- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #2.381
CADIARZU then it's the sickness of the members of this topic :jeyyar: because, if you remember on it, i wrote 4-5 topics maybe 2 weeks ago, and again we choosed just one of them and also the rest are already there :dilcikar:
i think me and duygu have done, what we can, now it's your turn dear ladies :jeyyar: you say the topics and we write sırnaşık şey
welcome here gunesce.. it's very nice to see new members here.we're very glad that we have such a friend having a good english knowledge here kaydirigubbakcemile5
these days are a little bit tiring for me so i can not follow the topic continuously.. sorry for this girls :1no2:
but gunesce..:1no2: i heard about what you told in the news but i don't have some idea to discuss about it :1no2: maybe you can enlighten us about the subjectsengözlerimebaksanaba.s.
hi. i am new.my english is very bad. i need practice.thanks for now.:)
welcome here honey a.s. i hope you will join the subjects that we are talking.. so that you can develop your knowledge as we do hihoyyyt
tired warrior my honey sengözlerimebaksanab
i'm coming to istanbul this friday sengözlerimebaksanab
wait for me Şeniz
yes i totally agree with you :teytey: come on girlsssengözlerimebaksanab
hi. i am new.my english is very bad. i need practice.thanks for now.:)
ı have just read the article of YORGUN SAVAŞCI and ı think you are expecting others to offer subjects .ı would lıke to tell one which just came to my mind.may be some of you who follow daily media in english know this name. jade goody. she has been very popular in uk since she has gained fame appearing in bbg house in2002. she has cervical cancer which is terminal.she has been waiting for her final now in front of cameras .ıf you lıke the subject we can dıscuss ıt.
welcome here gunesce.. it's very nice to see new members here.we're very glad that we have such a friend having a good english knowledge here kaydirigubbakcemile5
these days are a little bit tiring for me so i can not follow the topic continuously.. sorry for this girls :1no2:
but gunesce..:1no2: i heard about what you told in the news but i don't have some idea to discuss about it :1no2: maybe you can enlighten us about the subjectsengözlerimebaksanaba.s.
ı have just read the article of YORGUN SAVAŞCI and ı think you are expecting others to offer subjects .ı would lıke to tell one which just came to my mind.may be some of you who follow daily media in english know this name. jade goody. she has been very popular in uk since she has gained fame appearing in bbg house in2002. she has cervical cancer which is terminal.she has been waiting for her final now in front of cameras .ıf you lıke the subject we can dıscuss ıt.
welcome here gunesce.. it's very nice to see new members here.we're very glad that we have such a friend having a good english knowledge here kaydirigubbakcemile5
these days are a little bit tiring for me so i can not follow the topic continuously.. sorry for this girls :1no2:
but gunesce..:1no2: i heard about what you told in the news but i don't have some idea to discuss about it :1no2: maybe you can enlighten us about the subjectsengözlerimebaksanaba.s.
come honey, come to me cokacimcoook :roflol: what will you do here? will you visit friends or have an interview? it will be warm on friday, maybe rainy but it's not so bad, isn't it? yerimseniben.
arkadaslar ben herkesın kolay anlayabılmesı ıcın turkce yazmak ıstedım.
sanırım bu konu baslıgı altında toplanan bızler . farklı sevıyelerde oldugumuz ıcın bazı arkadaslar anlamakta zorluk cekecek bazılarına ıse fazla kolay geldıgı ıcın cabucak sıkılıp farklı yerlere dagılacak.
benım fıkrım su: burda intermediate (orta düzey ) ve advanced (ileri ) olanlar yazısalım .dıger arkadaslar ıcın 2inci bir topic acılmıs gordum.
boylelıkle daha rahat ılerleyebılız.
ayrıca daha ozenlı yazarsak okurken zevk alabılırız dıye dusunuyorum.bazı arkadaslar gramere hıc onem vermeden yazıyorlar .
benım ıngılızcem kotü degıl ama yanlıs yaptıgım zaman yanlısımı duzelten arkadaslarım olursa cok sevınırım.hepımızın bırbırınden ogrenecegı seyler mutlaka vardır.,
ve bır konu daha. ınternet ortamında veya yazılı kaynak olarak cok faydasını gordugunuz materyallerı de burda paylasalım .
umarım yazdıklarım dıkkate alınır .
good luck for your interview ASTRAEA. hope you can get it . and for telephone interviewing ı must say that ı know how scary ıt can be dependıng on person on the line as ı did it before several times .
ı havent spoken in english for a long time . finding this page made me really happy . as you said practicing here wıll help all of us ı believe.
some friends asked me to gıve more details on JADE GOODY subject so everyone can have an idea what we are talking about
ı wıll do it today but not now . ı must deal with the dinner problem. ı stıll dont have a clue what ı am going to cook for my hubby :)) see you soon frıends.
thank you for respecting my privacy:))
ı wıll answer your questıons brıefly . ı changed my hometown sıtuatıon a few days ago cos ı dont have a regular place for now. ı am going to move to gölcük in april . my husband ıs a navy offıcer his ship is in marmaris . so ı have been staying with him for 3 weeks now .ıt ıs a temporary sıtuatıon . we rented a apart hotel here. but ın frıday ı am goıng to turn back to my mums .
you asked where ı learned englısh . ı learned ıt ın unıversıty. ı had been ın uk as well for a whıle to ımprove .
thıs ıs my story shortly.may ı ask you the same questıon .how dıd you learn ıt.sometımes ı met people who learned it on theır own and ı admıred them.what was your subject ın unıversıty?
ooo a nice section i think,i must say to dear friends having opened this section:You are wonderful ,firstly ı wanna begin introducing myself ,i am German and English teacher ,i have studied at Uludağ ünivercity and just graduated and unfortunately i am jobless now,but i don't think anyway that is a misfortune ,the life at home is so not bad,ok enough to speak for me, see you later
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