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and he asks her " Do you have hotel rezervation or can I offer you a good one?":roflol:
:roflol: :roflol:
Ms.pembroke is shocked in one more time! :1shok: She says angrly " no! why do you ask me? Am I looking go for a holiday? But you can suggest a good hospital now! "

naniknanik :teytey:
Son düzenleme:
Harikasınız kızlarrrr :lepi::roflol:
eroman woooww:roflol:
thanks heartbroken :dance: ,let's you write,too. we are waiting for your wonderful sentences :içelim:
kızlar eger kursa gıtmeye vaktınız yoksa yada paranız..evde öğreten setler var..çook faydalı bence...ben de daily lights varr bi araştırın derim...
Hello the friends,I didn't look at before,I can't speak english,I am able to speak very little


good night
thanks heartbroken :dance: ,let's you write,too. we are waiting for your wonderful sentences :içelim:

my pleasure honey :icecream:


After he heards these words that she speaks, he suddenly feels annoyed. He puts on the impatient traveler's voice and asks, any word about your flight?
Nothing yet! She answers with a delicious smile (peh peh )
Where are you going to? she asks
To turkey :icecream: he answers :roflol:
she wows :1shok:


well I tried,I really tried. what a mess. an early disaster
That is why I come up from my basement of nonsense story to ask for your companionship in this adventure.
I need words from you :içelim:
Now I need some sleep :1rolleyes:
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after a quick look at their tickets, they figure out that they're flying with the same plane and sitting right next to each other. after they get on the plane they start chatting about the holiday and Mr Eroman tells her that Antalya is his hometown and he can show her a lot of historical places during the day and great night clubs at nightsyerimseniben

she would like to accept this offer quickly, but no! She couldn't! It should be not so easily.:jeyyar:
im tired, im really very tired benneyaptımki
i was plannig 2 go 2 holiday but with this boss.... its impossible
hi gırls how is going )....ı am is very boring...ı want to go to at home...
ı will come to my mother on ankara ....ı miss my mother
ı must go..see you later ..take it easy bye
I suppose the story was finished.Nobody go on it. Anyway, I have difficulty in writing because of my guests. thanks everybody who join these activitiy.good practice...
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