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hi. pepermint, how are you?
what happen are seek?
hello kurbet,
i am ok now, i just forgot to change my mood. i changed, thanks for reminding.
what about you? are you well? please be careful about H1N1. i am really afraid of it because i am a really weak person, i often catch a cold and i can be sick easily. i think i have a weak immunity. so i must be much more careful and take care of myself. Nowadays i eat vegetables and fruits much..

you take care of yourself, too...
i am happy that you ok peppermint,also for the swine flu, they said garlic is very good, every morning take one dis :) garlic. i do for me and for my children.
talk to you later
yes, i've heard that garlic is like a medicine for every ilnesses. it is very healty. and you're right, Kurbet; eating one piece of garlic every morning can cure various diseases on our bodies.
and don't worry about the smell of it because when you just swallow it (no chewing) there would be no smell.

healty days to all you..
Are there any other things we can do to protect ourselves from ilnesses?

Hi guys,
I was again for a while not here, but I see, that you started to speak about a very actuell topic. Yes, I wonder also, how can protect ourselves from this illnesses? mafoldumben

Especially on public transport I get afraid mafoldumben Because still they don't care enough. And if the bus is full, brrr I can't change my place klava: So in the evenings if I go work, I take taxi, this winter will be too expensive for me.

Actually not only this year, for 3-4 years I pay more attention in winter, because if I get sick, I can't work with full energie :gitme:

Healty days to everyone a.s.

Good morning, yorgun savasci and all you!

How are you feeling today? I am feeling a little bit tired and sleepy but ok. You're absolutely right dear, i don't use public transport to go to the work and back home; but last week i had to use once and felt really bad; i cleaned my hands with wet handkerchief during the travel.

Do you have a car yorgun savaşçı? It can be cheaper than taxi.

good days ladies....
hi everybody
it is a good idea to practise english here.i have a car so i don't have to use public transport but i am a teacher and i have to communicate with a lot of people everyday such as my students ,their parents ,my colleques so I have to protect myself from illneses and I have a 2 year old daughter.I prepare a tea including ginger,lemon and all my family drink it we eat orange and mandalin everyday.I heard eating garlic also protects but I didn't try it.have a nice day without illnesses.
Hi fellows,
While you are practicing vocabulary and meanings of idioms, poems are very useful for understanding reality behind secondary meanings and such. Also you can observe differences between two languages and how to change sentences for ryhme but keeping the meaning of lines of the original poetry. So I found some poems and lyrics for you on the internet both english and turkish.
I hope you enjoy.


Once upon a time I had watched a play somewhere
There was a curled old man in that play
Wearing ragged clothes
Having meaningless glance in his eyes
Being too old, having no energy left, and being deserted,
Left alone, having lived nothing

His tears had neither stopped nor finished
He had so much trouble that hadn’t ever finished
Breathing was his profit, living was his only ambition
Having played the greatest tragedy in the world
On the life stage without curtains
He had passed on, do you have a clue?


Yıllar önce bir yerlerde bir oyun seyretmiştim
Bu oyunda iki büklüm yaşlı bir adam vardı
Yırtık pırtık elbise vardı üstünde
Anlamsız bakışlar vardı gözünde
Yaşı geçmiş, işi bitmiş, terk edilmiş
Yalnız kalmış, yaşamamış ihtiyarın

Yaşlı adamın gözyaşları durup dinmek bilmezdi
Dertler ne kadar fazla bitip tükenmek bilmezdi
Nefes almak kazancıydı, yaşamak tek amacıydı
Perdesi olmayan bu hayat sahnesinde
Dünyanın en acıklı oyununu oynadı
Göçtü gitti aramızdan, haberin var mı?



If eyes see, heart likes and falls in love
The passion to meet lights fire
Reality and dream get mixed into each other
One moment comes and arched eyebrows are frowned.

He had loved a lot of beautiful ones without being loved
He knows that there is no remedy for this trouble
The lover also bears the trouble
Why falling in love without being loved?

