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Frozen Cabbage Band - a logic problem
by Mark Stratton

Five friends pooled their resources one day and pieced a CD together from songs they had written. They called their band Frozen Cabbage and ended up playing a number of live gigs at local events. Determine the full name of each band member, the instrument (or mixing console) each played, the brand of equipment each used, plus each member's favorite magazine.
    • Steve wasn't the sound engineer. One of the women enjoyed EQ magazine.
    • Angie and Steve didn't like Recording magazine. The bass player used Ibanez equipment.
    • Mr. Magnus didn't use Mackie equipment. Mark's last name wasn't Hydal and he didn't play keyboard.
    • The sound engineer, whose last name wasn't Engel, enjoyed reading Mix magazine. The person who used Yamaha drums wasn't Robert, but their last name is Hydal.
    • The five band members (in no particular order) were: Mark Scott, the female bass player, the person who read Musician, the one who used Peavey equipment, and Robert.
    • Shelley's last name was not Hydal or McArthur and she didn't use Roland equipment. Mackie only developed equipment for live sound and recording NOT musical instruments.
    • Steve McArthur was the guitarist.

Use the grid to help solve the puzzle!

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New Scientist
Bu da oradan bir parca.sonra okurum diye buraya aktariyorum.Ceviri calismasi icin kullanilabilir.
Great wall of trees keeps China's deserts at bay
CHINA is holding back the desert, for now. The Great Green Wall – a massive belt of trees being planted across China's arid north in what might be the largest ecological engineering project on the planet – seems to work, according to a new study.
"Vegetation has improved and dust storms have decreased significantly in the Great Green Wall region, compared with other areas," says Minghong Tan of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research in Beijing. But whether planting trees is a long-term solution remains disputed.
The Gobi and Taklamakan deserts of northern China are Asia's biggest dust bowls. Storms generated there regularly shroud Beijing in dust, which can also fall as far away as Greenland. In an effort to tame the deserts, in 1978 China began planting the wall, which is officially called the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Programme. It is due for completion in 2050 and will eventually contain more than 100 billion trees in a 4500-kilometre belt, covering more than a tenth of the country. But opinion is divided about its success and advisability, and it has met with widespread scepticism among Western geographers.
Some credit a rise in rainfall for the decrease in dust storms across northern China over the past three decades. But Tan and co-author Xiubin Li say that their analysis of rainfall data, satellite images and an index of dust storms shows conclusively that the Green Wall is the main cause of the improvement (Land Use Policy, doi.org/xk2).
Away from the wall, vegetation cover and dust storms have risen and fallen with precipitation. But nearer to the trees, vegetation increased and dust storms diminished between 1981 and 1998, the end of the study period. Tan says the improvement has since continued. "In most places in the study area, greenness continued to increase between 2000 and 2010," he says. "In North China as a whole, we think the environment is getting well."
There are exceptions, such as Minqin in Gansu province, where the Gobi and Taklamakan come close to meeting. "But these are small regions," Tan says.
Two prominent critics of the Green Wall did not challenge the findings when spoken to by New Scientist, but warned that they do not tell the whole story. Hong Jiang of the University of Hawaii at Manoa, says China's "aggressive attitude towards nature", especially planting trees where they do not grow naturally, will not ultimately work. "Instead of controlling nature, we need to follow nature," she says. Sometimes that means "allowing sand the freedom to roll".
David Shankman of the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa says it is not clear how permanent the Green Wall would be. "What is the mortality rate of planted trees? What happens when they die? And how do these trees affect grass and shrubs, which in general are more resistant to drought and more effective at erosion control?"
Tan agrees that the authorities should not just focus on increasing forests. "Grass may be better in most places in north China," he says.
This viewpoint is echoed elsewhere. The African Union aims to tame the Sahara with a Great Green Wall of trees, but scientists from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, reported in October that grasses and shrubs would grow faster and be more useful (Sustainability, doi.org/xk5).
More trees are still to come in China: last month the country announced that it will plant 1.3 billion trees along the Silk Road in partnership with the UN.
Dude Ranch Blues - a logic problem
by Shelly Hazard

Jake Bennett, owner of the Circle K dude ranch, had a problem. He had five guests coming next week who all wanted to ride. Unfortunately, he only had four horses available. Each of the guests wanted to spend most of their five day stay riding. And to make matters worse, they preferred riding the same horse all week! After scratching his head almost bald, he finally came up with a plan that allowed each guest to ride on four days and on the same horse for at least two of the days. Using the grid and clues below, determine the full name of each guest, on which days each guest rode (each guest rode on four out of five days), and on which horses (the four horses were ridden every day).

    • Each horse was ridden by three different people. Brenda, who didn't ride Paint, rode the same horse for three days and a different one on Monday.
    • On Wednesday, the person whose last name is Wish rode Sunny, Mr. Grant rode Paint, Mary rode Rosie, and Flip was ridden by the person whose last name was Bend.
    • The horse, Paint, was ridden twice in a row by both Fred, who only rode two horses, and the one who rode Flip on Friday.
    • Ms. Nash and Stuart each rode Sunny on one day. Tom rode three different horses.
    • On Tuesday, Brenda didn't ride, Mr. Grant rode Flip, Mary rode on the same horse that she rode for the rest of the week, Stuart Bend rode, and Tom rode Paint.
    • Brenda, the woman who rode Sunny on Monday, and Mr. Flight all rode Rosie. Mary didn't ride on Thursday.

Use the grids to help solve the puzzle!

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Yabancı dilleri öğrenirken, kendi ülkemizde konuşulan dilleri de öğrenmem gerektiğini hep düşünürdüm. Kürtçeyi öğrenmek istemiştim ama herkes değişik telaffuz ediyor gibiydi, bu nedenle bir kaç kelime ve cümle öğrenebildim ancak. Bugün yazılı kaynaklar buldum. Belki yararlanmak isteyenler vardır.
( Kürtçe alfabe tanıtıyor, harflerin nasıl söylendiğini duymak için yararlı. Tamamen kürtçe konuşuyor, arada Türkçe karşılıklarını veriyor. Ama ben sıkılmadan izledim. Amaç öğrenmek olunca sorun olmuyor. Bir de burada kürtçe çok duyduğum bir dil, kulak yatkınlığı var. Üç video olarak hazırlanmış.)
(Burada ilk verdiğim sitedeki kürtçe dersleri var. 60 video var gibi. İlk bir iki bölümü izledim, gerisini indiriyorum. Önce sitedeki yazılı açıklamaları öğrenip sonra videolar izlenince yararlı olacak.)
http://www.yekbun.com/ferheng.asp (Bu da sözlük. İndirilebiliyormuş, ama benim işletim sistemi uygun değildi, online kullanacağım.)
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