• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

İngilizce pratik yapalım diyenler burası sizin mekanınız artık

  • Konu Sahibi Konu Sahibi EU1
  • Başlangıç Tarihi Başlangıç Tarihi
Carlo Collodi

Geppetto, a poor old wood carver, was making a puppet from a tree branch. "You shall be my little boy," he said to the puppet, "and I shall call you 'Pinocchio'." He worked for hours, carefully carving each detail. When he reached the mouth, the puppet started making faces at Geppetto. "Stop that, you naughty boy," Geppetto scolded, "Stop that at once !" "I won't stop !" cried Pinocchio."You can talk !" exclaimed Geppetto

"Of course I can, silly," said the puppet. "You've given me a mouth to talk with." Pinocchio rose to his feet and danced on the table top. "Look what I can do !" he squealed.

"Pinocchio, this is not the time to dance," Geppetto explained. "You must get a good night's rest. Tomorrow you will start going to school with the real boys. You will learn many things, including how to behave."

yaşlı zavallı bi tahta oymacısı gepetto, bir ağaç dalından bir kukla yapıyordu. Sen benim küçük oğlum olacaksın dedi kuklaya ve ben sana pinokyo diye sesleneceğim. Saatlerce çalıştı dikkatlıce her bir detayını oydu. Ağzına uzandığında kuklanın yüzünü yapmaya başladı. Allahtan kork, seni yaramaz çocuk, geppetto azarladı, bi kezde Allahtan kork! pinokyo Durmayacağım diye ağladı. Depetto Konuşabilirsin diye hiddetle söyledi.

Elbette konuşabilirim ahmak dedi kukla. Sen bana bir ağız vermiştin konuşalım diye. Pinokyo ayaklarıyla ayağa kalktı ve masanın üstünde dans etmeye başladı. Bak ben ne yapabiliyorum diye haykırdı

Pinokyo dansetmenin zamanı değil. Diye açıkladı. Sen bi güzel dinlenmelisin. Yarın gerçek çocuklarla beraber okula başlayacaksın. Sen biçok şey öğreneceksin
Son düzenleyen: Moderatör:
:Carver oymacı-----------------karv
Branc-kol(ağaca ait),şube,nehir(kolu)----------------brach
Carve: oyma
Each:her bir
Scolded: azarlamak-----------skold
yes i am agree to you. sports is very important for our healthy.:1hug: how you a job? you said it is about sports. do you sell sporting equpment? or do you work in the gym?

Dear Sıla1,

I am a executive assistant the Turkish meaning yönetici asistanı. I don't sell any sports equipment. I make Executive Member's hotel reservation, travel ticket ...etc. Sometimes I am very busy but frequently my boss is out of office.

How about you, Sıla?
Dear Sıla1,

I am a executive assistant the Turkish meaning yönetici asistanı. I don't sell any sports equipment. I make Executive Member's hotel reservation, travel ticket ...etc. Sometimes I am very busy but frequently my boss is out of office.

How about you, Sıla?
ok i am understand you. i am a house wife. i have got a child. he is four years old. he is at the home. he will go to school next year. we go to park sometimes. we visit my friends sometimes. they come to us sometimes. i do housekeep for oneself. the life is gone in this way.i study english a little everyday. i read a book since a week. the books name is in Turkish War of Independence çamlıca's three roses.(kurtuluş savaşında çamlıcanın üç gülü olacak doğrusu nasılsa)) :kahve:
CHARIOTS OF FIRE (W.J. Weatherby)( ateşin yarış arabaları)

Dear Grandmother, (sevgili büyük anne)

Dont read the book "Chariots of Fire" because it is only about sports.(ateşin yarış arabaları kitabını okuma çünkü sadece spor hakkında.
I know that you hate all sports.( bütün sporlardan nefret ettiğini biliyorum)
There were two men and they wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.(orada iki adam vardı ve onlar olimpiyat oyunlarında altın kupayı kazanmak istiyorlardı
Their names were Eric Liddel and Harold Abrahams. (onların adları eric liddel ve harold abrahamdı)