Days full of hope and expectation
Passed with happiness and grief
We had tried hard but too hard
But couldn’t answer the riddle called love.


Göz görse, gönül sever, aşık olur
Kavuşmak tutkusu bir ateş yakar
Hayal, gerçek birbirine karışır
Bir an gelir hilal kaşlar çatılır.

Çok güzeller sevmiş, seveni olmaz
Bilir ki, bu derde çare bulunmaz
Seven aşık dert yükünü çeker de
Aşık olup sevilmemek nedendir?

Umutlar, ümitlerle dolu günler
Sevinçler, kederlerle geçti günler
Çok ama pek çok uğraştık yine de
Aşk denen bilmeceyi çözemedik.



Yaş otuz beş! yolun yarısı eder.
Dante gibi ortasındayız ömrün.
Delikanlı çağımızdaki cevher
Yalvarmak yakarmak nafile bugün
Gözünün yaşına bakmadan gider.

Şakaklarıma kar mı yağdı ne var?
Benim mi Allahım bu çizgili yüz?
Ya gözler altındaki mor halkalar?
Neden böyle düşman görünürsünüz
Yıllar yılı dost bildiğim aynalar?

Zamanla nasıl değişiyor insan!
Hangi resmime baksam ben değilim.
Nerde o günler o şevk o heyecan?
Bu güler yüzlü adam ben değilim;
Yalandır kaygısız olduğum yalan.

Hayal meyal şeylerden ilk aşkımız;
Hatırası bile yabancı gelir.
Hayata beraber başladığımız
Dostlarla da yollar ayrıldı bir bir;
Gittikçe artıyor yalnızlığımız.

Gökyüzünün başka rengi de varmış!
Geç farkettim taşın sert olduğunu.
Su insanı boğar ateş yakarmış!
Her doğan günün bir dert olduğunu
Insan bu yaşa gelince anlarmış.

Ayva sarı nar kırmızı sonbahar!
Her yıl biraz daha benimsediğim.
Ne dönüp duruyor havada kuşlar?
Nerden çıktı bu cenaze? ölen kim?
Bu kaçıncı bahçe gördüm tarumar?

Neylersin ölüm herkesin başında.
Uyudun uyanamadın olacak.
Kimbilir nerde nasıl kaç yaşında?
Bir namazlık saltanatın olacak
Taht misali o musalla taşında.


The age is thirty-five! Half of the way!
We're in the middle of life like a Dante.
The fire we felt at the time of our youth
When complaining is no use any longer
Goes out without caring about tears.

Did it snow on my temples or what's this?
God this wrinkled face belongs to me?
Or those purple bulges beneath my eyes?
Why did you become enemy to me
Oh the mirrors I knew as friends for years.

How the man changes with time!
The man at those pictures is not me.
Oh those days my desires and excitement!
This cheerful man is not me.
That I lack of troubles is but a lie.

My first love like only a dream
Is now strange even as a memory.
Our ways separated one by one;
With the friends we began our lives
My loneliness gradually increases.

There was also another colour of sky!
I recognized a stone hard so late.
Water would drown man fire would burn!
Everyday rising is a trouble
One understands when he comes to this age.

Quince's yellow pomegranate's red autumns!
Which I accept a little further each year.
Why are the birds still circling around at sky?
Why is this funeral? Who died again?
How many such gardens did I see topsy-turvy?

What can you do death comes to all us.
You fall asleep; and you don't wake up.
Who knows where how at what age?
You will have a single prayer long sovereignty
By the grave stone as if it was your throne.

Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı


ıstanbul’u Dinliyorum

ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı;
Önce hafiften bir rüzgar esiyor;
Yavaş yavaş sallanıyor

Uzaklarda çok uzaklarda
Sucuların hiç durmayan çıngırakları;
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı;
Kuşlar geçiyor derken
Yükseklerden sürü sürü çığlık çığlık;
Ağlar çekiliyor dalyanlarda; Bir kadının suya değiyor ayakları;
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı;
Serin serin Kapalıçarşı
Cıvıl cıvıl Mahmutpaşa
Güvercin dolu avlular
Çekiç sesleri geliyor doklardan
Güzelim bahar rüzgarında ter kokuları;
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı
Başımda eski alemlerin sarhoşluğu
Loş kayıkhaneleriyle bir yalı
Dinmiş lodosların uğultusu içinde.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı;
Bir yosma geçiyor kaldırımdan.
Küfürler şarkılar türküler laf atmalar.
Bir şey düşüyor elinden yere;
Bir gül olmalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı.
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum gözlerim kapalı;
Bir kuş çırpınıyor eteklerinde.
Alnın sıcak mı değil mi biliyorum;
Dudakların ıslak mı değil mi biliyorum;
Beyaz bir ay doğuyor fıstıkların arkasından
Kalbinin vuruşundan anlıyorum;
ıstanbul’u dinliyorum.


I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed;
At first there blows a gentle breeze
And the leaves on the trees
Softly flutter or sway;
Out there far away
The bells of water carriers incessantly ring;
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.

I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed;
Then suddenly birds fly by
Flocks of birds high up in a hue and cry
While nets are drawn in the fishing grounds
And a woman's feet begin to dabble in the water.
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.

I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.
The Grand Bazaar is serene and cool
A hubbub at the hub of the market
Mosque yards are brimful of pigeons
At the docks while hammers bang and clang
Spring winds bear the smell of sweat;
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.

I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed;
Still giddy since bygone bacchanals
A seaside mansion with dingy boathouses is fast asleep
Amid the din and drone of southern winds reposed
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.

I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.
Now a dainty girl walks by on the sidewalk:
Cusswords tunes and songs malapert remarks;
Something falls on the ground out of her hand
It's a rose I guess.
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed.

I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes closed;
A bird flutters round your skirt;
I know your brow is moist with sweat
And your lips are wet.
A silver moon rises beyond the pine trees:
I can sense it all in your heart's throbbing.
I am listening to Istanbul intent my eyes

Orhan Veli KANIK


Ağlasam sesimi duyar mısınız
Dokunabilir misiniz
Gözyaşlarıma ellerinizle?
Bilmezdim şarkıların bu kadar güzel
Kelimelerinse kifayetsiz olduğunu
Bu derde düşmeden önce.
Bir yer var biliyorum;
Her şeyi söylemek mümkün;

Epeyce yaklaşmışım duyuyorum;

I Can't Tell

If I cry can you hear my voice
In my lines;
Can you touch
My tears with your hands?
I didn't know that songs were this beautiful
Whereas* words were this insufficient
Before I had this trouble.
There is a place I know;
It is possible to say everything;

I am pretty close I can feel;
I can't tell.

Orhan Veli Kanık

(Whereas* anlamı:

although, even though, though'ya benzer.

ama farkı şudur ki, although ile belirttiğimiz olay beklenmedikdir.
ve although'un içeriği ana fikre ters bir olaydır.
oysa whereas'de birbiriyle karşıtlık oluşturma vardır.
whereas'e tıpatıp uyacak şekilde "while"ı kullanabiliriz.

Bu açıklamayı ekleme sebebim kelimenin hatalı yazılmış "where as" ile karıştırılmaması içindir.)


