• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

Saç Rengi ve Saç Boyama Kına,Papatya ve Saçların Rengini Değiştiren Diğer DOĞAL YÖNTEMLER,Tecrübelerimiz

Ben 2.denememi yaptim dun itibariyle kina da..
Harika ama harika otesi bir renk oldu.. Esim bile inanamadi..
icine neler katmadim ki :)
ilkinde cikolata kahve tutturdum..o da superdi..
simdi ise cikolata kahveyi biraz kizillastirmak istedim ve o da oldu :)

suanda mis gibi kina kokuyor saclarim, zaten kina kokusuna bayilirim ayrica..
inanilmaz derecede bakimli ve hacimli oldu saclarim..
paril paril parliyor..

Bu KINA harika birsey ya.. Esimin yardimi ile surduk kafama.. Baya bir zahmetli oldu ama degdi..
cok memnunummmmmmmm, tavsiye ederim..

Renk ayarlarmalarini sormak isteyen olursada yazabilirim...


Benim de su an sacimda kina var ama sadece guneste kizillik belli oluyor. Cikolata kahveyi nasil yaptiniz?
Benim de su an sacimda kina var ama sadece guneste kizillik belli oluyor. Cikolata kahveyi nasil yaptiniz?

Canim selam

Benim saclarim baya bildigin kahverengi oldu..
Cikolata rengi :)

Ceviz kabuklarini suda kaynattim, cevizin suyu ile kinayi kardim..Ve saclarima surdum..
hatta az kizillik da katsin diye, kirmizi toz biber (tatli) da ekledim :)

superrrrrrrrrrrr oldu.. kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
baska sorularin varsa, cevaplarim.
ya aslında düşünüyorum ama cesaret edemiyorum her kına aynı renk olmayabiliyor bide turuncu falan olursa diye korkuyorum , bide güneste rengi açılırsa kötü olur diye korkuyorum :ssz: :ssz:

Bende cok korktum turuncu olur diye, birde benim beyazlar coktu..
icine kattigim malzemelerle birlikte.. "KAHVE-KIZIL" bir renk oldu..
cikolata rengi daha cok..
kesinlikle ben bile inanamiyorum sonuca..
bende turuncu bekliyordum ama yanildim, mutluyum:)
Kızlar merhaba :) Yarın eğer hava güneşli olursa saçlarıma papatya süreceğim sonucu yazarım :) aktara gittim alman papatyası dedim 'Abla valla bizde bundan var' dedi elime bildiğimiz papatyayı tutuşturdu :26: neyse aldım ben de sonra başka bi aktar da papatyalı bişi gösterdi 20tl imiş kullanan herkes çok memnun falan dedi neyse dedim şimdi kalsın o malum öğrenciyiz biz :52: bu arada saçlarımda hiç boya yok benim ne tam açık ne tam koyu kumral saçlarım var. papatyanın içine limon da katacağım aklıma başka sarartma ihtimali olan bişi gelmiyo yoksa hepsini katcam niyeti bozdum:9: şunu da katabilirsin dediğiniz önerileriniz varsa yarın öğlen güneşine kadar buradayım :) hee bir de güneşe çıkmak mı daha etkili acaba yoksa fön çekmek mi sizce :41:
Bende cok korktum turuncu olur diye, birde benim beyazlar coktu..
icine kattigim malzemelerle birlikte.. "KAHVE-KIZIL" bir renk oldu..
cikolata rengi daha cok..
kesinlikle ben bile inanamiyorum sonuca..
bende turuncu bekliyordum ama yanildim, mutluyum:)

ve kına yaktım :) hiç beklediğim gibi açık turuncu gibi olmadı sadece güneşte parlıyor biraz :) ve çok bakımlı gözüküyor :mutluyumm: 1 hafta sonra yine yakmayı düşünüyorum biraz daha kızıl olsun diye umarım istediğim rengi yakalarım :)
Canim selam

Benim saclarim baya bildigin kahverengi oldu..
Cikolata rengi :)

Ceviz kabuklarini suda kaynattim, cevizin suyu ile kinayi kardim..Ve saclarima surdum..
hatta az kizillik da katsin diye, kirmizi toz biber (tatli) da ekledim :)

superrrrrrrrrrrr oldu.. kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.
baska sorularin varsa, cevaplarim.

ciddi olamazsın:)) bu süper bişey gerçekten işe yaradımı yani biber :))çok tuhaf ama süpersin
ciddi olamazsın:)) bu süper bişey gerçekten işe yaradımı yani biber :))çok tuhaf ama süpersin

Cok ciddiyim canim..
super oldu sonuc..
kesinlikle tavsiye ederim..

