• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce öğreniyoruz (bizim kızların topiği)

indirgenmiş derken bi örnek yazabilirmisin ben konuları hatırlayamıyorum cümle filan görmeden:(

reduction of relative clauses olarak geçiyor..
devrik cümleler de inverse diye geçiyor..
bunlar benim daha önce hiç öğrenmediğim konular..

reductionlara örnek :

The students coming to class late missed the quiz..
It is unsafe to enter a building damaged by the earthquake.
Students wanting to join the club must apply to the English teacher.
Son düzenleme:
Hi everybody,i want to join your studying but my english is very bad and you look it very well my wrong sentences:)))But we must start and we must develop my languages:28::28:
Hi everybody,i want to join your studying but my english is very bad and you look it very well my wrong sentences:)))But we must start and we must develop my languages:28::28:

ayyy nasıl yazdın bunu yaaa benimde geliştirmm lazım şu ingilizceyi:26::26:

biraz biraz yorumlayabiliyorum ama bu şekilde ingilizce yazamam:50:
join ne demek hatırlamıyorum ingilizcen kötü mü :53:
ayyy nasıl yazdın bunu yaaa benimde geliştirmm lazım şu ingilizceyi:26::26:

biraz biraz yorumlayabiliyorum ama bu şekilde ingilizce yazamam:50:
join ne demek hatırlamıyorum ingilizcen kötü mü :53:

join is mean katılmak..

Yess i think my english is very bad.i know something but i use them in simple sentences.

First you speak english in home,,

if you think your sententes are wrong,don't worry

our friends who open this subject,help us:DD:
hii , :3::))
ı am studying english department at university but my english is really bad. ı understand what you say, but ı cant speking english.
:9::9: görüldügü üzre üniversiteyi ingilizce okumama ramen ingilizcem fena durumda bnde size katılıym da birazcık knuşma dilim ilerlesin dimii? :)
join is mean katılmak..

Yess i think my english is very bad.i know something but i use them in simple sentences.

First you speak english in home,,

if you think your sententes are wrong,don't worry

our friends who open this subject,help us:DD:

are we speaking english here:26:
I am very happy :24: :9:
hii , :3::))
ı am studying english department at university but my english is really bad. ı understand what you say, but ı cant speking english.
:9::9: görüldügü üzre üniversiteyi ingilizce okumama ramen ingilizcem fena durumda bnde size katılıym da birazcık knuşma dilim ilerlesin dimii? :)

my english is bad too
kızlar burda ingilizce sohbet etmiyoruz, kpds,üds sınavları için ve ingilizcede eksik olduğumuz konularla ilgili ders çalışma topiğimiz burası..

ama intermediate üstü seviyelerinde olanlar için ayrıca bir konuşma topiğimiz var , oraya buyrun istersiniz..
Son düzenleme:
reduction of relative clauses olarak geçiyor..
devrik cümleler de inverse diye geçiyor..
bunlar benim daha önce hiç öğrenmediğim konular..

reductionlara örnek :

The students coming to class late missed the quiz..
It is unsafe to enter a building damaged by the earthquake.
Students wanting to join the club must apply to the English teacher.

Bir relative clause'u, anlamını hiç bozmadan, cümle olmaktan çıkarıp sözcük öbeği biçiminde kısaltabiliriz.
The boy who is running towards us is my son.
The boy running towards us is my son.
The money which was stolen from the bank has been recovered.
The money stolen from the bank has been recovered.
Bir relative clause'u kısaltabilmemiz için, who, that, which sözcüklerinin relative clause'da özne durumunda bulunması gerekir. Yani, relative clause'un bu sözcüklerden başka bir öznesinin olmaması gerekir. Eğer varsa, o cümlede kısaltma yapamayız.
The boy who you met yesterday is my son. (kısaltılamaz)
whom you met yesterday
that you met yesterday
you met yesterday
The money which I lost last week has been recovered, (kisaltilamaz)
that Ilost last week
I lost last week
Bir relative clause'u şu şekillerde kısaltabiliriz:

a) Present participle
the boy running, the people waiting for the bus, a truck carrying passengers, etc.
Eğer relative clause'un tense'i, present continuous, past continuous, simple present ya da simple past tense ve yüklemi active ise kısaltmada present participle kullanılır.
The man who lives upstairs is making too much noise.
The man living upstairs is making too much noise.
The woman who is talking to the teacher is my mother.
The woman talking to the teacher is my mother.

