• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
bizde liseden itibaren inglizce-ingilizce sözlük kullanmaya alıştırıldık..1 kelime öğrenmek için açıyosun sözlüğü,2-3 kelime daha öğreniyosun açıklamsında..hem daha iyi kalıyo akılda hemde ingilizce düşünmeye yardımcı oluyo..biçok kelimenin türkçe karşılığını bilmiyodum bile.:)) daha iyi anlaşılıyo yazıp okudukların öyle olunca..
Sonnet 66

Tired with all these, for restful death I cry,
As, to behold desert a beggar born,
And needy nothing trimm'd in jollity,
And purest faith unhappily forsworn,
And guilded honour shamefully misplaced,
And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted,
And right perfection wrongfully disgraced,
And strength by limping sway disabled,
And art made tongue-tied by authority,
And folly doctor-like controlling skill,
And simple truth miscall'd simplicity,
And captive good attending captain ill:
Tired with all these, from these would I be gone,
Save that, to die, I leave my love alone.


Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan tek ölüm paklar beni,
Değmez bu yangın yeri, avuç açmaya değmez.
Değil mi ki çiğnenmiş inancların en seçkini,
Değil mi ki yoksullar mutluluktan habersiz,
Değil mi ki ayaklar altında insan onuru,
O kız oğlan kız erdem dağlara kaldırılmış,
Ezilmiş, hor görülmüş el emeği, göz nuru,
Ödlekler geçmiş başa, derken bozulmuş mertlik,
Değil mi ki korkudan dili bağlı sanatın,
Değil mi ki çılgınlık sahip çıkmış düzene,
Doğruya doğru derken eğriye çıkmış adın,
Değil mi ki kötüler kadı olmuş Yemen’e,
Vazgeçtim bu dünyadan, dünyamdan geçtim ama,
Seni yalnız koymak var, o koyuyor adama

William Shakespeare

ne şiir ama...
Hi girls! everybody good afternoon.i want to be yours live happy,fuuny and healtly everyday.

merhaba kızlar! herkese iyi ogleler.Hergün sizin saglıklı,eglenceli ve mutlu yasamanızı isterim...a.s.
hi my ladies:) ( böyle denir mi ki acaba hani ladies and gentlemen mi ne diyorlar ya:) )

I'm so tired, because I have stand/walked wtih my mother 6-7 hours today. I'm used to it normally, because I'm a teacher. But we were on street 2-3 hours of that and it was so cold to day:(

How was your day?
hi my ladies:) ( böyle denir mi ki acaba hani ladies and gentlemen mi ne diyorlar ya:) )

I'm so tired, because I have stand/walked wtih my mother 6-7 hours today. I'm used to it normally, because I'm a teacher. But we were on street 2-3 hours of that and it was so cold to day:(

How was your day?

my day isgood.because i haent got any work :)kaydirigubbakcemile4
Hi Ladies!! (my yok)

I'm so tired because I walked with my mother for 6-7 hours today. Normally, I'm used to it because I'm a teacher. But today, we were on the street for 2-3 hours and it was so cold...

şakkıdısen düzeltmemi yapıosun cumlelerde aslında her ikisi de dogrumirmirmirmir
Hi girls! everybody good afternoon.i want to be yours live happy,fuuny and healtly everyday.

merhaba kızlar! herkese iyi ogleler.Hergün sizin saglıklı,eglenceli ve mutlu yasamanızı isterim...a.s.
Hi girls!