Harold's training was in Cambridge, and you hate this town, don't you???(haroldın antrenmanı cambridgedeydi ve sen bu kasabadan nefret ediyorsun değil mi?
Harold's biggest competitor was the big American runner Carly Padog.(harıldın en büyük rakibi büyük amerikan koşucusu carly padog.)
His parents came from Germany, but they lived and worked in England. (ailesi almanyadan geldi,ama yaşamak için ve çalışmak için ingilteredeydiler.
As a little boy, he did well at school. küçük bir çocukken okulda iyiydi.
He was tall and he could run very fast.(uzundu ve çok hızlı koşabilirdi.
Therefore he started to run. He won many races.(bu yüzden koşmaya başladı. biçok yarış kazandı
And one day he was at the Olympic Games and he had to run against other great runners.(ve bir gün olimpiyat oyunlarındaydı ve diğerleride karşı daha mükemmel koşucuydu.
The Games were very exciting, and you mustn't get excited because it's bad for your health.
Your grandchildren,(oyunlar çok hayecanlıydı ve sen heyecanlı olmamalıydın çünkü bu senin sağlığın için kötü. senin torunların
Leon and Raphael

örtmenlerim dersim arkada kaldı müsait olan yok mu?:teselli:
No, my office not a very big. I am a executive assistant to presidency. So I am writing a international and national letter about meeting or other details... etc.
I am not good earn salary but better than other assistant.

How about you nartcan?

firstly ı will correct some of your mistakes dear.
ingilizcede sifatlar to be fiili ile kullanlırlar.
my office is not big.
ı am bored
she is tired
the box is empty.
my hair is short .gibi
fiil kullanıyorsan am is are zaman göstermek için kullanılır.yani we are writing to each other now.
my salary is not good but it is better than the other assistant's.

sesli harflarden önce kullanılmak istenen a . an olmak zorundadır.
an executive assistant you are director's assistant

yuo write international and national letters.

don't missunderstand me .ı only wanted to help.a.s.
ok i am understand you. i am a house wife. i have got a child. he is four years old. he is at the home. he will go to school next year. we go to park sometimes. we visit my friends sometimes. they come to us sometimes. i do housekeep for oneself. the life is gone in this way.i study english a little everyday. i read a book since a week. the books name is in Turkish War of Independence çamlıca's three roses.(kurtuluş savaşında çamlıcanın üç gülü olacak doğrusu nasılsa)) :kahve:[/Qsila
.you like eng.and there must be another reason for you .your son wiill need your help when he goes to school.
if you know eng, you will help your son
if you help your son,he will be successful at school
if he is succesful,sıla will be hapy.

by the way doesyour son like eating
have you got eating problem?lülülülülülü
ok i am understand you. i am a house wife. i have got a child. he is four years old. he is at the home. he will go to school next year. we go to park sometimes. we visit my friends sometimes. they come to us sometimes. i do housekeep for oneself. the life is gone in this way.i study english a little everyday. i read a book since a week. the books name is in Turkish War of Independence çamlıca's three roses.(kurtuluş savaşında çamlıcanın üç gülü olacak doğrusu nasılsa)) :kahve:[/Qsila
.you like eng.and there must be another reason for you .your son wiill need your help when he goes to school.
if you know eng, you will help your son
if you help your son,he will be successful at school
if he is succesful,sıla will be hapy.

by the way doesyour son like eating
have you got eating problem?lülülülülülü

hello ladies!
yes you are right. maybe i will help my son at the homework. we house is for sale. if when we will buy new a house we havent got debt, we will send private scholl our son. of course Allah willing. it time maybe i will help my son early on but than i will learn egnlish from my son. english edudation is very good in the private school. fi my son is ability his english is will be good.
my son eats food very little. by the way have you got a boy or a daughter? how do you child's eats? have your child an appetite?
Good-bye until later
nartcan by the way i dont write you neither private message nor visitors book.
why your nick is nartcan?
CHARIOTS OF FIRE (W.J. Weatherby)( ateşin yarış arabaları)

Dear Grandmother, (sevgili büyük anne)

