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mirmirmirmir hey girls, what's up? i wasn't online on last days,when you were online i think. i came so late, and nobody was online:çok üzgünüm:

i hope you all are well! i'm good, happy but very tired. kaydirigubbakcemile3 i'm a tired warrior mirmirmirmir
my duygu beyto friend,thank you for warning,ı understoond you. ı hope ı will use to correct words another times.
girls,ı'm studing lesson, so ı am not online morning .ı hope see you later.take care of yourself .ı kiss you(altogether)

welcome HOŞŞUM hihoyyyt

we are here for correcting our mistakes and have a chat cokacimcoook
so i want to say sth as usual:
understoond--> should be "understood"
i'm not online morning -->i'm not online ON mornings
i will use to correct words another times-->i will use correct words for another times


you are working so hard nowadays :1no2: i hope you had a great sleep tonight:1no2:
Hi girls,
I new at this topic ,I don't know english well but I remember something from my education. I want to practice couse I have a new mail friend from Norwey and we talking eachother in English,She love Türkiye and I want to make this love bigger :)
Can you help me?

welcome honey. you are just at the right place kaydirigubbakcemile5
if you let, i want to make some corrections in your writing. please pay attention to the red colours.

I AM new at this topic ,I don't know english well but I remember something from my education. I want to practice couse I have a new mail friend from NorwAy and we ARE talking TO each other in English,She loveS TURKEY and I want to make this love bigger :)

you said you dont know english well but as far as i see you are very good at this :jeyyar: we are selecting some topics to talk about every day. but nowadays we are kinda lazy and don't chat much.:1no2: but if you join us you can get some benefit from there i think cokacimcoook soo welcome again :içelim:

thanks my dear Şeniz this corrections, these have been good for me fisfisfis (bu cümlede kullandığım gramer yapısı hakkında hiçbir fikrim yok) :mymeka: let's try in english CADIARZU i have no idea about the grammar structur, which i tried to use in this sentence) kafamçokkarıştı

you are working so hard nowadays :1no2: i hope you had a great sleep tonight:1no2:

yes honey :çok üzgünüm: i'm tired but happy warrior; working means earning money :jeyyar: :tomato:

welcome unbendable a.s. please be not so lazy like the other girls in this topic :1no2: please write as much as possible, so at least astraea,duygu and the other lazy staff can check our sentences, i mean they can work :jeyyar:

UNBENDABLE,did you offer to invite her our country?
and you can talk about beauty of our country.
you can talk about our antiquities....byee

UNBENDABLE,did you offer to invite her our country?
and you can talk about beauty of our country.
you can talk about our antiquities....byee

She came Alanya last summer and she said me''I loved your country so much' ,
I told her lots of things about where I'm living and where I was born,That places are Bursa and Trabzon,I said her if they want to come Turkey this summer too I can offer many places ,If she say me how they want to spend their holiday times I will offer her lots of places from Fethiye to Cappadocia.

But now we are talking for recognizing to each other ...

I'm at office and I'm working so I can not write fastly but I'm following this toppic.

I thing I'm using so much
conjunction in one sentence. naniknanik

Thanks for all your corrections I will try to thing more carrefully
where are you?
I have a headache and so I don't want to do anything.

get well soon honey:çok üzgünüm: i was at home all day.. we have a guest for 3 days hihoyyyt guess who is it?delikafadulden it is a little persian cat :1ninca: it is a baby cat and always wants to have a game with us. so it is very enjoyable to play with it kaydirigubbakcemile3 i think i am getting away from my prejudices about cats :jeyyar:

oh my goshhhh is astraea becoming a cat-lover:1shok: you will see your love will get bigger day by day..they aree sweet animallssss espeacially the little onessss
oh my goshhhh is astraea becoming a cat-lover:1shok: you will see your love will get bigger day by day..they aree sweet animallssss espeacially the little onessss

he is sleeping by my side now :asigim: it is like an angel.. :asigim:
what is happening to meeedelikafadulden
he is sleeping by my side now :asigim: it is like an angel.. :asigim:
what is happening to meeedelikafadulden

very nice.
can ı ask you ,astraea something?
ı don't know features of the persian cats.
which features have they got?
can you explain me ,please?

my god protects it from all evils....hihoyyyt
and i'm really sick night i was at emergency servicesenağlama today i woke up in early morning i felt better i went to mu school then i started feel terrible it was getting worse and i came back to home before class..i have an examm today at the last hour but i can't take teacher said me ''your grades are high no problem if you are bad you can go''delikafadulden and thiss night i'm flying to trabzonnnnhihoyyyt
Son düzenleme:
very nice.
can ı ask you ,astraea something?
ı don't know features of the persian cats.
which features have they got?
can you explain me ,please?

my god protects it from all evils....hihoyyyt
first of all it is not my cat and i'm not good at cats actually :1no2: whisky(its name) is our guest for 3 days. i don't know the details but they are so cute,quiet and have expressive looks:asigim: so innocent..:asigim:

oohh honeyy i can imagine how sweet it is..:asigim:
kiss it for me:1hug:

i cannot kiss but maybe kissing from a distance is all i can do şakkıdı
hi girls ,I'm back .I couln't resist you any more,and duygu beyto I thank you very much for calling me back,I was lazy a bit but when I stay away ,I couln't catch you any more,I hope,you are all good,I'm looking forward to meet new friends,Those days,I'm trying to quit smoking,but İt is really hard,I miss it,but it has been 28 days today,ladies support me please.. :teselli:
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