Good afternoon everyone! I wish you all live healthy, lively and happy everyday.


sengözlerimebaksanab sengözlerimebaksanab sengözlerimebaksanab sengözlerimebaksanab
Hi everybody;
It's 00.30 pm in here. I was bored and looking for anything in this site. I have seen the subject and I think that this subject is interesting for me. Because; I'm in Untited Kingdom and studying Engilish nowadays. I will follow this subject and I belive that it will be useful for me.
Thank you for this subject.
See you.
It's not a problem. If you correct me, I will be happy. You know; this topic is a kind of practise book, at least for me. So your habit doesn't matter me.
I'm in England to study English. I attend to course. In Turkey, I was working; but in England I have become a student again for a nine mounths. It's funny to be student again after nearly ten years.
hello girls.eid mubarek.how is going eid.are you eating too much meet
dear kudra,
please continue to correct my mistakes!a.s. I think I'll be create much work for you:utangac:

And it's very good practice for me, reading/to read(whichone or something else?) chatting between you and tinkerbellekaydirigubbakcemile5
hi tired warrior!

I'll be happy to continue correcting your mistakes. However, I am not sure I understood what you meant by "I think I'll be create much work for you" can you write this in turkish so that I can make the necessary corrections?

And it's very good practice for me to read the conversations between you and tinkerbelle.


I wanted to say:sanırım sana çok iş çıkaracağım (yaratacağım demişim dimi yukarıdakaydirigubbakcemile3)

hi tired warrior!

I'll be happy to continue correcting your mistakes. However, I am not sure I understood what you meant by "I think I'll be create much work for you" can you write this in turkish so that I can make the necessary corrections?

And it's very good practice for me to read the conversations between you and tinkerbelle.


i guess she meant" sana biraz is cikaricam sanirim" which sounds quite ok but only with a grammar mistake. "to be" is redundant (fazlalik, gereksiz) there.

i have to remind you (all) something. while "speaking" in english you should synchronize your mind with the logic of English language rather than Turkish. otherwise the sentences will sound "Turkenglish". Word by word translations donot work well if you want your english to be flawless.
by the way, you can ask me whatever that comes to your mind. I'll try to help you as much as i can. it's my job after all:)
Hi everybody;
Since the last time I wrote, I have been preparing for exam. I have an exam next Tuesday. Afterwards, I will join in a big Chiristmas Party, on Wednesday.
I agree with "mnla" about thinking in Turkish, speaking English. But, it isn't easy to think like navite English speaker. We just try. Espacially if your native language and language you study are in different language families; you should try harder, like Turksih native speakers. Because; Turkish and English bases on different mental systems. For example; in Turkish we use supplements for tenses and subjects of the sentences. But in English, they use one ore more different word and supplements for all them. For example; "Geliyorum. = I am coming.". On the other hand, there are nearly 5.000 words in Turkish but there are over than 30.000 words in English. It doesn't mean English is richer than Turkish. But, it means that Turkish bases on this sentence: "How can I say most ecenomicly." altough English bases on this sentence: "How can I say most assorted?"
Then, it is too dificult for us, both thinking in and speaking Eglish.
Anyway, I have tried to explain my thougts. This mini article was very funny, different and usueful writing practise for me.
See you,
Hi everybody;
Since the last time I wrote, I have been preparing for exam. I have an exam next Tuesday. Afterwards, I will join in a big Chiristmas Party, on Wednesday.
I agree with "mnla" about thinking in Turkish, speaking English. But, it isn't easy to think like navite English speaker. We just try. Espacially if your native language and language you study are in different language families; you should try harder, like Turksih native speakers. Because; Turkish and English bases on different mental systems. For example; in Turkish we use supplements for tenses and subjects of the sentences. But in English, they use one ore more different word and supplements for all them. For example; "Geliyorum. = I am coming.". On the other hand, there are nearly 5.000 words in Turkish but there are over than 30.000 words in English. It doesn't mean English is richer than Turkish. But, it means that Turkish bases on this sentence: "How can I say most ecenomicly." altough English bases on this sentence: "How can I say most assorted?"
Then, it is too dificult for us, both thinking in and speaking Eglish.
Anyway, I have tried to explain my thougts. This mini article was very funny, different and usueful writing practise for me.
See you,

thank you my dear,

it was very kind to read your message, also good practice for mea.s.