The customers who wanted to see the manager looked very angry.
The customers wanting to see the manager looked very angry.
The children who were playing in the rain seemed very happy.
The children playing in the rain seemed very happy.
It's a school which employs both foreign and native teachers.
It's a school
employing both foreign and native teachers.
The tree which blocked the road was blown down by the storm.
The tree
blocking the road was blown down by the storm.
Aynı kuralları göz önüne alarak, non-defining relative clause'larda da kısaltma yapabiliriz. Kısaltılan bölümü yine virgülle cümlenin devamından ayırmamız gerekir.
Her parents, who expect her to get a high grade, will be disappointed if she can't.
Her parents, expecting her to get a high grade, will be disappointed if she can't.
Mary, who wanted to make an impression on the teacher, studied very hard.
Mary, wanting to make an impression on the teacher, studied very hard.
My son, who is playing with some children over there, is very sensitive.
My son, playing with some children over there, is very sensitive.
b) Past participle
the cake divided into two, the explanations made by the Prime Minister, etc. Relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise kısaltmada past participle kullanılır.
The child who was punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
The child punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
I like to listen to songs which are sung in Turkish.
I like to listen to songs sung in Turkish.
Her husband, who was promoted to a higher position, will get more money.
Her husband, promoted to a higher position, will get more money.
c) Be + adjective phrase
The girl who is happy with her exam result is smiling.
The girl happy with her exam result is smiling.
Anyone who is interested in animals can join our club.
Anyone interested in animals can join our club.
I need a box which is big enough to hold these books.
I need a box big enough to hold these books.
My car, which was much cheaper than yours, hasn't caused me any trouble.
My car, much cheaper than yours, hasn't caused me any trouble.
d) Be + prepositional phrase
The books which are on the top shelf are difficult to reach.
The books
on the top shelf are difficult to reach.

The people who were along both sides of the road were watching the parade.
The people along both sides of the road were watching the parade.
The students who are in the canteen must not be aware of the time.
The students
in the canteen must not be aware of the time.
e) To + Infinitive
The first, the second, the last, the only gibi ifadelerden sonra, bazen de super/aüve'lerden sonra relative clause "to do" biçiminde kısaltılabilir.
Yesterday, I was the last person who left the office.

Yesterday, I was the last person to leave the office.

(Dün bürodan en son ayrılan kişi bendim.)
I'm usually the first person who leaves the office.

I'm usually the first person to leave the office.

(Genellikle bürodan ilk ayrılan kişi ben olurum.)
Eğer relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise, kısaltmada passive infinitive "to be done" kullanılır.
The only man that was seen there that day was Mr Smith.

The onlyman to be seen there that day was Mr Smith.

(O gün orada görülen tek kişi Mr Smith idi.)
The best route that can be followed is through the woods.
The best route to be followed is through the woods.

(İzlenecek en iyi yol koruluktan geçendir.)
To + infinitive biçimindeki kısaltmayı something, anything, nothing, someone, anybody, etc. gibi sözcüklerden sonra, zorunluluk, gereklilik ifade ederken pek çok isimden sonra ve bazı modanarın yerine kullanabiliriz.
Would you like something that you can read?

Would you like something to read?
It's cold outside. I need something that I can put on.

I need something to put on.
There was nothing that we could eat.

There was nothing to eat.
I have a lot of work that I must do.

I have a lot of work to do.
Today, I will have many clients that I must deal with.

Today, I will have many clients to deal with.
We need a larger box that we can put these books in.

We need a larger box to put these books in.
The children need a playground that they can play in.

The children need a playground to play in.

f) Reduction of Continuous Tenses in Passive Form
Relative clause'larda kısaltma yaparken, normalde "being' kullanılmaz. Ancak, continuous tense'lerle passive eylem kullanılmışsa, eylemin sürerlik bildiren özelliğine dikkati çekmek için "being done" kullanılabilir.
The term which is currently being discussed at the board meeting was added
to the agenda at the last moment.
The term currently being discussed at the board meeting was added to the
agenda at the last moment.
(Yönetim kurulunda şu anda tartışılmakta olan madde gündeme son anda
Everybody was captured by the charm of the music which was being played so beautifully by the orchestra.
Everybody was captured by the charm of the music being played so beautifully by the orchestra, (...çalınmakta olan müziğin...)
ğ) Appositive Phrase
ApposltLve phrase, bir isme açıklık kazandırmak için, isimden sonra kullanılan bir isim ya da zamir grubudur. Appositive phrase, fazladan bilgi verdiği için, virgülle cümlenin devamından ayrılır.
Mr Jones, who is the headmaster of our school, is a very strict man. Mr Jones, the headmaster of our school, is a very strict man.
İsmet İnönü, who was the second President of Turkey, was a contemporary of
İsmet İnönü, the second President of Turkey, was a contemporary of Atatürk's.
Ankara, which is the capital city of Turkey, is better organized than Istanbul. Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, is better organized than Istanbul.
Basketball, which is my favourite sport, attracts less interest than football. Basketball, my favourite sport, attracts less interest than football.
h) Non-defining relative phrase, bazen tanımladığı ismin önünde ya da cümlenin sonunda yer alabilir. Özellikle /, he, she, they gibi kişi zamirlerini tanımlıyorsa, bu zamirin önünde yer alması yaygın bir kullanımdır.
She, who was once interested in rock music, now listens to classical. Once interested in rock music, she now listens to classical. (Bir zamanlar rock müziğe ilgi duyan o şimdi klasikleri dinliyor.)
Today's people, who aren't thinking of the future generations, are
inconsiderately polluting the earth.
Today's people, not thinking of the future generations, are inconsiderately
polluting the earth.
Not thinking of the future generations, today's people are inconsiderately
polluting the earth.
Today's people are inconsiderately polluting the earth, not thinking of the
future generations.

