• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
arkadaşlar merhaba,

ben bu konu ya en başındaki sayfalardan başladım öğreneyim diye çünkü siz baya ilerlemişsiniz artık türkçe konuşulmuyor :). yanlış birşey söylersem kusura bakmayın. belkide bu söyliyeceği şeyden bahsedilmiştir. neyse(daha baş sayfalardayım). kelimeleri yazılıyor ama söylenişlerinide yazarsanız daha ii olur söylenişlerini bilmeden kelime öğrenmenin bir anlamı yok bence yanlış telaffuz çok farklı anlamlar çıkabiliyor. burdaki konuşmalar gerçekten güzel ve pratikl oluyor. bende hep bir yabancı arkadaşım olsa onunla konuşayım diye hem arkadaşlık kurulur hemde dil yabancı birinden daha ii öğrenilir. yada nette arkadaş olucak ssadece ing. konuşulacak zevkli olur ya :) ama tabii herkese netten güvenilmiyor (ama burdaki arakadaşlar güvenilir olduğuna inanıyorum) zaten burdaki sıhbette bi nevi öyle oluyor. kızlar saçma bişey dediysem kusura bakmayın.neyse çok uzattım.
herkese ing. için verdiği bilgilere teşekkür ederim.
arkadaşlar merhaba,

ben bu konu ya en başındaki sayfalardan başladım öğreneyim diye çünkü siz baya ilerlemişsiniz artık türkçe konuşulmuyor :). yanlış birşey söylersem kusura bakmayın. belkide bu söyliyeceği şeyden bahsedilmiştir. neyse(daha baş sayfalardayım). kelimeleri yazılıyor ama söylenişlerinide yazarsanız daha ii olur söylenişlerini bilmeden kelime öğrenmenin bir anlamı yok bence yanlış telaffuz çok farklı anlamlar çıkabiliyor. burdaki konuşmalar gerçekten güzel ve pratikl oluyor. bende hep bir yabancı arkadaşım olsa onunla konuşayım diye hem arkadaşlık kurulur hemde dil yabancı birinden daha ii öğrenilir. yada nette arkadaş olucak ssadece ing. konuşulacak zevkli olur ya :) ama tabii herkese netten güvenilmiyor (ama burdaki arakadaşlar güvenilir olduğuna inanıyorum) zaten burdaki sıhbette bi nevi öyle oluyor. kızlar saçma bişey dediysem kusura bakmayın.neyse çok uzattım.
herkese ing. için verdiği bilgilere teşekkür ederim.

hello dear,
if you don't mind i want to write my message in English because i think that you can understand what you need (since you've read all fo the mesaages here )
You are absolutaly right about the best way to learn English is having a friend who is a native English speaker. You can have a chance to speak English evreytime by this way. But this method only make your speaking improved. it doesn't help to improve your writing or reading skills.
I think you need to improve these four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing ) to be able to say that " i know english well"
To make this happened, there are many different tips. for example chatting on the internet (like we are doing ), reading books, watching english movies (without subtitles), rading newspaper, gonig to abroad, taking lessons... etc.
This topic is just for practising and improving our writing and reading. You cannot improve your speaking via corresponding here. But while we are chatting on this forum we can also pick up some new words. At the same time we can see our mistakes and have a opportunity to correct them.
Anyway i just think that this topic is very usefull but not the only way to learn English. You can do any other methods that you know and you want to do.

I must say that you can also have fun here ;-)

uppsss, there is another thing in your message;
the new words that we give in our messages;
yes, you might be right, the pronunciations of new words can be given in the messages.

very fondly yours, honey.

i hope i didn't say so much big words.

and i hope you tahe advantage of this forum...
hi girls,

how are you all?
im fine, im so happy, because im going to shoping.
i like to shoping. see you later
oo pepermint my answer is same as ysl_cinema;)

hello dear,
i am very well , thank you.
last week i was a little bit sick. but now i am okey.

i love shopping...
what things you like to buy most?

i love buying body lotions, shampoos, soaps, perfumes and other cosmetics.
i also love buying clothes and even shoes (like every women ) :)))

i think i can enlarge the list of things that i love to buy..

