• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
i am the one always preparing the topics :çok üzgünüm:

girlsss dont be lazylülülülülülü

i'm not lazy:dilcikar: i tought all day. i was standing hours long and i get my period today senağlama

if you want to help yorgun savascı of course you can my sweet baby:jeyyar:

did you say something bad about me? fisfisfis delikafadulden

then: lets write, what do you think about the different between the life today and in your childhood.
Son düzenleme:
but i can't find:1no2: becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i don't feel good enough i'm just trying to change my mood

ok then
how was your exam today? if you want you can swear and curse your professors lülülülülülü
just remove the hate inside honey delikafadulden
maybe it'll be helpful for your bad moodşakkıdı
ok then
how was your exam today? if you want you can swear and curse your professors lülülülülülü
just remove the hate inside honey delikafadulden
maybe it'll be helpful for your bad moodşakkıdı

i'm getting better today:ecrin_bebek: and my exam was goodsositososito
duyguuuu delikafadulden
come ooon delikafadulden
lets activate our topic again :kızgın:
:dilcikar: i'll not suggest topics anymore. you didn't write about th topic, which i suggested yesterday night. :çok üzgünüm:

:dilcikar: i'll not suggest topics anymore. you didn't write about th topic, which i suggested yesterday night. :çok üzgünüm:


delikafadulden dont blame us tired warrior. now i've just seen the topic after reading your message. because i think you've edited your message and add the suggestion.. so we didint see it.. delikafadulden
believe me if I have seen it (görmüş olsaydım böyle mi denir yahu) I would definetaley write you an answer.. cause I'm the one always suggesting some subjects to talk :delphin:
delikafadulden dont blame us tired warrior. now i've just seen the topic after reading your message. because i think you've edited your message and add the suggestion.. so we didint see it.. delikafadulden
believe me if I have seen it (görmüş olsaydım böyle mi denir yahu) I would definetaley write you an answer.. cause I'm the one always suggesting some subjects to talk :delphin:

ok astraea, i believe you yerimseniben if i could check your sentences (i mean as english knowledge) i would be the happiest woman of the world, but unfortunately i can't. i can say, if you say/write, it's right :utangac:

so i write about my own suggest topic :dilcikar: :
if i was a child, istanbul was a very nice city. :asigim: it was save, cleaner and more quiet than now. :çok üzgünüm: we could leave our balcony doors open even on 1. floor at night, can you imagine?

we could play on the street in a central place of istanbul. the parents were not afraid of the bad people, who can harm their children. :ecrin_bebek: the travel from work to home wasn't taking so much time like today.
as far as I understand, your childhood was in İstanbul. Then you should say "When I was a child" instead of "if I was a child.
and i think the word "save" should be "safe" isnt it? this must be a keyboard mistake, sorry to mention..
and i think there is something wrong in "we could leave our balcony doors open". it kinda means "balkon kapılarımızı açık bırakabilirdik-ama bırakmıyorduk-yani yapılmamış birşey hakkında yapmış olmamız gerekiyordu anlamında oluyor bu şekilde"
oops i used so many turkish words here :1shok:

and lastly i'm coming to the topic naniknanik
you are definitely right dear! when i was a child we were making so many games on our street in front of the apartment. we were playing hide and seek, some rope games, 5 stones and etc.. it means that we were social children. we've had so many friends and learned so many things while playing with them.
but nowadays.. technology came at a great point. but we cant make good uses from it. the computers and the internet makes children so unsocial and unsensitive.. i am really sad about that. because they have so many opportunities to learn things and they all know so many things about everything. and unfortunately they are like a robot.. how sad is that..
hence, i missed the "real" friendship environment in my childhood. i dont miss it for myself, i'm missing for the children of today..:çok üzgünüm:

and this is the excellent topic ever honey:1hug:
Son düzenleme:
:mymeka: how stupid I am!

we have spoken about if sentences and than i write "if" instead of "when". and again writing mistakes, yes safe (save because of negatif transfer from german- in german v sounds f ). thank you very much honey a.s.

and how can i say : "we can leave our balcony doors open" in past tense? maybe with "have" or something like that? i understood what you mean, my sentence is is wish claus, i think.:utangac:
:mymeka: how stupid I am!

we have spoken about if sentences and than i write "if" instead of "when". and again writing mistakes, yes safe (save because of negatif transfer from german- in german v sounds f ). thank you very much honey a.s.

