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and i wanna add sth. tired warrior, if you wanna say the word "read", the past forms of this verb is same.. read/read/read a.s.

and thats ok honey, i wont be a tired warrior anymore.. never and ever :dilcikar:naniknanik

i remembered one more thing about the topickaydirigubbakcemile2
when i was a child, everyone was saying to my mother and father that i was a "minyon tipli" :lepi: and i was just a little kid trying to understand this "grown-up" talks
you know, there is no way that a child could understand what the word "minyon tipli" meanskaydirigubbakcemile3
so, i was getting it like "milyon tipli", and questioning what it means. hence, i ended up with that, i look like so many types. i mean, my appearance was so common that i look like a million of people :roflol:

by the way, if i continue to reveal out my childhood secrets, you will have so much fun. so i should stop here yasakkelimelülülülülülü

:sm_cool: then "to read" is my favourite verb. kaydirigubbakcemile2 thanks astaea a.s.

kaydirigubbakcemile3 please continue to write your childhood secrets, yes i have so mcuh fundelikafadulden

ok i write also one secret sengözlerimebaksanab there was an old man, who was always walking on the street with a stick in his hand. and the adult people were telling us (to the children): don't go far away, be good child; otherwise that old man with stick will take you. and i really believed that :1no2: i looked at my around often, when i played with my friends on th street. he could come and take me delikafadulden
poor kid :teselli: they were always telling lies to us :çok üzgünüm:
we had had a neighbor whose name is fatma. she was my aunt fatma. and i believed that all people having name "fatma" should be old :bbo: i mean, noone in my age can have a name "fatma" :1no2:
oneday,somebady had joined to our class. her name was fatma :1shok: i couldnt believe that she is in our age, i always thuoght about her like she was an old woman delikafadulden
by the way, i should definitely point out that i was at he age of primary school in this story

anyway.. idiot me :lepi:
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thanks astraeaa.s. you liked my idea.. you an continue to tell us your story:jeyyar: also i can tell one more yerimseniben i was at primary school and the lesson was about religionthe teacher mentioned ablution(abdest) she was saying before prayer etc.. and i said i read in the book if we are CÜNUP we should.what's it's mean....sırnaşık şey the woman was like tomato:roflol::roflol:
of course i wasn't a primary school :roflol:
i corrected it honey, thank you sositososito
i think i can add more and moredelikafadulden
i was 5or 6. i was playing on the garden which is in front of our apartment and really small.. i played with my shovel(kurek) i was digging(kazmak)
because i wanted to look at hell:roflol: i thought like that because of cartoonsdelikafaduldendelikafaduldendelikafadulden

thanks girls mst probably i was going to write a different sentence and i changed my mind
i had fun girls thaks a lotkaydirigubbakcemile2 it was really nice....astraea your secret was prfect be sure that i won't tell no one elseyerimsenibensırnaşık şey
i had fun girls thaks a lotkaydirigubbakcemile2 it was really nice....astraea your secret was prfect be sure that i won't tell no one elseyerimsenibensırnaşık şey

:mymeka: len
dont make fun of me :1shok:
no more secrets to youuuuu kaydirigubbakcemile
i'm here again. what's up girls? lets start to speak about a topic.CADIARZU

i'll write some ideas, which you like, maybe we can speak about it.

1. social activities, what do you prefer to do on weekends? (sorry for my mistakes, i'm not sure of writing forms )

2. which movie did you watch last?

3. where/how did you learn english? how was your first teacher?

i've talked about my leisure time activities before..
the last movie i watched was "3 monkeys" of nuri bilge ceylan. i loved it. it was totally what i expected from him..
i studied at an anatolian high school with one year of preparation school.
and then i studied at a university which has instruction language as english.and plus one year of preparation school in university..-tatlicadiarzu-

dear kudra, thanks for the answers.a.s. but maybe it's better, to choose one of this for today and speak detailed about one. i suggest it, because we(astraea, duygu and i) are so lazy girls, who can't find a topic for everyday.

if you have suggestion for topics, we would be very happy! aren't we girls? yerimseniben

:mymeka: not all tree topics for today :mymeka: than what will do tomorrow?

save the topic, it's turn/time will come! (sakla topic'i gelir zamanısırnaşık şey)
:mymeka: not all tree topics for today :mymeka: than what will do tomorrow?

save the topic, it's turn/time will come! (sakla topic'i gelir zamanısırnaşık şey)

ahahaha tired warrior today you arent so much tired, are you :jeyyar: that was a good translation kaydirigubbakcemile3

and i consumed all of them hehe sositososito laelaelaelaelaenaniknanik:içelim:

i promise i will find the next one Şeniz
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