hello dear,
if you don't mind i want to write my message in English because i think that you can understand what you reed (since you've read all fo the mesaages here )
You are absolutaly right about the best way to learn English is having a friend who is a native English speaker. You can have a chance to speak English evreytime by this way. But this method only make your speaking improved. it doesn't help to improve your writing or reading skills.
I think you need to improve these four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing ) to be able to say that " i know english well"
To make this happened, there are many different tips. for example chatting on the internet (like we are doing ), reading books, watching english movies (without subtitles), rading newspaper, gonig to abroad, taking lessons... etc.
This topic is just for practising and improving our writing and reading. You cannot improve your speaking via corresponding here. But while we are chatting on this forum we can also pick up some new words. At the same time we can see our mistakes and have a opportunity to correct them.
Anyway i just think that this topic is very usefull but not the only way to learn English. You can do any other methods that you know and you want to do.

I must say that you can also have fun here ;-)

uppsss, there is another thing in your message;
the new words that we give in our messages;
yes, you might be right, the pronunciations of new words can be given in the messages.

very fondly yours, honey.

i hope i didn't say so much big words.

and i hope you tahe advantage of this forum...

hello every body
peppermint, yazdıklarının türkçesinide yazarsan sevinirim. anlamadımm.
hi girls =) how was your day?

akska , i can help u, canım =)
merhaba on41 cim,
ben konu ile ilgili bişeyler yazmıştımda peppermint cevap yazmış ama anlamadım çevirisini sen yaparmısın. yok ta burada. teşekkürler
hello dear,
if you don't mind i want to write my message in English because i think that you can understand what you need (since you've read all fo the mesaages here )
You are absolutaly right about the best way to learn English is having a friend who is a native English speaker. You can have a chance to speak English evreytime by this way. But this method only make your speaking improved. it doesn't help to improve your writing or reading skills.
I think you need to improve these four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing ) to be able to say that " i know english well"
To make this happened, there are many different tips. for example chatting on the internet (like we are doing ), reading books, watching english movies (without subtitles), rading newspaper, gonig to abroad, taking lessons... etc.
This topic is just for practising and improving our writing and reading. You cannot improve your speaking via corresponding here. But while we are chatting on this forum we can also pick up some new words. At the same time we can see our mistakes and have a opportunity to correct them.
Anyway i just think that this topic is very usefull but not the only way to learn English. You can do any other methods that you know and you want to do.

I must say that you can also have fun here ;-)

uppsss, there is another thing in your message;
the new words that we give in our messages;
yes, you might be right, the pronunciations of new words can be given in the messages.

very fondly yours, honey.

i hope i didn't say so much big words.

and i hope you tahe advantage of this forum...

hello akska ,

arkadaslar izin verir mi bura da turkce konusmaya bilmiyorum.

i think, it is not allowed to speak turkish here.

fikrin fena degil; yeni kelimelerin telaffuzlari da yazilabilir...
ama burasi ing. partik icin, burda turkce yazmak pek amacimiza uymuyor sanki
merhaba peppermint,

(ee yazdığın bütün metnin türkçesini merak etmiştim.yazarmısın) ilk sayfalardaki yazışmalar da türkçede çok kullanan var. tabiiki sadece ing. konuşmak ii dir. ama azcıkk türkçede fena olmaz hani.. ben zaten orta sevyedeyim kursa felan gitmiştim. yazılanların çoğunu anlyorum. ama kelimelerin söylenişleri ben ce çokkk önemli. ve artık inş. hep burdan yazışmak istiyorum. hem arkadaşlık için hemde ing. geliştirmekte faydalı olacaktır. teşekkür ederim. öptüm hepinizi
hello dear,
if you don't mind i want to write my message in English because i think that you can understand what you need (since you've read all fo the mesaages here )
You are absolutaly right about the best way to learn English is having a friend who is a native English speaker. You can have a chance to speak English evreytime by this way. But this method only make your speaking improved. it doesn't help to improve your writing or reading skills.
I think you need to improve these four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing ) to be able to say that " i know english well"
To make this happened, there are many different tips. for example chatting on the internet (like we are doing ), reading books, watching english movies (without subtitles), rading newspaper, gonig to abroad, taking lessons... etc.
This topic is just for practising and improving our writing and reading. You cannot improve your speaking via corresponding here. But while we are chatting on this forum we can also pick up some new words. At the same time we can see our mistakes and have a opportunity to correct them.
Anyway i just think that this topic is very usefull but not the only way to learn English. You can do any other methods that you know and you want to do.

