• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
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thanks a lot ema a.s.

i studiet economic and accountancy at university ;now i am working as an acoountant.
but of course i can make a comment about the recent economic stuation. i can say that nothing is good for all world these days. i hope everything will be better soon.

what about you? what was your major at university and what do you do for living now?

was not gone to university have in the moment my own office make security for cars

for lorrys and other big or small cars, evwerything is chancing quikly in our country

the economical will never be like we wanted ı think
you have a good job

do not thing to marry no men no problem ?
was not gone to university have in the moment my own office make security for cars

for lorrys and other big or small cars, evwerything is chancing quikly in our country

the economical will never be like we wanted ı think
you have a good job

do not thing to marry no men no problem ?

too late for this recommendation because i have already gotten married ema.
i got married three and a half mounth ago .. sorry a.s

but i don't feel regretful about it. mu husband is a kind of perfect man. (for now ) i hope we will be happy for all eternity.

you also have a good job. insurance will be the more important in our country in recent future, according to me.
and that time you'll be make more money :jeyyar:

fondly yours.

do i have to give another new word? ok ok ,
boozy : sarhoş
Good morning girls, and welcome pepermint, I just woke up Im about to have nice cup of coffee, after that Im going to drop off my kids at school. Later on I'll come back in comment. Talk to you guys later.

my word of the DAY is:claustrophobic - a person who doesnt like being in small places or someone who cant be in small places.

thank you kudret for your nice greeting.

how many children do you haveCADIARZU?

you are really lucky because you have a chance to have a nap during the days. i always have to wake up early unfortunately. :çok üzgünüm: i wake up at six-thirty o 'clock in the morning. what's a pity, isn't it?

pepermint same with me, i wake up 6:30 ,
sometimes i feel so sorry for myself:(
honey i have 3 children, and my youngest one is going to school for half time, so for that reason i am not able to get nap.
awww you got merried 3 mounths ago,
i hope you will be happy for all of your life with your new hubby:)
pepermint same with me, i wake up 6:30 ,
sometimes i feel so sorry for myself:(
honey i have 3 children, and my youngest one is going to school for half time, so for that reason i am not able to get nap.
awww you got merried 3 mounths ago,
i hope you will be happy for all of your life with your new hubby:)

thank you for your good wishes.
there children, what a nice... congradulations. i hope you will see that all of them to grow up and get married etc. :)))

sorry i have to leave now; i will write to you soon, i promise.

good evening
hi girls..
welcome pepperment ..

there is my word : drainer : bulaşıklık

i washed up dishes and set them to the draiener in the morning..
hi girls..
welcome pepperment ..

there is my word : drainer : bulaşıklık

i washed up dishes and set them to the draiener in the morning..

hello febi, thank you.

you have a good vocabulary, i've read your some messages. you give new words all the time. how do you study english? on your own? or do you go to any language schools? how long have you been studying english?

i had been studying english for a year in a language school two years ago. i was at upper-intermediate level that time. now i just try not to forget my english. i use the advantage of internet for this.

good to see you here.

lovely yours,

hi girls,
how are you today? the weather is snowy today, ugh i dont like to drive in this weather? but i did drive very slowly, its took my 1 hour to drop off my kids to school. now i am in my warm home, and im drinking tea. how about you girls what you doin today? tell me about it.
hi girls,
how are you today? the weather is snowy today, ugh i dont like to drive in this weather? but i did drive very slowly, its took my 1 hour to drop off my kids to school. now i am in my warm home, and im drinking tea. how about you girls what you doin today? tell me about it.

hello kurbet;
i am fine thank you, but i caught a cold last week and i still feel sick. :çok üzgünüm:
the weather is a bit gloomy here, too. but there is no rain or snow yet.
if you don't mind i want to ask you a question. :uhm: you live in u.s.a, i think you have plenty of opportunity to practise english there. wherever you go you need to speak english, in the shopping, in a store even while you are watching tv ? am i wrong? i wonder, why you prefer to practise english in KK ? you don't need it actually, do you?

i hope i don't bother you with my boring questions ..

by for now.

have a very nice day ...

hello kurbet it is nor important if we can speak little bit or very good english

only feeling good and be happy to be not alone this feeling much more important
ı think
What you thinka.s.:enbuyukkk:
thanks ema you understand my feeling,
like you said, its is not important for me to practice my english, i like to be here and talk with the turkish women, just for fun.
also i was stop working 2 mounths ago, , i dont watch tv, i dont go out, it is so boring to be home all the time, and do all the house work only.
i think i am depressed, so to being here make me happy little bit.
take care girls.
hi friends ,

pepper , i ve learned eng in school .. nearly ten years past from then.. but i still remember general knowledge on eng.. i aint doing anything else to prac. eng other from kk :) my level was upper intermadiate too .. but it was before a long timeeee.... sory everybody for my faulty eng .. i hope to remember some words in here ex : napkin : peçete :)

c u girls..

look after yourselves well..
thanks ema you understand my feeling,
like you said, its is not important for me to practice my english, i like to be here and talk with the turkish women, just for fun.
also i was stop working 2 mounths ago, , i dont watch tv, i dont go out, it is so boring to be home all the time, and do all the house work only.
i think i am depressed, so to being here make me happy little bit.
take care girls.

ok kurbet i understand. actually i asked this to you because i just wanted to make you speak more and to start a conversation. by this way we can know each other better and have good time together. we can make stronger the relationship between us.

don't be bored, try to enjoy at home. there are many things to do at home.
but i understand you, it is really difficult to be unemployed for a person who are used to working.

bye for now.
hi friends ,

pepper , i ve learned eng in school .. nearly ten years past from then.. but i still remember general knowledge on eng.. i aint doing anything else to prac. eng other from kk :) my level was upper intermadiate too .. but it was before a long timeeee.... sory everybody for my faulty eng .. i hope to remember some words in here ex : napkin : peçete :)

c u girls..

look after yourselves well..

hello again, febi.
i think you are still good at english. don't be sorry about doing mistakes because we all do.

see you honey,

have a wonderful week to all you..

by the way; i am very happy because we are working only three and half day this week..alkisalkisalkis:dance:
hello again, febi.
i think you are still good at english. don't be sorry about doing mistakes because we all do.

see you honey,

have a wonderful week to all you..

by the way; i am very happy because we are working only three and half day this week..alkisalkisalkis:dance:

thanks dear opuyorumnanaktan

public holiday : resmi tatil

it s public holiday on 29 th oct , in Turkiye..
i want to give you a new idiom.
i hope it will be helpful.


"dead to the world" Informal
Meaning: If you're dead to the world, you are sound asleep.

For example:

It looks like Kerry's spending the night on our sofa. She had two beers and now she's dead to the world.

Our boss must have had a late night. He's in his office with his face on the desk, dead to the world.

Quick Quiz:

Look at Larry - he's dead to the world. He must be
a.really sick
b.really tired
c.really lazy

answer is b.
my god.. this word ıs just for meee..

i m dead to the world because of my little angel..

sincerely honey ..
my god.. this word ıs just for meee..

i m dead to the world because of my little angel..

sincerely honey ..

febi, it must be really difficult to have a child. i hev been narried for four months. but my husband and i want to wait for a while to have a child maybe two years. firstly we need to pay our debts and save some money and than we can think about having a baby. actually i really want to be a mother. sometimes i imagine myself being pregnant and this imagination makes me feel very nice. i hope someday i will be able to have a vey pretty little girl. a.s

i spoke a lot ...

fondly yours