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I think you speak very well,why are you so worried like that?I need your help ladies. I will go London with my boyfrind for holiday. But ı cant speak very well.
I hope, ı shoud do practice![]()
help me:)
I want to speak englısh too help me![]()
I think you speak very well,why are you so worried like that?
I am sure every body will help you opuyorumnanaktan, and when you start to paractıse a lot you will be able to speak very good.
Thaht's mean ıs because of he you wıll learn and speak perfect english,but everything needs time and day by day you wıll learn.For ex when Iwas ın high scholl Iwasn't know anything but at the end of the year Isaw my self ın a good positıon on my english lesson,then I started collage and ımprove ıt.My poınt ıs agaın you just need some tıme kaydirigubbakcemile5thanks a lot. but it is reason, he finished university in Los Angeles. he speaks very well (quickly etc.)
opuyorumnanaktanI Thınk about somethıng that we can do.Thıs ıs my proposal: every week we can chooe one subject and all the gırls can write here ıdeas about our subject,like composition but not like esay or smt .How abut that gırls?Do you want? I guess this would be much more good.If you want to partıcıpate I will open the subject ın KK forum.
pls,reply this meg,Write,ok or no
of course you cankaydirigubbakcemile5Hello! opuyorumnanaktan
I want to improve my English, too alkisalkisalkis
Can I join you? :kedi:
of course you cankaydirigubbakcemile5
Hi,eleyna how are you?I feel a lıttle sıck.:gitme:hello morning girls