Valla kendim kattim onuda yani biberi :) ama harika oldu yaaa
ve kına yaktım :) hiç beklediğim gibi açık turuncu gibi olmadı sadece güneşte parlıyor biraz :) ve çok bakımlı gözüküyor :mutluyumm: 1 hafta sonra yine yakmayı düşünüyorum biraz daha kızıl olsun diye umarım istediğim rengi yakalarım :)

Canim senin Adina cok sevindim sonuctan dolayi..
kolay gelsin:)
kızlar koyu kahve saça kınayla mat bi kızıl elde edemezmiyiz? elde etmek için acaba önce limonla biraz sarartsam mı?
Ehehe :1: Komik olurdu valla bi de ondan kurtulmakla ugrasirdim :37: En iyisi önce normal sogani kullanayım. Bir arkadas yazmıstı burdan, sacina sogan kabuguyla hos bır renk vermis. Merak ettim denicem. Ne bulursam deniyorum valla saclarima :27:

arkadaşım ben kınaya çay soğan kabuğu ve yeşil ceviz kabuğu koydum mor olmadı ffotoğtafını çekip koyamıyorum yani üyeyim ilk kızıl gibi oldu aktıkça renk oturdu şimdi patlıcan moru gibi oldu
Ben de saç rengini değişik yollarla açma konusunda denemeler yapıyorum en son denediğim bir ürünü burada yazdım sizlerle de paylaşmak istedim burada bunu kullanan başkaları var mı hiç yorum göremedim. Ben çok memnun kaldım kısa sürede fark edilir sonuçlar aldım. DenizDeNerde: Sun In Saç Açıcı Sprey

sizinki güzel olmuş keşke benimkini de sarı yapsa ama benim saçım koyu kahverengi ve kahverengi saça kırmızı renk verebilir yazıyor:((((
sizinki güzel olmuş keşke benimkini de sarı yapsa ama benim saçım koyu kahverengi ve kahverengi saça kırmızı renk verebilir yazıyor:((((

Ben bu ürünü kullandım. Fakat sun in bulmak zor. Şimdi extrait dora bazen de extra blond kullanıyorum. Yaz kış farketmez. Fön ile kurutarak da uyguluyorum :)) memnunum:)
Elimde iki tane tarif var, ama ikisi de İngilizce. İngilizce bilen biri çevirebilir mi acaba? Hepsi şart değil, nasıl yapıldığı ve ne kadar bekletildiği yeter zaten bizlere.

Tarif 1


My journey to henna is a long one, but I’ll try to keep the story short. I have naturally mousy brown hair, and even as wee girl always thought it was boring. From the first time I saw Julia Robert’s curly mass of *red* hair in “Pretty Woman” (yeah, I’m a child of the ‘80s) I knew I wanted red hair. My mother was cool enough to let me dye my hair for the first time at age 11; as she put it, “It’s only hair.” I went with a cinnamon-colored semi-permanent dye that made my hair look no different indoors, but gave it reddish highlights in sunlight. It wasn’t what I’d wanted. A few other semi-permanent’s later I got it to a redder color.

In high school I was allowed to use permanent dye, and I did. I started off with a Hydrience color they don’t make anymore. My hair was the color of a copper pipe and was nearly to my hips, and I adored it. For the next few years it was healthy and nice despite the dye.

In college things took a serious turn for the worse. The water was hard, and Clairol discontinued the color I used. I ended up trying a different shade of red and ended up with deep purple-red hair. I dyed several times in a row in a mad effort to fix it. I managed to settle on Herbal Essences 44 and stuck with that until I had nearly destroyed my hair.

My hair, my admitted vanity, had been past my butt at its longest. From raking it with a brush, to over-dying, to hard water and aggressive styling it started to crumble from the ends up. Over the space of four years my hair had desinagrated up to my bra strap, was a mass of split ends, felt like straw and the color was uneven. Although I still have my beloved copper red at the roots each time I dyed it, the stuff at the ends that had been subject to dye job after dye job was deep auburn. It had been dyed so often that it absorbed much more color. I tried to stick to only touching up my roots, but all the split ends turned lighter and so I’d do the whole length every other time to keep it looking nicer. The split ends tangled badly and I’d rake my brush through my hair, watching pieces of hair flutter downward when I did. I was destroying my hair. To say nothing of the chemical-burn scabs I’d get on my scalp, and the fumes of the dye, all that good chemical stuff.

Finally, a year before I graduated college I learned about henna. My sweetheart knew how devastated I was about my hair and encouraged me to do some research. In looking into how to better take care of my long hair, I found out about henna. I’d known about henna body art, but not about it’s effectiveness in hair. Finally, a small glimmer of hope. I ordered some body art quality henna and did a strand test. No bog-water green, praise goddess! Eagerly I mixed everything up (everything being henna and lemon juice), and following the advice on several sites, added a lot of paprika to give it a fiery lift. It worked well, but my hair felt dry afterwards and it wasn’t as coppery as I would like.