Dont read the book "Chariots of Fire" because it is only about sports.(ateşin yarış arabaları kitabını okuma çünkü sadece spor hakkında.
I know that you hate all sports.( bütün sporlardan nefret ettiğini biliyorum)
There were two men and they wanted to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.(orada iki adam vardı ve onlar olimpiyat oyunlarında altın kupayı kazanmak istiyorlardı
Their names were Eric Liddel and Harold Abrahams. (onların adları eric liddel ve harold abrahamdı)

Harold's training was in Cambridge, and you hate this town, don't you???(haroldın antrenmanı cambridgedeydi ve sen bu kasabadan nefret ediyorsun değil mi?
Harold's biggest competitor was the big American runner Carly Padog.(harıldın en büyük rakibi büyük amerikan koşucusu carly padog.)
His parents came from Germany, but they lived and worked in England. (ailesi almanyadan geldi,ama İNGİLTEREDE YAŞADILAR VE ÇALIŞTILAR.
As a little boy, he did well at school. küçük bir çocukken okulda iyiydi.
He was tall and he could run very fast.(uzundu ve çok hızlı koşabilirdi.
Therefore he started to run. He won many races.(bu yüzden koşmaya başladı. biçok yarış kazandı
And one day he was at the Olympic Games and he had to run against other great runners.(ve bir gün olimpiyat oyunlarındaydı ve diğer İYİ KOŞUCULARLA YARIŞMAK ZORUNDAYDI.
The Games were very exciting, and you mustn't get excited because it's bad for your health.
Your grandchildren,(oyunlar çok hayecanlıydı ve sen heyecanlANMAMALISIN çünkü bu senin sağlığın için kötü. senin torunların
Leon and Raphael[/QUOTE a.s.
dear sıla ,ı dont know why you can' t write me private message..you can write whenever you want .
is there an obstruction for this?
my nickname is the combination of my frend's son's name and my son's name.
ı tried some nickames all of them were being used bythe w.c members.at that moment ı was talking to my friend on the facbook,so ı preferred that one.
whot about you?
hello ladies!
yes you are right. maybe i will help my son at the homework. we house is for sale. if when we will buy new a house we havent got debt, we will send private scholl our son. of course Allah willing. it time maybe i will help my son early on but than i will learn egnlish from my son. english edudation is very good in the private school. fi my son is ability his english is will be good.
my son eats food very little. by the way have you got a boy or a daughter? how do you child's eats? have your child an appetite?
Good-bye until later

ı may help my son for his homework.we are selling our house.if we sell it and buy anew one without any debt .our son can go to private .ı hope so(inşallah)
in the firt years ı will teach my son but later ı will learn eng.from him.private schools are good at llanguage teachingih.if he has ability he will be good at eng.
as you see ı can understand you easily.welldone sıla.

ı have got a son who is 2.5 years old and eating is a big problem for us.he looks like his father not his mother.mother likes eating..he doesn't have any appetite.especially nowadays.:icecream:
dear sıla ,ı dont know why you can' t write me private message..you can write whenever you want .
is there an obstruction for this?
my nickname is the combination of my frend's son's name and my son's name.
ı tried some nickames all of them were being used bythe w.c members.at that moment ı was talking to my friend on the facbook,so ı preferred that one.
whot about you?
nartcan honey i think your visitor message close. i try again and again but i dont send you message. you go to your control panel. look your tune please. open the visitors message. ok ?Şeniz my nickname is a banal nickname. actually i come from izmir.i am married here. my husband s work is here. i miss izmir always.
good morning ladies. usefull fridays. how are you all today? i am fine. i fell very good. thanks to Allah. i slept good. i have a bad dream.so i woke up only one all night. of course i get up morning 6.00. i get up early always. but i go to bed as 8.00-9-00. how have you good sleep?
i must prepare for breakfast.
good bye until later.
ingilizce deyim:a bag of bones

Türkçe:kemik torbası / sıska / zayıff

ingilizce atasözü
Easy come, easy go
Haydan gelen huya gider

at last:nihayet