I must say that you can also have fun here ;-)

uppsss, there is another thing in your message;
the new words that we give in our messages;
yes, you might be right, the pronunciations of new words can be given in the messages.

very fondly yours, honey.

i hope i didn't say so much big words.

and i hope you tahe advantage of this forum...

selam canim,
eger sakincasi yoksa mailimi ing. yazacagim cunku anladigim kadariyla sen okudugunu anlayabiliyorsun. ing. ogrenmenin en iyi yolunun, anadili ing. olan bir arkadas edinmek oldugu konusunda kesinlikle haklsin. bu yolla herzaman ing. konusma şansin olur. ancak bu method senin yalnizca konusmani gelistirir, yazma ya da okuma yeteneklerini gelistirmene yardimi olmaz.
bence, ingilizceyi iyi biliyorum diyebilmek icin su dordunu de gelistirmelisin; okuma, yazma, konusma ve dinleme
bunu gerceklestirmek icin pekcok farkli yontem var, mesela, internette caht yapmak (bizim yaptigimiz gibi) kitap okumak, ing. film izlemek (altyazisiz), gazete okumak, yurtdisina cikmak, ders almak vs.
bu topic sadece bizim okuma ve yazmamizi gelistirmek icin. burada yazisarak konusmani gelistiremesin. fakat burada yazisirken, bazi yeni kelimeleri de kapabiliriz de. ayni zamanda hatalarimizi gorebiliriz ve bunlari duzeltmek icin bir sansimiz olur.
bence bu topic oldukca faydali fakat ing. ogrenmek icin tek yontem degil. sen bildigin ve yapmak istedigin herhangi diger yontemleri de deneyebilrsin.
burada eglenebilecegini de soylemeliyim.. :)

mesajinda birsey daha vardi;
bizim mesajlarimizda verdigimi< yen kelimeler,
evet hakli olabilirsin, mesajlarda kelimelerin telaffuzlarida verilebilir.

sevgilerle cnm,

umarim cok buyuk laflar etmemisimdir
umarim bu forumdan faydalanirsin.

ohhhh cevirdimmmmmmmm (turkcesini yazmak daha zor oldu :))))))))
how was your day girls,
i started do pilates yesterday, because i need to loose weight,
and this morning i woke up with pain. ugh all of body hurt.
i hope i will loose some weight soon as possible, pls pray for me to do my workout every day,
i dont want to give up.
take care beatifuls:)
how was your day girls,
i started do pilates yesterday, because i need to loose weight,
and this morning i woke up with pain. ugh all of body hurt.
i hope i will loose some weight soon as possible, pls pray for me to do my workout every day,
i dont want to give up.
take care beatifuls:)
think it is better to walk
hello peppermint,

i want to congratulate you because your english is excellent really. I couldn't follow this topic and read the messages regularly but your last message which you translated in Turkish shows that you are good at in English, where you did learn it & how did you improve also? i wanna be as good as you are but i think it's getting worse day by day because i have no time to study, to improve any more :((

it would be better for me to write here sometime, so take care everyone
merhaba ,

peppermint ilk önce çokkkk teşekkür ederim zahmete soktum metni türkçeye çevirmeni isteyerek.gerçekten uzun bi metin di. ilgilenip yazman çok memnun etti yani. yazdıkların kesinlikle doğru katılıyorum. ben kursa gittim orta seviyedeyim. yazma okuma dinleme anlama konusunda gerçekten iyiyim(ilerlemede kaydediyorum) :) çünkü çok seviyorum ing. konuşmayı yani bir dil öğrenmek çok güzel bir şey (yeni birşeyler öğrenmeyi hep sevmişimdir). nette hep ing. metinler okurum haberler vs.,yabancı dizileri izlerim bu nedenle söylediğim gibi okuma vs. geliştirdim. ama sanırım tek sıkıntım. konuşmak yani cümle kurmak. bunuda ancak yanlışlar yapsamda bol pratik yaparak düzeltebilirim. birde burda kelime söylenişleri yazılırsa tabii ii olur diye söylemek istemiştim. neyse çok uzattım bundan sonra inş. vaktim oldukça buraya girip ve hata yapmaktan korkmayıp. ing. yazmaya çalışacağım.
çokk uzun yazdım kusura bakmayın...
teşekkür ederim. ilgilenen herkese öptüm.
hey ladies!! i'm so suprised to see that kind of a subject in KK, that's a brilliant idea for women who want to improve their writing here when spending some time.. i'll be watching you regularly everday! have fun ^^
hey ladies!! i'm so suprised to see that kind of a subject in KK, that's a brilliant idea for women who want to improve their writing here when spending some time.. i'll be watching you regularly everday! have fun ^^

