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that's a nice idea.we can talk about book that we are reading.I can suggest you a real page-turner. ıt's a fiction dairy(memoir) called dance with heroin(eroinle dans ). I really get into it while i'm reading. ıt's about a girl who is a university student and heroin. i know that you think that it's a common subject. but it's not.. you will read a change. it's written by canan tan... everyone should read it and they can learn why different people are in the same mud...
please help me...(ya arkadaşlar bende çok bayılıyorum ingilizce diline..siz çok iyi konuşuyonuz..ben nasıl illerletebilirim..kendi çabalarımla fono kitablarından öğrenmeye çalışıyorum.Banada yardım edin sizle pratik yapabilim sular seller gibi.)
duygu thank you for your suggestion. your comments about the book really made me curious about it. i am writing it on my "to read list" :1rolleyes:
I have just begin the book "The Dice Man" from Luke Rhinehart. I didnt read so much yet but i can say that it's a semi-comedic type of book. It tells about a psychiatrist who are making decisions acoording to dice. Actually the book was written on the 70s but has just been translated to Turkish. And now it is a bestseller in Turkey. Actually I dont like to read a bestseller book or go to a new movie that everyone is talking about. But something has pulled me in this book. Maybe the comments about its fastmoving style of writing or just the pagecover of it i dont know kaydirigubbakcemile2
When I finished the book I will be making more detailed comments about it. For now thats all i can say gamyoncuiremsu

wellcome nina:)
if you want to make some practice with us first of all you should speak in english hihoyyyt
you can read the topic of today above. or you can just tell anything you want.. just talk..kaydirigubbakcemile3

I am not writing here for a long time but I can see the change and the English that I am loosing everyday because of not talking is coming in a goos position now naniknanik

I think my biggest problem is the long sentences that i set up :çok üzgünüm: i should immediately cut my sentences in 2 or 3 or 15 delikafadulden
any comments will be appreciated şakkıdı
Hi everybody;
I want to mention about a book that name is "Anlatmak İçin Yaşamak." It's the autobiography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This book is about his life story and relation between his life stroy and his novels. You know, he is a famous Colombian writer. I like so much his books. I had read nearly all of his novels. So, to read his autobiography is very amazing for me. For example; his most famous novel is "Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık" which about a Colombian family and this family's story. The story is full of tragedi and happiness at the same time. It is very spiritual story, and a bit mysterious. And it is my favorite novel. Now, while I'm reading the story of tihs novel's writers; I understand better something about Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık. Because, I realise that some the footprints which are related writers story is in the Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık.
Then, please also you tell about books you're reading now.
Son düzenleme:
Hi girls,
it's very good idea to speak about the books, which we are reading. I finished the book "farewell" from Ayse Kulin 2-3 days ago. It was a very fastmoving book again. It is about the last time of Ottoman Empire. I think, the story will be completed in 3 books. I'll buy today or tomorrow, the 2. book "hope" of this serie.

But now I read "the monk who sold his ferrari" from Robin Sharma. I just have readen 25-30 peages, but I can't say, that I'd like this book very much.

I knew the book but i didn't know the type and topic. i'm unsure now if you write more while you are reading i'll be appreciate.sositososito and yes your sentences are long but you can explain what you want to say:içelim:

I agree with you honey. I read ''the monk who sold his ferrari'' it was trash. only the name was atractive, it gets you to read. but i didn't like it. i don't suggest..naniknanik
I knew the book but i didn't know the type and topic. i'm unsure now if you write more while you are reading i'll be appreciate.sositososito and yes your sentences are long but you can explain what you want to say:içelim:

duygu i'm not so good at book reviews but i would do my best for you :içelim:
:1no2::1no2: I speaking bad:çok üzgünüm:

burcuu i didn't mean to hurt you :çok üzgünüm:

but the aim of this topic is to develop our English.. we are here to help each other and correct the mistakes benneyaptımki

if you need help just tell us ok? a.s
please dont be sad :çok üzgünüm:
hi girls!
i came.
i can't speak english at all, but i can understand.
i hope it will be ok :)

hi girls!
i came.
i can't speak english at all, but i can understand.
i hope it will be ok :)


wellcome zeynocan hihoyyyt
you're speaking well enough sengözlerimebaksanab

And also

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL :dance::dance::dance::teytey:
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