- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #2.921
Hehe, i have the washing machine and the same problem, too :) 2 glasses, two knives, two plates etc.During the first two days, i said "why not washing, it will take little time" but yesterday i remember the television adds.Do you remember that silly one too? It says "lots of women say "i can wash them by hand but washing them by hand costs too mmuch money, water and bla bla so everyday wash them with this x washing machine and this washing kits and save time, water and the world..."Then yesterday i decided to put them all (6 parts unfortunately) in the machine and today i added some more too but still the machine is almost empty.I hope they won't stink in the machine hehe.Also, i have 6 plates, 6 bowls, 6 glasses, 6 forks bla bla for daily use and it is clear that in every 3 days i will have used all my tools fof the kitchen hehe. Hope, I will make things more organized soon by the way i have been married for 12 days and almost seven days of it passed during honeymoon and never washed something during honeymoon :)
I see not only I have such problem.kaydirigubbakcemile5 I tried to wash them in the machine and had to wait 3 days.During 3 days I didn't allow my husband to open it, cause it was smelling dreadfull:sinifsinif: and I placed myself. After that I'm washing by hand though I"ve 4months baby.