merhaba ,

peppermint ilk önce çokkkk teşekkür ederim zahmete soktum metni türkçeye çevirmeni isteyerek.gerçekten uzun bi metin di. ilgilenip yazman çok memnun etti yani. yazdıkların kesinlikle doğru katılıyorum. ben kursa gittim orta seviyedeyim. yazma okuma dinleme anlama konusunda gerçekten iyiyim(ilerlemede kaydediyorum) :) çünkü çok seviyorum ing. konuşmayı yani bir dil öğrenmek çok güzel bir şey (yeni birşeyler öğrenmeyi hep sevmişimdir). nette hep ing. metinler okurum haberler vs.,yabancı dizileri izlerim bu nedenle söylediğim gibi okuma vs. geliştirdim. ama sanırım tek sıkıntım. konuşmak yani cümle kurmak. bunuda ancak yanlışlar yapsamda bol pratik yaparak düzeltebilirim. birde burda kelime söylenişleri yazılırsa tabii ii olur diye söylemek istemiştim. neyse çok uzattım bundan sonra inş. vaktim oldukça buraya girip ve hata yapmaktan korkmayıp. ing. yazmaya çalışacağım.
çokk uzun yazdım kusura bakmayın...
teşekkür ederim. ilgilenen herkese öptüm.

You're wellcome, akska. It is my pleasure to reply your message.
Please don't afreaid of writing English.
I can recommend you something to be able to make sentences in English. Try to divide your sentence small pieces.

for example;

when i went to the shopping center to buy some new clothes for myself, i run into one of my friends who i have not seen for ages.

if you cannot make a sentence such long, you can say same thing with small sentences.
like this;
i went to the shopping center last night. i run into one of my friend there. i have not seen her for gaes.

i hope we'll see your english messages here soon.

lovely yours.
how was your day girls,
i started do pilates yesterday, because i need to loose weight,
and this morning i woke up with pain. ugh all of body hurt.
i hope i will loose some weight soon as possible, pls pray for me to do my workout every day,
i dont want to give up.
take care beatifuls:)

Hi, kurbet!
Congradulation!! There is a saying in Turkish, " beginning is halp of completing." :-)) It is very nice for you to start to exercise. Recently, i really want to do plates like you but i know nothing about it. :( Firstly, i need to have a plates education cd and learn a few things. And then my husband (he promised me) will buy a plates ball for me. I hope i can achieve my goal and reshape my body. Now i need to loose 1 or 2 weight. Don't laught at me; I know that 1 or 2 weight is not too much but it is very very difficult to loose weight. (putting on weight is very easy, unfortunatelly )

I wish you good workouts everyday. ;-)
hello peppermint,

i want to congratulate you because your english is excellent really. I couldn't follow this topic and read the messages regularly but your last message which you translated in Turkish shows that you are good at in English, where you did learn it & how did you improve also? i wanna be as good as you are but i think it's getting worse day by day because i have no time to study, to improve any more :((

it would be better for me to write here sometime, so take care everyone

Hello, Modemeo!
Thank you but i don't think that my English is perfect. I am still learning. I also like your English, you wrote your message without a mistake.
Actually i am a little bit unlucky. Because i din't have any opportunity to learn English at school. I wnt to the university, i have master degree even, but i was educated in Turkish. In summary, i was late to learn English. Two years ago i attended an English course and took lessons for a year. I was elementary when i started the course and i was upper-intermediate when i left the course.
(my only chance is, the teacher were native speakers there. so i was able to improve my speaking. now i don't shy while i am spekaing with a foreigner )

Since than, i am just trying to keep my English fresh. I take advantage of the internet to do this. There are plenty of site on the internet for English learners.