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Sisters Jaberi
I would like to tell about sisters Jaberi, on which photo I came across recently in the network, and could not pass up because the girls look really fascinating.
Information about the girls is not very much, for unknown reasons, an account of two sisters in social networks has been closed. Girls especially distinguish nothing yet and the model they have not quite famous, so we will assess their purely external data.
The sisters were born in Iran, but currently live in San Diego, California.
We begin with the older sister Rahi Jaberi - model, photographer. At age 19, opened her studio Mylaphotography, has over 10 years experience. Rahi, specializes in glamor, fashion, and children's portrait photography. Picture was her passion since she was a child. Rahi is married and has two children (a son and a daughter).
Do Rahi there are two sisters, no less beautiful than she is, and where it may even better.
The middle sister Arezou Jaberi. Nelyudivaya most of the sisters. Profiles of all closed, with fans not communicate and sestrenskoy studio not filmed professionally. About her virtually nothing is known, only that enjoys tennis, not married. Was in a relationship with a guy, but they are comparatively recently parted ways.