Hadise - Dum Tek Tek

Baby your perfect for me..
Bebeğim sen benim için mükemmelsin..

you are my gift from heaven
Cennetten hediyemsin

this is the greatest story of all times
Bu tüm zamanların en iyi hikayesi

we met in like in a movie
Filmlerdeki gibi tanıştık

so meant to last forever
Bu sonsuza kadar süreceği anlamına geliyordu

and what you're doing to me
ve bana yaptığın şey

feels so fine
çok iyi hissettiriyor

angel I wake up and live my dreams
Meleğim, kalkarım ve rüyalarımı yaşarım

bitmeden tükenmeden

crazy for you
senin için çıldırıyorum

can you feel the rhythm in my heart
kalbimdeki ritmi hissedebiliyor musun?

the beats going Düm Tek Tek
tempo düm tek tek diye gidiyor

always out it like there no limit
kalbimde bir dakika bile durmadan

feels like there's no way back
geri dönüşü olsun istemiyor

can you feel the rhythm in my heart
kalbimdeki ritmi hissedebiliyor musun?

the beats going Düm Tek Tek
tempo düm tek tek diye gidiyor

always out it like there's no minute
kalbimde bir dakika bile durmadan

feels like there's no way back
geri dönüşü olsun istemiyor

baby i read all answers
bebeğim bütün cevapları okudum

in your exotic movements
egzotik hareketlerindeki

you are the greatest dancer of all times
sen tüm zamanların en iyi dansçısısın

you make me feel so special
beni çok özel hissettiriyorsun

no one can kiss like you do
kimse senin öptüğün gibi öpemez

as it is your profession
sanki bu senin uzmanlık alanın

feel so fine
çok iyi hissettiriyor

angel I wake up
Meleğim, kalkarım

and live my dreams
ve rüyalarımı yaşarım

bitmeden tükenmeden

crazy for you
senin için çıldırıyorum


can you feel the rhythm in my heart
kalbimdeki ritmi hissedebiliyor musun?

the beats going Düm Tek Tek
tempo düm tek tek diye gidiyor

always out it like there's no minute
kalbimde bir dakika bile durmadan

feels like there's no way back
geri dönüşü olsun istemiyor

can you feel the rhythm in my heart
kalbimdeki ritmi hissedebiliyor musun?

the beats going Düm Tek Tek
tempo düm tek tek diye gidiyor

always out it like there's no minute
kalbimde bir dakika bile durmadan

feels like there's no way back
geri dönüşü olsun istemiyor

can you feel the rhythm in my heart
kalbimdeki ritmi hissedebiliyor musun?

the beats going Düm Tek Tek
tempo düm tek tek diye gidiyor

always out it like there's no minute
kalbimde bir dakika bile durmadan

feels like there's no way back
geri dönüşü olsun istemiyor

If you find this practice's useful please reply so I can send more poems and lyrics. And I also have to make it clear that these are not my translations and I'm thanking to owners from here for their efforts and time.
Hi ladies,

It's me again. I couldn't be able to read all messages considering to my life time hehehe naniknanik So I can not be sure if anyone mentioned about any practice meetings. One of my best friends told me about it and asked me if I were avaliable to join her so she goes with a company and not alone. She says it's only 10 TL and you don't need to participate for all meetings. Just need to inform them few days before the meeting. Every week one day in mecidiyeköy and one day in anatolian side I guess. And webpage shows there are some meetings in other cities too. 8 or more people are meeting in a place like a caffee shop or something like that and one supervisor woman guides the conversation, gives them some rol playing games. It takes 2 hours, and it's all about practice for speaking. I'm considering to participate next wednesday or the next week after that. I will inform you if you are also interested and now giving you the link for detailed information. Konusmaatolyesi.blogspot (I don't have enough messages for ability to share a link yet so I had to write directly.)

If anyone knows about these meetings, please give me some detail about atmosphere before I go. Is it really working and improving speaking level? It looks like a bit scary... With all those people who doesn't even know each other. And I don't want to go to mecidiyeköy from beylikdüzü for humiliation to be honest. CADIARZU

Inci (the coward mood is on today) :çok üzgünüm:
Wooww,I haven't came here for a long time and you guys going well,that's wonderful.kaydirigubbakcemile2
This is a nice topic.That's what I do, speaking English all the time kaydirigubbakcemile3
so, you must be very good at English. you might be helpful for all of us.

by the way, i wish you a wonderful day ladies.
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