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İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

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hello everyone :)
I want to join your topic and meet you. Because I really need some practice nowadays..
I am a new graduate from a university that has an education in English. I studied one year of preparation school and four years of engineering education in English. Now I'm a graduate and I'm looking for a job since June.. For about 6 months I have been experiencing harsh times during my search.. I joined so many job interviews during this time and I'm continuing to do so.. What I actually need is only some practice:) For the last two of the interviews I joined(in English), I realized that I am about to lose my speaking abilities and word knowledge. Hence, I cannot show the real level of my english to the employers nowadays.. And this is really what I need to do now, I should immediately find a good job and start my career as soon as possible..
I think this place is very suitable for my situation :)
Sorry for long history and I will be glad to hear your opinions and recommendations..
See you
Hi everybody. Actually I want to wirte in this topic more than I did. But, I think I am too lazy to write in English. After today, I want to write more often.
Dear Astraea and dear Burcuburcu; wellcome to this topic. It's a pleasure to see you.
See you...
Thank you verymuch Tinkerbelle :)

I can`t speak english :(

but I want to learn english :)

If they can help me ;)

good bye everbody..
dear friends,

I think it was on this topic, some of friends suggested to have a subject to speak about it. (sorry for my mistakes).

for example, financial crise is one of the biggest problems nowadays. what do you think about it? do you have also problems with your work because of this?
first me: yes! :çok üzgünüm: I'm working in education sector. and the people don't want to join in a course:1no2:, to save money. I think the food sector has minimum problem nowadays because of crise, because everyone has to eat cokacimcoook
Son düzenleme:
if your job depends on goverment,most likely it doesn't affect your life so much. In contrast others are unlucky. the crise didn't affect me so much because i'm still a student. my allowance didn't change:sm_cool:
(i wanted to say that allowance means pocket money)
if your job depends on goverment,most likely it doesn't affect your life so much. In contrast others are unlucky. the crise didn't affect me so much because i'm still a student. my allowance didn't change:sm_cool:
(i wanted to say that allowance means pocket money)

yes, you're right duygu_beyto! unfortunately i work in privat sector delikafadulden (is this sentence correct?)
Mrb kizlar yaa ingilizcede simdiki zamanda fiili nasil kullanicaz ? siz super konusuosunuz bana gøreee :D:D
subject(ozne) + to be +verb-İNG(fiil ve ing takısı) + object(obje)
he is
she is studying English now
it is
I am
you are
we are
they are

She is studying English now
olumsuz cumlemizde am,is,are+not kullanıyoruz canım
exp:She isn't(is not) studying English now.

ornekle gorerek daha kolay anlıyacagını dusundum,umarım yardımcı olabilmişimdirfisfisfis:sm_confused:
subject(ozne) + to be +verb-İNG(fiil ve ing takısı) + object(obje)
he is
she is studying English now
it is
I am
you are
we are
they are

She is studying English now
olumsuz cumlemizde am,is,are+not kullanıyoruz canım
exp:She isn't(is not) studying English now.

ornekle gorerek daha kolay anlıyacagını dusundum,umarım yardımcı olabilmişimdirfisfisfis:sm_confused:

Thank youyerimseniben

peki gecmis zamanda napiyoruz? CADIARZU
gecmiş zamanda en basit simple past tense dir ama fiillerin 2.halini ogrenmen gerek oncelikle..duzenli ve duzensiz fiiller war
duzenlide kolay:
gibi d,ed,ied takılarından uygun olanı alıyorlar
ama duzensizleri ogrenmek zorundasın:
come->came gibi....

cumle kurulumu
subject(ö) +v2 +object
He cooked the dinner
she went to school

dedigim gibi bunlar genel bilgiler olur ama kesinlikle yeterli deil..

you should study:jeyyar:
Thank you:bbo:

If your help me :teselli:

I will speak engilish a.s

Thanks for help:1hug:
Son düzenleme:
Yorgun savaşçı said that the food sector is least affected by the global economic crise. I am a food engineer indeed and I wish I could have an opinion about it. I can not make any comment about it -objectively- cause I have no job yet :1no2:
I graduated on June 2008 and still trying to find a job.. Actually I was about to accepted to a position in a well known company but suddenly this crisis broke out..
everybody say that the food sector is ver lucky about the crisis but I hardly think so because I lived this reality as I stated above. The company -doesnt matter how big it is- gave up to hire a needed personel because of the crisis.
Everybody still needs to eat but in my opinion the purchasing power of the people are decreasing drastically nowadays.. So this is the reason why food sector is also affected by the crisis..
I wish I had opinions as an employer and see the real effects on this side.. But I'm still a jobless person and this situation makes me loose all the self confidence that I have.. :a015:
Yorgun savaşçı said that the food sector is least affected by the global economic crise. I am a food engineer indeed and I wish I could have an opinion about it. I can not make any comment about it -objectively- cause I have no job yet :1no2:
I graduated on June 2008 and still trying to find a job.. Actually I was about to accepted to a position in a well known company but suddenly this crisis broke out..
everybody say that the food sector is ver lucky about the crisis but I hardly think so because I lived this reality as I stated above. The company -doesnt matter how big it is- gave up to hire a needed personel because of the crisis.
Everybody still needs to eat but in my opinion the purchasing power of the people are decreasing drastically nowadays.. So this is the reason why food sector is also affected by the crisis..
I wish I had opinions as an employer and see the real effects on this side.. But I'm still a jobless person and this situation makes me loose all the self confidence that I have.. :a015:

dear astraea, I didn't want to say, that there is no problem in food sector. I think and see, that the food sector has less problem compared to (language) education, textile and automotive sectors. But of course it is just my idea, that I got of my circle.

I wish, you get a good job ASAP! a.s. :enbuyukkk:
dear astraea, I didn't want to say, that there is no problem in food sector. I think and see, that the food sector has less problem compared to (language) education, textile and automotive sectors. But of course it is just my idea, that I got of my circle.

I wish, you get a good job ASAP! a.s. :enbuyukkk:

thank you for your valuable wishes a.s.
i agree with you that my sector is less affected comparing automotive and textile sectors. we've came the same conclusion indeed..
i hope Turkish economy will be less affected from the crisis but unfortunately it doesnt seem to be like that..benneyaptımki
I agree with you...I think that the goverment can't find a solution to prevent crises effects..:1no2:
we can talk about our leisure time activities.. or the books that we are reading nowadays and the subjects like that..
what do you think ?kaydirigubbakcemile5