My new standard mix gives me brighter copper hair with gold/copper highlights:
100g BAQ henna
25g Paprika
15g Turmeric
1c very strong chamomile tea (4 tea bags steeped in two cups of water for a few hours)
1c lemon juice

I’ve found that using chamomile tea in combination with lemon juice still gives me ample dye release, but my hair rinses out easier and doesn’t feel dry like it did with the lemon juice mix. I put everything in a ceramic bowl covered in plastic wrap and set it in the cubby where my computer tower is. Nice and toasty in there (77.6◦ F, to be exact). Usually I mix the henna up on my lunch break and let it sit until about 6 pm. Right before I put the henna on my head I mix in several drops of Tea Tree and Rosemary essential oil. I hope in the shower and shampoo with a clarifying shampoo (Avalon Organics Lemon Clarifying Shampoo). Then my sweetheart patiently separates out my damp hair and puts the henna in for me. Only the roots get straight henna, and I mix about half a cup of henna paste with half a cup of conditioner, and gloss the rest. It gets piled on top of my head, wrapped in plastic wrap, and crowned with a terry cloth-lined shower cap. I leave the henna on for at least 4 hours, 5 if I can stand it. I’ve found that buying some cheap conditioner and rinsing with a ton of that works best for me. I only shampoo once while getting the henna out of my hair, and then only use conditioner for several days after.

I’ve been using henna for a year and a half now, and my hair is much happier, and so am I. I’ve always had baby-fine hair, and it breaks easily. The henna has made it thicker, stronger, and healthier. My uneven color has also been evened out a lot with the henna, the ends are still a bit darker, but as my hair grows out and is trimmed, it’s improving. I also oil the ends of my hair several times a week and work it in with a boar bristle brush. This has helped immensely, and also helps with the initial dryness I tend to experience after hennaing.

I think the most important thing I learned, other than henna, was how to take care of my long hair properly. There are some great resources out there, but I think The Long Hair Site is the best of them. Please, learn a bit about your hair! I wish I had done this sooner. I’ve managed to grow my hair out so it’s nearly down to my waist again, and I did it without chopping it all of, as several scissor-happy salons wanted me to do. I hennaed my hair, I treated it carefully, and it was trimmed once every 4 weeks. Slooooooowly, but surely, the worst-damaged stuff was cut off, and the quality of my hair was improved. I use Jason Natural Products Henna shampoo and conditioner. This is by far the best stuff I’ve ever used. It helps keeps the henna color vibrant (both the shampoo and conditioner are organic and have henna in them). I now trim every 6 weeks, and I’m still gaining length. Hair, Skin & Nails vitamins, from GNC also help give a boost in the hair-growth department.

For those of you that made it all the way to the end, I hope this helps! There is hope for your hair after years of chemical torture! My hair is now darker red than it was when I dyed it, but flares a wonderful copper in the sun. The small concession from my perfect color is nothing compared to having healthy hair. Thanks to everyone else who posted to this site, your recipes and stories really helped to give me the confidence to try different things, and it makes me feel like a part of a henna sisterhood 
Notes from Mehandi.com: The addition of paprika and turmeric to your paste will do nothing to enhance the color of your henna and may be irritating to your scalp.
Tarif 2


I've been hennaing my hair for about 3 years now and am very pleased with the results and the subtly deepening tone over time. My natural hair colour is a very light mousey brown. I use Colora Henna in "Red Sunset" which is very coarse and full of chaff (the only henna avaliable in my area) and it takes me 120g (2 boxes) to colour my hair which comes to the middle of my back.

Here is Kimberly's henna chronicle:

My recipie and method:

24+ hours before (I let my henna sit 2-3 days sometimes) mix up the henna:

First:(da brew) I make my "henna tea":

3tbsp lemon juice

1 cup extra brewed (10 min) regular tea with two teabags (for the tannin in tea )

1 cup extra brewed (10 min) red herbal tea with two teabags (smells nice, adds acidity and maybe red highlights)

two heaping teaspoons powdered cloves brewed 10 min in 1/3 to 1/2 cup water and then strained through cloth -keep the liquid and discard the crumbs.

mix all of these together- it should be hot, dark redish brown, spicy, and very bitter to the taste ( if it makes me go "bleh!" i know i've made it right)

*At this point , if you're doing Fia's gelled henna (Thank you innovative genius Fia!) reserve half of this liquid to mix with the pectin.*

I will let the liquid cool to the point that I can stick my finger in it without being scalded- I'm careful not to cook the henna, I find cooked henna gives less dye.

Second(mixing): I have a clean old 750g plastic yoghurt container which I dump my dry henna powder in and wisk to fluff it up and break up any clumps, then I mix in some of the liquid slowly and cautiously with a spoon until the henna is moistened but very thick. Then, if I'm gelling it I add the cooked pectin mix now - again cooled enough so it doesn't cook the henna.

