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gripin im live in colorado almost 10 years.
not at all kurbettttt opuyorumnanaktan i m looking forward to the pictures ..

there is my new word : table mat : tencere altlığı

Hi Kurbet, I live in Chicago. My family live in turkey. I go to english kurs, I'm little learn english.

alright kurbet How do I study ? I'm not practice. because, I do not work.

I'm sorry I can not learn English very:1no2:
prenses how long you have been there, and do you have any kids?
canim find american friends and hang out with them, it will really help to practice your english. watch tv and read english book even you dont understand. i have 3 kids i dont have time to study but if you dont have any kids thats mean you will have time for study. also pls believe in your self you will learn.

febi i dont know how to put picture in here, i need help.
i bought a beatiful table mat. nasil oldumu :)
my word for today comprehensive:kapsamlı, etraflı, geniş.
adnan needs to make comprehensive search about bihter
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed......Kızlar bana bunu tercüme edebilir misiniz?

Canim, I was 3 years in Amerika. I have no kids. I watch turkish television.
I know you are not supposed to do.. But I do not understand english tv.

KURBET, comprehensive:: comprehensive research to find a good job, do

My word fot today skill: beceri

women skilled to cook all the :)
it was a comprehensive study for me..

i have skill on painting .. mesela yani :)

there is my word : suggest : önermek

i suggest you practice.
it was a comprehensive study for me..

i have skill on painting .. mesela yani :)

there is my word : suggest : önermek

i suggest you practice.

HI febi,

I suggest you to go Canada opuyorumnanaktan
hi dear , i hope so..

new word : pumpkin : balkabağı

i cook pumpkin soup for my daughter ..

Hi Febi
I have a question,

Did you really made my soup?

What ise done with a pumpkin? always have very curisous?

because I dont no..

There is my new word: pregnant: hamile

I want to get pregnant :))
prenses i hope you will be pregnant soon as possible:ecrin_bebek:

febi my son likes to eat pumpkin pie
Hi Febi
I have a question,

Did you really made my soup?

What ise done with a pumpkin? always have very curisous?

because I dont no..

There is my new word: pregnant: hamile

I want to get pregnant :))

yes i did :) my daughter is 1 year 3 months old.. i do some curious cooks for her kaydirigubbakcemile3 and i also cook pumpkin pie for myselves sositososito

suck : anne sütü

all babies need suck

pregnant : i feel prenses ll be pregnant soon inşallah :)
hello there:)
here we are!
hope we ll help you for your practise as well with my prince from UK :)
if you have any question you are welcome all
c u then...

thanks a lot..

sincere : candan , içten

i think jaso is a sincere friend ..

jaso is my sentence right ? if you really want to help , you can say us our faults.. c u..
Febi how are you doin today?
I think suck means emmek, not anne sutu.
The baby was sucking its mother's breast. Bebek annesinin memesini emiyordu.

I sincerely thank you for your help.
talk to you later girls.
Hello all!

I didn't know that there is a topic like this for foreign language learners in KK. i have just seen this topic and immediately i want to write something here. i couldn't read all the pages so i don't know what you've spoken before. But if you greet me with pleasure i would be very glad.

i have an english nickname, peppermint. you must know the meaning of this. :) but don't ask me how i've chosen this nickname because i don't have a story to tell you about it. :)

really nice to be here and really nice to meet all of you.

i am looking forward to your answers.
see you soon.

take care ladies;

--- i think i need to give you a new word in evry mesaage.
let me think.. hmmm ..
ok, i found;

tummy; karin, mide
peppermint nice name like it

how is the economic of turkey for the coming days
peppermint nice name like it

how is the economic of turkey for the coming days

thanks a lot ema a.s.

i studiet economic and accountancy at university ;now i am working as an acoountant.
but of course i can make a comment about the recent economic stuation. i can say that nothing is good for all world these days. i hope everything will be better soon.

what about you? what was your major at university and what do you do for living now?

Good morning girls, and welcome pepermint, I just woke up Im about to have nice cup of coffee, after that Im going to drop off my kids at school. Later on I'll come back in comment. Talk to you guys later.

my word of the DAY is:claustrophobic - a person who doesnt like being in small places or someone who cant be in small places.
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