and how can i say : "we can leave our balcony doors open" in past tense? maybe with "have" or something like that? i understood what you mean, my sentence is is wish claus, i think.:utangac:

i thought about it so much but i didnt find a correct form indeed:çok üzgünüm:
thats why i just corrected you and change the subjectnaniknanik
and lastly i'm coming to the topic naniknanik
you are definitely right dear! when i was a child we were making so many games on our street in front of the apartment. we were playing hide and seek, some rope games, 5 stones and etc.. it means that we were social children. we've had so many friends and learned so many things while playing with them.
but nowadays.. technology came at a great point. but we cant make good uses from it. the computers and the internet makes children so unsocial and unsensitive.. i am really sad about that. because they have so many opportunities to learn things and they all know so many things about everything. and unfortunately they are like a robot.. how sad is that..
hence, i missed the "real" friendship environment in my childhood. i dont miss it for myself, i'm missing for the children of today..:çok üzgünüm:

and this is the excellent topic ever honey:1hug:

i agree with you! i've a little niece. she is one year old now. :emir_bebek: but i'm so sad for her. because she will not have th chance to play with real friends on the street kaydirigubbakcemile and to get dirty while playing delikafadulden, to learn many important things, which she can't learn through internet and books. :1no2: firendship, fairness, helping one another etc.
tired warrior i agree all of your words.. if one day i will have a child, i will try to make his/her life different from the ones of today..

now i should go to bed.. good night to yousengözlerimebaksanab and dont make us away from your good topics ok? :jeyyar:

see you aroundkaydirigubbakcemile5
delikafadulden dont blame us tired warrior. now i've just seen the topic after reading your message. because i think you've edited your message and add the suggestion.. so we didint see it.. delikafadulden
believe me if I have seen it (görmüş olsaydım böyle mi denir yahu) I would definetaley write you an answer.. cause I'm the one always suggesting some subjects to talk :delphin:

if i had seen it, i would have definitely write an answer.. ---> Conditional Type 3 (unreal Past) gecmiste olan bir olay hakkinda bugun hayali ya da farazi bir yorumda bulunurken kullanilir. yasanan duruma aksi bir ihtimalden bahseder anlam olarak. siz mesaji gormedniz ve cevap yazmadiniz. simdi gorseydim yazardim dediginiz zaman bu kalibi kullaniorsunuz.

IF +Subject+past perfect + object, Subject+would+have V3.

ex: if i hadnt studied hard enough, i would have failed the exam. ( eger yeterince calismasaydim, sinavdan kalirdim) ama gercek ne? yeterince calistim ve sinavi gectim.
if i had seen it, i would have definitely write an answer.. ---> Conditional Type 3 (unreal Past) gecmiste olan bir olay hakkinda bugun hayali ya da farazi bir yorumda bulunurken kullanilir. yasanan duruma aksi bir ihtimalden bahseder anlam olarak. siz mesaji gormedniz ve cevap yazmadiniz. simdi gorseydim yazardim dediginiz zaman bu kalibi kullaniorsunuz.

IF +Subject+past perfect + object, Subject+would+have V3.

ex: if i hadnt studied hard enough, i would have failed the exam. ( eger yeterince calismasaydim, sinavdan kalirdim) ama gercek ne? yeterince calistim ve sinavi gectim.

Şeniz çok teşekkür ederim yaa
gramerden uzak kalalı yıllar oluyor ve bu tip çok kullanılmayan kalıpları unutmuşum bu nedenle. arasıra buralara bakabilirsiniz belki hihoyyyt
Şeniz çok teşekkür ederim yaa
gramerden uzak kalalı yıllar oluyor ve bu tip çok kullanılmayan kalıpları unutmuşum bu nedenle. arasıra buralara bakabilirsiniz belki hihoyyyt

canim arada bakiyorum ama cok bariz gramer hatasi olmadigi surece cok mudahele etmekten yana degilim. cunku gunluk konusma kaliplari zamanla oturacak seyler ama gramer hatasini gorur gormez duzeltmeye calisiyorum. ben mesajlari bugunku mesajlar kismin takip ediyorum genelde. yani siz aktif olursaniz daha sik gorurum ve elimden geleni zevkle yaparim... gercekten hos bir topic, en guzel ogrenme yollarindan birini kullaniyorsunuz. umarim verimli olur herkese..a.s.