If I'm not gelling it I may add just a little more liquid until it's the consistancy of mashed potatoes, but not more than that.

The henna gets thinner over time as the acid breakes down the cellulose, so don't try to adjust the consistancy to your liking now, or you will end up with soup after it has been given a chance to sit.

Third: I put the lid on the container and let it sit to do it's henna thing on top of the refrigerator (where it's warm) overnight and sometimes longer (2-3 days). it can wait until I have time to devote to henna. Patience is a virtue.

****time elapses***

Fourth: (prep) Ok, now you can adjust the henna to your prefered consistancy. I make sure that my hair is nice and clean, then , when I'm ready I get all of my henna articles together: henna clothes, plastic wrap, vinyl gloves, vasaline, henna towels, (henna dribble cloth )newspaper, large claw-like hairclip, spoon, fleece belaclava, container of mixed up henna. I invade a bathroom with a nice big mirror and a bathtub/shower. allow at least an hour to get the henna into your hair.

Fifth (The pre-game show):I run the sink half full of hot water and set the container of henna inside it to warm up. I spread the newspaper on the floor so it catches any drips. I undress and put my clothing where it won't get spattered. I cover my face, ears , neck and hands with a generous amount of vasaline so they don't turn orange, and put on the vinyl gloves over the sticky hands. Then I hop in the shower and get all of my hair wet and then towel off the excess water so the hair is slightly damp (not dripping, or wet, just slightly damp) so that I know the dye will flow to every corner of my scalp .After that divide my hair in half horozontaly just above my ears across the back of my head. I twist up the top section of my hair and pin it to the top of my head with the giant claw-like hairclip, leaving the lower section down. now I'm ready to goop.

Sixth (queen of mud):Where ever the henna hits your skin you will gel a lovely spot of orange and have to exfoliate it off, so be warned! Now I drain the sink, mix the henna with the spoon, and then I lift up my hair with one hand and grab globs of the henna with my other hand and slaping it onto my hair, mooshing it and thoroughly pressing it in and massageing it into my scalp. I proceed to thorougly henna all of my scalp, being careful to massage it in completely. Once the lower portion of my hair is done, I undo the big scary clip and henna the upper part. Ooowwww!!AhhAhhh!!!! henna gooooood... henna in eyes baaaaaaad!!!! I budget the henna so I use about half for the lower part and half of the upper part. It takes about 30 minutes to to this. When I am done this I look funny with a mud covered head and long strands of red hair emerging from it. Then I moosh and squish the henna that is covering my scalp and squeeze it down and through the un-strands hennaed I keep knee! ding it and squeezing the henna through the hair with a motion I would imagine is similar to milking a cow until all the strands are covered with henna too. I look and feel very primodial, I feel like I'm bonding with the ooze from whence we came.

Seventh (wrap and roll): At this point depending on how thick the henna was I may be covered by one or two little splats (thick henna) or a whole bunch of runny globs and drubuels ( thin henna). So I fill the sink with warm water and wipe my skin off with a damp cloth. then I gather my hennaed locks together in a pony tail and cover my ponytail with a plastic bag secured by a hair elastic. I cover the rest of my scalp with saran wrap. Then I cover my head in a fleece belaclavaand tuck the ponytail up inside it too,so all of my hair stays nice and warm. Then I put on my henna clothes, roll up and discard the newspaper and clean the bathroom and all of my henna articles.

Eighth (waiting game): I leave the henna on my hair for a minimum of 3 and 1/2 hours and 8 hours yeilding fabulous results. The longer the better! (within reason -no three day marathons please!). I like to read a good book or watch some movies, anything that passes the time (mehendi anyone?).

*****time elapses****

Nineth(patience rewarded): After what seems to be forever, I head back to the bathroom, disrobe, and unwrap my squidgey head. I get into thwe showed and rinse and rinse and rinse the henna out of my hair with two or three rounds of conditioner. when I step out and dry off I am pleased with the blazing crown of glory my hair has become. right now it's a blazing orange that will deepen in a day or two to a smoldering red.

That's my henna story.

I hope this inspires others to take the plunge and go red.

Kimberly Perreault (Kimberly from BC)
Paylaştığım renkleri boyayla elde etmeyi düşünüyordum, kına da uygulayabilirim. Saçlarım çok yıprandı, iyice yanmasından korkuyorum.

Bir de bir sorum var, bir akrabam adına soruyorum bunu; kendisi 3,5 aylık hamile, hazır kına setlerini kullanmasının bir sakıncası olur mu? İçinde kına, rastık bir de bitki karışımı var.
Papatya suyu gercekten sacları acıyor:) benım saclarım kumral daha once papatya suyunu denedım ve gercekten rengi acıldı özellıkle yazın papatya suyunu sürüp güneste bekletirseniz farkı görürsünüz kızlar :)