- Konu Sahibi EU1
- #2.281
hehe i agree with your Sylar opinion. by the way you may say "he can do anything he wants" ("what" is redundant here)
i thought about it a little bit and decided to be an employer in some of the companies that i want to work.. for just only 1 day i will be the general manager of the company and hire real "me" for job :jeyyar::roflol: i like that idea delikafadulden
when i read the first sentence, i understood what will come after :jeyyar: sengözlerimebaksanab smart lady!
That sounds funnysırnaşık şey
I want to be lotto winner :jeyyar: I give it to my husband and than we live happy to endless :asigim::1hug:
delikafadulden don't forget me, don't forget me!
Girls I've just come too, I wanna ve Sezen Aksu for just one day I wonder how she's brain works.
And I would like to be Hurrem Sultan,I would direct Kanuni delikafadulden,I'm very curios about Harem.
Actually,I can write many famous people or many dreams.
CADIARZU you've very big dream power (i wanted to say hayalgücü

and i think instead of "she's", you should use "her" a.s. :enbuyukkk: