Cümle tamamlama soruları
1. ____ I would never have felt the need to
read them.
A) Whichever of these modern plays he may
decide to direct
B) Unless some books on the care of house
plants are given to me as a present
C) However many cookery books my husband
may care to give me
D) Until I saw him intently reading those
E) If she had not written so enthusiastically
about the diaries of Scott of the Antarctica
2. ____ ,we need to find ways to cope with
A) As the disease wasn’t cured
B) If relaxation was essential for a healthy mind
and body
C) After we had learned the living conditions
D) Whether he has confidence in our plans or
E) Since we can not remove stress from our
Benzer cümle soruları
1. I surely couldn’t have been expected to
forgive him readily as this wasn’t the first
time he’d tried to cheat me.
A) It was only natural that I should have been
unwilling to forgive him as he had behaved
dishonestly towards me on other occasions.
B) As he’d tried to cheat me on several previous
occasions, I felt I was right not to forgive him
this time.
C) It was impossible for me not to forgive him
even though he’d tried to deceive me several
times before.
D) I might have been willing to forgive him if
this had been the first I’d caught him cheating
E) Since this wasn’t the first time he’d
attempted to deceive me I was obviously not
going to forgive him.
2. All agree that the environment has to be
protected, but should it really take priority
over education and public health?
A) Are we all agreed that the needs of
environmental protection should take priority
over the claims of education and public health?
B) Though the need for environmental protection
is not contested, do we really regard the claims
of education, and public health as of less
C) It is not agreed that the claims of education
and public health cannot be ranked below those
of environmental protection?
D) However pressing may be the needs of
environmental protection, is it not generally
agreed that those of education and public health
should take priority?
E) The claims of education and public health will
come high on our list of priorities, but can't we
agree to put those of environmental protection
even higher?
3. He should face the fact that he'll never
be as great a pianist as his father .
A) The father is a wonderful pianist, but the son
shows even more promise.
B) The father is a great pianist, and the son is
hoping to be at least his equal.
C) I don't think he'll ever admit that his father is
the greater pianist, but he ought to.
D) As a pianist, he's just not the equal of his
father and never will be, so he'd do well to
accept the fact .
E) The son seems set to surpass his father as a
pianist; he even admits the fact
4. I do wish they could have planned the
journey so as to allow us a week in London.
A) If only the travel arrangements had made it
possible for us to spend a week in London.
B) We hoped they would rearrange the
programme to allow us a full week in London.
C) Travel arrangements have been made so as
to allow us a whole week in London.
D) They have arranged for us to travel to
London and spend a week there.
E) They plan to allow us a week in London if
that’s what we wish.
5. They might just as well close the cafe for
this year, as the tourists have all left.
A) They can’t be bothered to run the cafe after
the tourist-season is over.
B) Once the season is over and the tourists have
gone, they’ll probably decide to close the cafe.
C) I think they plan to close the cafe once the
tourists have all gone away.
D) There’s no point in keeping the cafe open
now, since the season is over and there are no
more tourists around.
E) Since the tourists have gone, they find it
hardly profitable to keep the cafe open.
6. Millions of Germans are uneasy about the
prospect of reform because they fear the
process will be painful, but they suspect
that in the long run it will have to come.
A) As they expect the process of reform will
prove extremely painful, millions of Germans are
reluctant to admit that in the end it will have to
B) Though it's obvious that, sooner or later
reform is inevitable, the feeling among a lot of
people in Germany is that it should be
postponed for as long as possible.
C) A great many people in Germany find the
likelihood of reform worrying as they are afraid
it will prove unpleasant, but they have a feeling
that in the end it will be inevitable.
D) Since the process of reform promises to be
unpleasant, the majority of Germans are trying
to pretend that it need never happen.
E) Though they admit that there is a need for
reform, millions of Germans nevertheless fear
the process, which will inevitably be painful, and
seek to postpone it.
7. He finds the new job far more
demanding than the old one, but I expect
he'll soon get used to it.
A) He has to put a lot more effort into this job
than into the previous one, but he'll soon get
used to it.
B) His former job was easier than his present
one, but that was because he was used to it.
C) Once he was settled into his new job, he'll
probably find it just as stimulating as his old
D) Until he's familiar with the work in the new
job, he's obviously going to find it less pleasant
than the old one.
E) Until he gets accustomed to the new job, he'll
wish he had stayed in the old one.
8. You would do well to wait a little before
buying a car.
A) If you are thinking of buying a car, this is the
right time.
B) You must realize that this is not the right
time to change old car.
C) Don't buy now; car prices are expected to
D) It would be better if you didn't buy a car just
E) Buy a car now and you won't regret it later.
9. We might well find that we need more
than three weeks in which to complete a
report of this kind.
A) It shouldn't take us more than three weeks to
finish a report like this one.
B) We might as well try to get this report
finished within three weeks.
C) I don't imagine we can get through this
report in three weeks, but we can try.
D) A report of this kind has never been drawn
up in under three weeks.
E) It's quite likely that three weeks won't be
sufficient for us to finalize such a report.
10. For many years now transport planners
in the UK have been demanding that
motorists pay directly for the use of roads.
A) In the opinion of British transport planners, it
is the motorists themselves who should have
paid for the upkeep of the roads all these years.
B) Over the years, transport planners in the UK
have been suggesting that the upkeep of roads
must be paid for by the motorists themselves.
C) Transport planners in the UK have, for a long
time now, been insisting that those who use the
roads must pay for them directly.
D) British transport planners recommended, a
long time ago, that those who use the roads
must pay for their upkeep directly.
E) In Britain, transport planners have been
arguing for many years that the upkeep of the
roads is the responsibility of motorists.
11. He should have known better than to
have left his son in charge of the factory if
only for a week.
A) Though it was only for a week, it was foolish
of him to make his son responsible for the
running of the factory.
B) it was quite wrong of him to leave his son to
run the factory for as long as a week.
C) it was foolish of the boy to imagine he could
take his father's place in the factory for a week.
D) He must have known that he couldn't leave
his son in charge of the factory for a whole
E) He was mistaken in thinking that his son was
up to the responsibility of running the factory for
a week.
12. You should be able to tell the meaning
of this word from its context.
A) The context of the word gives one a pretty
good idea of what it must mean.
B) Out of context I couldn't say what this word
C) As you know the subject well, can't you make
out what he's trying to say?
D) You don't know the word but you can still
make an educated guess as to what it means.
E) It wasn't difficult to figure out what he was
trying to say.
13. I don't believe she is particularly clever,
but she has a great deal of charm and
people tend to do what she wants.
A) Though she really is not very intelligent, she
has charm and people are always pleased to
accept her leadership.
B) She may not be very bright, I personally
don't think she is; but she certainly has a
winning way with people so they generally act in
the way she wants.
C) Her intelligence is no more than average, but
she makes up for this with charm, so she can
manipulate people easily.
D) It is as much her charm as her intelligence
that enables her to make people act in the way
she wants them to.
E) She doesn't need to be intelligent as she has
the gift of knowing-how to charm people so that
they act in the way she wants.
14. I can't understand why we haven't
heard from him yet: he must have received
the parcel several days ago.
A) Surely he would have contacted us
immediately on receiving the parcel; but it's
hardly likely that it hasn't reached him.
B) I'm worried because he still hasn't contacted
us could it be that the parcel still hasn't reached
C) It's odd that he still hasn't got in touch with
us: surely the parcel reached him at least a day
or two ago.
D) I was sure he'd get in touch with us about
the parcel; could it be that he hasn't received it
E) He really ought to have got in touch with us
before this, unless, of course, he still hasn't
received the parcel.
15. Some scientists think that a meteor
impact, that occurred around 65 million
years ago, may have caused the extinction
of the dinosaurs.
A) In the opinion of some scientists, the
extinction of the dinosaurs could have been the
result of the impact of a meteor which occurred
roughly 65 million years ago.
B) According to some scientists, the extinction of
the dinosaurs was caused by a meteor that
struck Earth 657 million or so years ago.
C) Some scientists reckon that the impact of a
meteor that struck Earth some 65 million years
ago need not have caused the extinction of the
D) These scientists agree that the impact of a
meteor over 65 million years ago must have
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.
E) The extinction of the dinosaurs could only
have been caused by a meteor impact that
occurred some 65 million years ago.
16. The sooner we get the new system into
action, the better.
A) Once the new system is working, the
situation will improve.
B) We should get the new system working as
soon as possible.
C) Sooner or later we'll have to install a new
D) At some future date a new system is going to
be necessary.
E) We are going to get a new system installed
without delay.