arastirdim: oruc suresince alinmasi orucu bozuyor, netice olarak yag da bir cesit kaloridir diyor.
fakat yeme suresince alinirsa eger, cok ama cok faydaliymis. Ben de ara ogunde kahveme katicam. iF nin Sonuclarini iyilestiriyormus.
hindistan cevizi yagi bir cesit mct yagiymis ve diger yaglar gibi biriktirilmeyip ketona cevriliyormus, bu da enerji verip acligi azaltiyormus. Keton ayni zamanda yag yakiminj artiriyror.
A recommended supplement to support intermittent fasting is MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil. Due to their chemical structure, MCTs are metabolised differently from other fats, they are converted into ketones for energy almost instantly and are not stored up like other fats. Therefore, adding these fats to your diet with MCT oil may be beneficial while observing the intermittent fasting routine as they help reduce hunger, allowing you to extend the fasting period without the cravings.