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i will ask a stupid question which one is more difficult? this year i shoul get en least 501sırnaşık şey
i will ask a stupid question which one is more difficult? this year i shoul get en least 501sırnaşık şey

but honeyy maximum score on IBT is 120
since i took Toefl IBT i dont know the other.. i think the score you mentioned(500) belongs to that one süprizzzzz
hi girls,
i'm back again! hihoyyyt

does your son crawl on all fours? i think, the time is passing so fast for you. i mean day by day your son learns another thing and it's unbelievable :ecrin_bebek:

just to uyarmak/warn :uhm: to you: we are live in soma/manisa should it be not "we are living" ? so my grammar is not good, maybe you used another tensea.s.

thank you yorgun savaşcı... a.s.

my son doesnt crawl. he is a little baby. he is seven months. yes its true. the time is passing so fast for me. because i look after my baby all time. :asigim::asigim::asigim:

you said true. i forget to english day by day. i came here for this. because i want to advance my word power. kaydirigubbakcemile5kaydirigubbakcemile5
Hi, what do you do?
Iwant to develope my English because of the exam üds. Apologise for my mistakes. If you correct y mistakes, I will be happy.
Write you soon
Hi, what do you do?
Iwant to develope my English because of the exam üds. Apologise for my mistakes. If you correct y mistakes, I will be happy.
Write you soon

welcome kırmızııhihoyyyt
everyday we are talking about some subjects and correct our mistakes a.s this is the place that you are searching for a.s

there are no huge mistakes in your writing and you are so good at this. i hope you'll get the score that you want in üds naniknanik

develope --> should be "develop"
apologise --> should be "apologize"
and thats all delikafadulden
a.s. you can say "just to warn you" honeyy a.s.

thank you astraea, you are like hızır sırnaşık şey a.s.

Hi, what do you do?
Iwant to develope my English because of the exam üds. Apologise for my mistakes. If you correct y mistakes, I will be happy.
Write you soon

welcome kırmızı a.s. astraea explained you, how it goes here. please join us!
i think we didn't write about this topic. lazy girls klava: i was so busy, and you didn't look at old pages, if we have one more topic in our hand or not? :dilcikar:

i found it :jeyyar:

5- what is the one thing that you hate about your partner? why?

let's write about this topic. i'll write later, now i've to eat!cokacimcoook
Hi, what do you do?
Iwant to develope my English because of the exam üds. Apologise for my mistakes. If you correct y mistakes, I will be happy.
Write you soon

hi dear! I couldn't talk in english for a long time:çok üzgünüm: as I've been studying language and litterature of Italian for four years.I hope I didn't write litterature wrong because in italian we say 'letteratura' and generally I've confusion between english and italian.I wanted to be an english teacher but unfortunatelly my university exam result was enough for enter to language of italian in istanbul.and now I want to ask u that,why do you want to enter to üds exam??and do u have any information about it?everybody says üds exam is more difficult than yds exam.

ummm..ımm...kaydirigubbakcemile3I've to think some but I find ittttttttttttttt!!!!
he likes playing computer game:çok üzgünüm:he's like 'gamemaniac'!
when we talk on the phone,he plays game.when he's next to me,he wants to play game.I want to kill him because of this habit.

thank you astraea. now I think this is the area where i am searching. thank you for correcting. I am with you for 15 dayskaydirigubbakcemile5
thank you astraea, you are like hızır sırnaşık şey a.s.

welcome kırmızı a.s. astraea explained you, how it goes here. please join us!

thank you, i like here very much hihoyyyt
damlasu22 Alıntı:
kirmizi6 kullanıcısından alıntı
Hi, what do you do?
Iwant to develope my English because of the exam üds. Apologise for my mistakes. If you correct y mistakes, I will be happy.
Write you soon

hi dear! I couldn't talk in english for a long time as I've been studying language and litterature of Italian for four years.I hope I didn't write litterature wrong because in italian we say 'letteratura' and generally I've confusion between english and italian.I wanted to be an english teacher but unfortunatelly my university exam result was enough for enter to language of italian in istanbul.and now I want to ask u that,why do you want to enter to üds exam??and do u have any information about it?everybody says üds exam is more difficult than yds exam.

dear damlasu, I have to enter üds exam because I want to do high licence/ yüksek lisans kafamçokkarıştı I hope I can explain to you
we can talk english well but i think üds exam is do hard how can ı get a high point from this exam ı don't know senağlama

first of all i want to say wellcome to all new members in this topic:lepi: our numbers are getting (is it correct?)
and i'm starting:
my boy friend is really really jealous..and he thinks about everything what should i wear,how should i color my hair etc..:1shok: now we are far away and it makes him really agressive
poor you şutarafagitti
being with a jealous man is very boring ı think
myexone was too, and i lived very hard days because of him :enbuyukkk:
but now ı am alone kaydirigubbakcemile5 you must be cool i think sengözlerimebaksanab
I am sorry I can't write in English well. I think I've forgotten English, but I must improve.
My boy friend is jealous too. He doesn't want any man aronud me. It is really boring.
we've met for 6years and we've been together for 4years.. it's not such an easy work to leaveklava: sometimes it can be really boring or difficult but i love him so much,he does i know that we can corrrect the mistakes of our relation:1hug:
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