kızlar burda ingilizce sohbet etmiyoruz, kpds,üds sınavları için ve ingilizcede eksik olduğumuz konularla ilgili ders çalışma topiğimiz burası..

ama intermediate üstü seviyelerinde olanlar için ayrıca bir konuşma topiğimiz var , oraya buyrun istersiniz..

Topiğin yabancısı olduğumuz çok belli olmuş peki diğer topiğe katılabilirmiyiz??:9::9:
canım teşekkür ederim..

öncelikle relative clauselarda adjective clause ile noun clause arasındaki fark nedir anlayamadım ?

b) Past participle

relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise kısaltmada past participle kullanılır.

The child who was punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
The child punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.

burdaki pasif yapıda punished kullanmışken aşağıdaki pasif yapıda neden to be V3 şeklinde kullanıyor kısaltmalarda ?

bu e şıkkında geçiyor :

Eğer relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise, kısaltmada passive infinitive "to be done" kullanılır.

The only man that was seen there that day was Mr Smith.
The only man to be seen there that day was Mr Smith.

bana göre burda da b şıkkındaki açıklamaya göre seen kullanması gerekiyordu sadece , benim göremediğim birşey mi var burda anlayamadım ? b ile e birbirine ters sanki ?
Son düzenleme:
canım teşekkür ederim..

öncelikle relative clauselarda adjective clause ile noun clause arasındaki fark nedir anlayamadım ?

b) Past participle

relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise kısaltmada past participle kullanılır.

The child who was punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.
The child punished by the teacher was standing in the corner.

burdaki pasif yapıda punished kullanmışken aşağıdaki pasif yapıda neden to be V3 şeklinde kullanıyor kısaltmalarda ?

bu e şıkkında geçiyor :

Eğer relative clause'un yüklemi passive ise, kısaltmada passive infinitive "to be done" kullanılır.

The only man that was seen there that day was Mr Smith.
The only man to be seen there that day was Mr Smith.

bana göre burda da b şıkkındaki açıklamaya göre seen kullanması gerekiyordu sadece , benim göremediğim birşey mi var burda anlayamadım ? b ile e birbirine ters sanki ?
ikinci cumledeki the only man kalıbından dolayı to ınfinitive kullanılmıs.the first,the second veya superlativelerden sonra to ınf. kullanırız .pasiive oldugu için de to be seen yapılmış..:34:
ikinci cumledeki the only man kalıbından dolayı to ınfinitive kullanılmıs.the first,the second veya superlativelerden sonra to ınf. kullanırız .pasiive oldugu için de to be seen yapılmış..:34:

teşekkür ederim canım..

ben adjective clause ile noun clause ayıramıyorum birbirinden ?

bir de hani bazı relative clauselarda gereksiz ayrıntılar virgülle ayrılıyor ya non-defining deniliyor onlara karar veremiyorum bana gerekli gibi geliyorlar ?
teşekkür ederim canım..

ben adjective clause ile noun clause ayıramıyorum birbirinden ?

bir de hani bazı relative clauselarda gereksiz ayrıntılar virgülle ayrılıyor ya non-defining deniliyor onlara karar veremiyorum bana gerekli gibi geliyorlar ?
adjective clausebir isimden sonra gelir noun clause ise bir fiilden sonra gelir mesela
ı dont know the city where he lives city noun tanımladığı için adj. clause
ı dont know where he lives..know fiilini tanımladığı için noun clause durzaten bildiğimiz belirli bir şeyi anlatıyorsa virgülle ayırırrız.
umarım yardımcı olabılmısımdir:7:
adjective clausebir isimden sonra gelir noun clause ise bir fiilden sonra gelir mesela
ı dont know the city where he lives city noun tanımladığı için adj. clause
ı dont know where he lives..know fiilini tanımladığı için noun clause durzaten bildiğimiz belirli bir şeyi anlatıyorsa virgülle ayırırrız.
umarım yardımcı olabılmısımdir:7:

anladım canım sağol çook mersiii :71::7: