İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

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this is boring. lady baltimore is right, we have to find something to talk. what about our interests?

nowadays im interested in graphic design. im studying architecture at school an we had some graphic lessons a few years ago. lately ive been surfing some blogs of graphic designers and they make me WOW. they are real artists in my opinion.. and i want to paint something they do :)

so, what are your interests?
I'm interested playing guitar. But nowadays I can't play it because of my lovely baby girl. she is 4 mounts old. I'm busy with her. I'm trying to learn how to be a good mother. Will I be a successful mother?? I have no idea about it but I'm studying hard so I hope so.. Wish me a good luck..

What about you my friend?
hey talking about our interests is a great idea :) I just started to take a viloin class... I love it . But I am a new student for now. It is going to take a long time to play good I know, but I think I can do it :)))))))
if you try hard you can do that. All I want to say is don't give up my friend..
daha once paylasildimi bilmiyorum ama cok yararli olacagini dusundugum icin eklemek istedim

ıhtiyacı olanlar için .. Umarım Birilerinin ışine Yarar

PAST TENSE (… dün yazdım ) -V2-

I wrote letters yesterday.
He didn't write letters last night / week
Did They write letters a day ago?
What did he write the other day?
............................................after / before I vent out ?
........................When He was in his room?
........................until / till He fell asleep?


PRESENT TENSE ( …hergün yazarım ) -V1-
I write letters everyday.
...................every week.
He writes letters every now and then.
......................once in while.
I don't write letters on sundays.
He doesn't write letters in the morning (s).
She always writes letters if she has time.
What do you do when it is rainy?
What does She do When it is rainy?


FUTURE TENSE ( … yarın yazacağım ) -V1-
I will write letters tomorrow / tonight
I am going to write letters next weekend
He is going to write letters a day later.
They are going to write letters soon.
I will write letters tomorrow evening.
I will write a letter the day after tomorrow.
I will wait here until you come back .
I will write you if / When I have time


PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE ( 5 de yazıyordum )
I was writing a letters at five o'clock yesterday.
I was writing a letters yesterday morning .
.............................. at room / last night
...............................when You called me
................................while ıt was rainning.
They were playing cards when I saw Them .
He was fishing while we were swiming.


PRESENT PROGRESSıVE TENSE ( su an yazıyorum )
I am writing a letter at the moment. / now.
He is writing a letter right this moment.
They are working here for the time being.
.................................................. ........for a limited time.
.................................................. .........this week only.
Look, Tom is / Tim and Jim are coming.
While I am studying I like listening to music.
.................................................. ..........He falls asleep.


FUTURE PROGRESSıVE TENSE ( yazıyor olacagım )
I will be writing a letter at 5 o'clock to.
I am going to be writing a letter at noon.
He is going to be writing a letter at noon.
They are going to be writing a letter at noon.
She will be writing a letter when I go in
I will be writing letters ıntil the news .
.................................................. begins.


PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE ( ..tir yazmaktayım )
I had been writing letters far an hour when…
.................................................. ......…. you called me
He had been writing letters since breakfast…
.................................................. .........when he feel asleep
I had been writing letters for 2 hours at 5
I had been writing letters before I went out ….
….for a walk


I have been writing letters for 2 hours.
.....................................Since 3 o'clock.
She has been writing letters since you left.
He has been writing letters -V2-
.........................................for the last 2 hours.
.........................................during the past 2 hours.
He has been writing letters sinve he had his
.................................................. ..........breakfast.


FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE ( ..tır yazmakta olacağım)
I will have been writing letters
...(Shall)..............for 2 hours at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

He will have been writing letters
.....................for an hour at 8 o'clock tomorrow.
......................( for an hour when the news begin.)


PAST PERFECT TENSE ( -e kadar / -nde yazmıştım )
I had written 5 letters by the time the news….
He had written 5 letters since he started.
After I had written 2 letters, I went to bed.
Once I had written the letters, I posted it
As soon as I had written the letter. I hid it


PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ( şuana kadar yazdım )
I have written five letters so far today.
............-V3-................since 3 o'clock.
...................................up to now.
....................................since you left.
He has alredy written ten letters. -V2-
She hasn't written any letters, yet
I have written 5 letters since I started.
He has written none during the past 2 hours


FUTURE PERFECT TENSE ( -e kadar yazmış olacağım )
I will have written 3 letters by 8 o'clock
I will have written 3 letters by the time come back.
He will have written 7 letters this time tomorrow. next Sunday. the 1st of june.
hi laydbaltimore,thank for your information.i have just done copying-sticking.
hey everybody!!
I am here as an English teacher a.s
I'm Seda and I am an English teacher working in a private college.
It is nice to see u trying to speak English and your effort
As an advice, watch films with English subtitles and try to catch the dialogues and new words and use them in your daily life..
keep trying and don't lose your interest
Hi guys,
I was a fun of this topic 3-4 months ago (maybe befor it). We were talking about a topic with friends. We were writing topic-lists, and then we were following it. As you see, I make stupid mistakes by writing. Sorry :çok üzgünüm: But I wish, I can be better with time :Saruboceq: If you've looked the pages before, maybe you already have read these topics. I read one page before, that you started to speak about your interests. I love the animals. I try to feed the animals on the street, but last weeks I was so lazy and now so busy, so my mother do it for both of us :asigim:

I love internet and to look for information, which I wonder about it. delikafadulden I want to buy a new notebook, do you have any suggestion? alkisalkisalkis
işe bu topiği en baştan okumayla başlıcm nasıl denir yaaaslında bu fiilimsi giren cümleleri kuramıorum..
olmuş bence:)from the most beginning. de olabilir dimi en başından dersek.

CADIARZU almanca düşünüyorum CADIARZU düşünüyorum, pek doğru gelmiyor (tabii alm. ve ing farklı diller :mymeka: karşılaştırma pek de doğru değil belki de) CADIARZU

all /total gibi bir şey lazım sanki CADIARZU
hi girls,how are you tonigth?i'm play game..i like the games very much.but this is sometime a problem for me.:)
hi girls,how are you tonigth?i'm play game..i like the games very much.but this is sometime a problem for me.:)

hi ezzoo, it's nice to see you again. I'm little bit tired and it's too hot now. I don't know, how can I sleep this night :1no2:

sanırım "I'm playing game" olmalı ezzoo, hani şimdiki zaman için, ya da genişzaman için I play oluyor ya. Belki de klavye hatasıdır, sadece uyarmak istedim, çünkü ben küçük uyarılar sayesinde çok şey öğrendim bu topicte yerimseniben
no no!!you don't feel bad yourself.yes,i have wrote wrong from carelessness.i'm happy, ,when you warned me.
yes this nigth is too hot.furtunately my living city isn't too hot.:)i'm luckly according to you.
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