. this can be our topic if you want.. there was a topic like this in''hayata dair'' and it was really funny...i think we will have fun while we are trying to explainsositososito

do we use while or when, duygu?:uhm:

when/while i was a little child, i believed that there are all good people in my circle :ecrin_bebek:
good morning mirmirmirmir what's up girls?
while i was a little child i believed that.............. this can be our topic if you want.. there was a topic like this in''hayata dair'' and it was really funny...i think we will have fun while we are trying to explainsositososito

hello.my name is sivaslı58.how are you.

welcome sivaslı58a.s. please join us. duygu has written the topic for today. (we speak everyday about a different subject.) please write, what you think. a.s
yorgun savaşçı I am sorry ama ben okadar çok ingilizce bilmiyorum canım ne dediginin çogunu anlayamadım :(
ım fine thanks and you :)) are you sick? ımmmmmmmmmm ( geçmiş olsun ama nası denir bilmiyo cnm )
do we use while or when, duygu?:uhm:

when/while i was a little child, i believed that there are all good people in my circle :ecrin_bebek:

kizlar suan biraz mesgulum. kendim aciklayamiycam ama bir siteden size alinti yapicam. aslinda gayet iyi anlatmis ama olur da akliniza takilan yer kalirsa vakit bulur bulmaz aciklarim seve seve... kirmizi ile isaretledigim yer direk sorunuzun cevabi ama gozden gecirmis olmak adina hepsine bir bakmanizi tavisey ederim.. sevgilera.s.

What is the difference between when and while?
Both when and while can be used to talk about actions or situations that take place at the same time.
We can use both words to introduce a longer 'background' action or situation, which is/was going on when something else happens/happened.

Somebody broke into the house when they were playing cards.
While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house.
Note that when and while clauses can go at the beginning or end of sentences.
We usually use while to say that two longer actions or situations go / went on at the same time.
While you were reading the paper, I was working.
If we are talking about ages and periods of life, we use when:
When I was a child we lived in London (NOT While I was a child …)
His parents died when he was twelve (NOT … while he was twelve)

We can use (just) when to say that two short actions or events happen / happened at the same time:

I thought of it (just) when you opened your mouth.
While is not possible in this situation.
4 Reduced clauses
It is often possible to leave out subject + be after when and while:

While/When in Germany, he got to know a family of musicians. (=While/When he was in Germany …)
While vs whilst
There is no difference in meaning between these two words. In British English whilst is considered to be a more formal and literary word than while. The different spellings that exist today have their origins in changes to the words in Middle English and later.
hello ladies hihoyyyt
today i had 2 tennis matches. we lost the first one and then we win the second.. today i'm a tired warrior too :jeyyar:

very good topic duyguudelikafadulden i can say so many thing about it cause when i was a child i got so many things wrong due to my imagination kaydirigubbakcemile3

first of all when we go to "days"(meeting of housewifes) with my mom, they were asking me if i would like to drink tea. and of course i was drinking tea but the tea was coming very hot. everybody was saying that a cold water should be added to the tea. and my mother was always saying that "taş olur" answering these people. i mean my mother was thinking that adding cold water to a hot tea will make kidney stones..
but whenever my mother says "taş olur" i believe that tea will be a stoneedelikafadulden and i was really afraid of that situation delikafadulden think about it, a tea is turning into a stone delikafadulden
stupid me :emir_bebek:
thanks mnla a.s.

my grammar level is -2 :utangac: i mix up when/if, many tenses, of/from :utangac: but some informations, which i learned through the songs, stay longer in my head. sositososito

when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, what will i be...

i remembered this song, when i rode/have readen/readen (i don't have idea how can i use the verb here) the topic. therefore i asked it.
kaydirigubbakcemile3 astraea, i'm the only one tired warrior, ok? :dilcikar:
i was joking honey, ok welcome!a.s.

delikafadulden it was very good imagination of you delikafadulden tea becomes stone kaydirigubbakcemile3
thanks mnla a.s.

my grammar level is -2 :utangac: i mix up when/if, many tenses, of/from :utangac: but some informations, which i learned through the songs, stay longer in my head. sositososito

when i was just a little girl, i asked my mother, what will i be...

i remembered this song, when i rode/have readen/readen (i don't have idea how can i use the verb here) the topic. therefore i asked it.

u may have problems with grammar but as far as i see you (all) have good communication skills. sometimes it's more important and advantageous than a flawless grammar knowledge. by the way you may have already seen it , but here in kk the default language for messages is English. So it's very easy to find out the spelling mistakes. if u write something wrong, it will be underlined. so if u look at your sentence above "when i rode/have readen/readen" you will see that something is wrong with it. I presume you meant "when i wrote" . the past form of the verb "to write"....
