- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #3.201
I'm sad because I'm working...and 21,38 ın a hospital...
what a pıtty dear,ıt ıs very irritating situation being at work for long hours...take it easy...kaydirigubbakcemile3
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I'm sad because I'm working...and 21,38 ın a hospital...
what a pıtty dear,ıt ıs very irritating situation being at work for long hours...take it easy...kaydirigubbakcemile3
There is a quite diverse mix of thoughts and feelings in this forum. I can't follow all of them:çok üzgünüm:
because everybody is talking about completely different things. Someone is talking about her daily routine, on the other hand someone is talking about her problems.......Everybody is on different roads:uhm:what are we going to do and go? have you any suggestions?
yh, i fink so...
ur so vain boiz, get a life loll
Woooowwwwwwwww , Christina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you speaking English?
I understood nothing from your sentences and wordskafamçokkarıştı
I think your Engish is very very advanced ; so we can't understand what you mean
lolz??? fink???boiz?????loll??? what are you trying to say?
Could you please explain what you mean with much more simple words?
English level isn't as good as yours, babysırnaşık şey
cuz i've lived in london for years, hun. my words above is juz daily language like u guys no. i fink da language u guyz speakin in seems formal. no offence but, diz way of da language can be a bit boring sumtime 4 native speakers or people livin in english speaking countriez. it sounds like chattin 2 a child lolz.
juz try 2 use more abbvz like ''2'' instead of saying ''to'' or ''4'' for ''for'' in the NET or textin. ur speech's gonna seem more natural in dat way ;-)
Thank you 4 ur suggestions:lepi: I got it.CADIARZU
Please give me some recommendations or advices about the ways 2 improve my English,
Especially How can I learn daily, informal usages in this language?
Are u still living in London, hun????
check out freedictionary, urbandictionary sites & keep up wif da forums in eng. or if u have a facebook account, make foreign friends, read their comments, dou lolzz
i aint in london now, im gonna be there soon.
Thanxs 4 ur suggestions:lepi: As you said, I don't fink to have a baby
In our society, it is unusual, extraordinary not to want to give a birth.
When I say my thoughts about this issue, people get shocked.
But I don't care about the people around mealsanaalsanasmile
As a woman, being a mother shouldn't be an obligation or compulsionklava:
everybody think that if you are a woman you have to be a motherlmaz:
Sometimes they say" you can't find a man to marry If you go on thinking like this way!
No mattter , I can live alone forever but I don't change my mind, I am so stubborn:))))))))))))))))
In fact I wanna ask some questions about London...
Were you much more happy there than in Turkey? How were the attitudes of the people towards you as a foreigner? How long did you stay there? Does it take long to learn English?Are Turks and English people completely different?
yhhh, dis is exactly what i fink ! i neva understand why ppl is soo willing 2 have a child, cant i wanna live my own life in peace and wth fun lol ppl r no able 2 see da reality dat children juz mess&F*** da parent's life up lollz
anywayss hun,
i was soo bloody happy in london, cuz i luv diversity ! different ppl, different cultures etc...its like everyday u start a new life.. wen u wake up, u get excited bout what ur gonna experience in dat day. imagine dat u live in a place no terror issues, protests, theft, murder, discrimination etc... of course, it doest mean dat u live in heaven, but i mean da problems aint sooo much like in turkey. i went 2 language school first, then 2 college there. i took translation&interpretation courses. in london, there r ppl from all around da world and there's a bit of english ppl, majority of 'em is out of london. by da way, they r no racist or arrogant as it is said ! there r sum uneducated&rude turks like a cow. of course, they dont like such people, who likes ! and these cows fink dat they dont like turks or they r racist. in fact, it is juz a myth.
so where does ur english come fromwht r da things u've been doin 4 da language by now ?
When I read ur answer, I am jealous of uUr life in London was full of adventure, wasn't it? Yeah u are right we have lots of troubles and disasters as a counry?U mention arrogant and rude Turks. I know these kind of people benneyaptımki They are everywhere.
When I was at the University, I had a chance to go to USA for two months with Work and Travel Programme. I dont know whether you know what kind of programme it is. You work somewhere and you get money, ıf you want you can travel ,too. I worked in a fast food restaurant for just 2 months. I couldnt improve my English as much as I wanted. While working, it is banned to speaksempatiksalakcinni your hands must only work, u know. So my english is not good now. U are so lucky because u went 2 London for just learning this language and improve yourself and your skills by going 2 the college.
Did you go to London with a scholarship or with your own opportunities????Is it expensive to live there? Why did you come back????? If I were you I would go back London.You can be a banker, bank clerk there, too Meanwhile you are a banker?????your job seems as a banker. Is it true???am I right???
I don2t have any chance to improve my English in Turkey:gitme:I am interested in learning new things English is one of these interesting things. I fink learning a new language is like learning a new world for me:))))))))))))) I am enthusiastic about it.
u jelaousss ha lol
yhhh my life was full of adventure there. urs must b very fun, 2 !
ive always wanna join wat, i no it could b no dat easy, cuz u gotta find a job, and u could b no dat lucky everytime 2 get it easily. but forget it, ive always been curious bout american life(american dream lol). but juz da uk and usa has always been my dream, no da others, by da way.
i had no scholarship, juz got benefits from my dad's savings lol.
life can b expensive 4 foreigners, particularly 4 turks, 1 pound is approx. 3 tl. but u buy blouse of good quality for 2-3 pound, or a pair of shoes for 5-7 pound.(sorry, i couldnt find out where dat fukin pound mark on da keyboard is lolll)
and sure its soo cheap if ur da citizen of da country. but house rentals r soooo costly, u give at least 200 pound everyWEEK for a 1 bed flat.
as i said b4 imma go back 2 london, huni.
by da way, im no workin now. my job is no like what it seems here, its juz 4 da hell of it lollzz
meanwhile, wht r da things ur doing, ur a teacher ? if so, wths ur branch ? r u finkin of travellin 2 any other countries ?
u jelaousss ha lol
yhhh my life was full of adventure there. urs must b very fun, 2 !
ive always wanna join wat, i no it could b no dat easy, cuz u gotta find a job, and u could b no dat lucky everytime 2 get it easily. but forget it, ive always been curious bout american life(american dream lol). but juz da uk and usa has always been my dream, no da others, by da way.
i had no scholarship, juz got benefits from my dad's savings lol.
life can b expensive 4 foreigners, particularly 4 turks, 1 pound is approx. 3 tl. but u buy blouse of good quality for 2-3 pound, or a pair of shoes for 5-7 pound.(sorry, i couldnt find out where dat fukin pound mark on da keyboard is lolll)
and sure its soo cheap if ur da citizen of da country. but house rentals r soooo costly, u give at least 200 pound everyWEEK for a 1 bed flat.
as i said b4 imma go back 2 london, huni.
by da way, im no workin now. my job is no like what it seems here, its juz 4 da hell of it lollzz
meanwhile, wht r da things ur doing, ur a teacher ? if so, wths ur branch ? r u finkin of travellin 2 any other countries ?