- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #461
the fifth apartment house flat ours, the third is theirs.---------( beşinci apartman dairesi bizimkidir, üçüncü onlarınkidir)
one of my plate was broken.---------------------------------------------------------------------------(tabaklarımdan biri kırıldı)
i bought four box of milk and my son has drunk some-------------------------------------.( dört kutu süt aldım ve oğlum birazını içti)
some people are clemency but some arent.-------------------------------------------------- ( bazı insanlar merhametli ama bazıları değil)
have you got any relation here please ? ---------------------------------------------------------( bu yerde hiç akraban var mı?)
my visitors came but i havent got any fruits.---------------------------------------------------( misafirlerim geldi. hiç meyvem yoktu)
i cooked cake. did you eat any? ------------------------------------------------------------------( kek pişirdim hiç yedin mi?)
öğretmenlerimiz derslerimize bakar mısınız please??
the fifth flat is ours, the third is theirs.
one of my plates was broken
I bought four boxes of milk and my son has drunk some
my visitors came but i havent got any fruit-
I baked cake. did you eat some?