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i wanted so much....but i couldn't tried..:1no2: instead i tried piercingsss coloredlenses etc..hihoyyyt

delikafaduldeni will never and ever make piercingdelikafadulden i cannot think my brow,lip or nose to be holed delikafadulden i have 6 holes in my ear but that's a different thing :1closedeyes: and i love my tattoo by the way delikafadulden nevermind dear, maybe you will have a temporary one to satisfy your desire Şeniz
delikafaduldeni will never and ever make piercingdelikafadulden i cannot think my brow,lip or nose to be holed delikafadulden i have 6 holes in my ear but that's a different thing :1closedeyes: and i love my tattoo by the way delikafadulden nevermind dear, maybe you will have a temporary one to satisfy your desire Şeniz

i have a butterfly and i like it so muucccchhhhh..:asigim: and i like earrings too... i get tattoos while i'm going to holidayyyyyy..yerimseniben
and if you have photo of your tattoo and if it don't annoy you can you please upload one. i'm very curious about it:utangac: (one day i will convince themmmm and get a tattoo)
and girls you're soooo lazy nowadays..

i'm not lazy :dilcikar: i'm so busy at work these days. my brain is stopping sometimes, because i've too many things to do in short time. but ok, i love my job, so it's hard but nice times for mekafamçokkarıştı

but you are lazy girls:oklava: if i don't copy paste, you don't check if we have topic or not for the day :oklava:

i've to work with german practice page a little bit now.

and i've to say, i can't have tattoo :1no2: i'm not so brave. kaydirigubbakcemile4

today i admit that i'm the chief of lazyness (tembelin başkanııınaniknanik)

tired warrior it's no big deal. there are no pain at all but if you're thinking that you might be bored later , then yes you should think about it mirmirmirmir
i'm not lazy :dilcikar: i'm so busy at work these days. my brain is stopping sometimes, because i've too many things to do in short time. but ok, i love my job, so it's hard but nice times for mekafamçokkarıştı

but you are lazy girls:oklava: if i don't copy paste, you don't check if we have topic or not for the day :oklava:

i've to work with german practice page a little bit now.

and i've to say, i can't have tattoo :1no2: i'm not so brave. kaydirigubbakcemile4

and now it's your turnnndelikafadulden ok you have reasons please finish them quicklyyy we miss you herea.s.

today i admit that i'm the chief of lazyness (tembelin başkanııınaniknanik)

tired warrior it's no big deal. there are no pain at all but if you're thinking that you might be bored later , then yes you should think about it mirmirmirmir

not because of the pain, i think, but yes after if i don't want. and i think it comes from my childhood. i can remember on the day, on which/ which on/ when etc (buraya ne gelir bilemedim :utangac:) my mother took me to the doctor or somewhere like clinic, i think, to make holes on my ears :kızgın: they say, that i was 2 years old, but i can remember :kızgın: i'm so angry about it, because i believe, it is on my body, and i should decide it to have or not to have. am i wrong?:ecrin_bebek:
not because of the pain, i think, but yes after if i don't want. and i think it comes from my childhood. i can remember on the day, on which/ which on/ when etc (buraya ne gelir bilemedim :utangac:) my mother took me to the doctor or somewhere like clinic, i think, to make holes on my ears :kızgın: they say, that i was 2 years old, but i can remember :kızgın: i'm so angry about it, because i believe, it is on my body, and i should decide it to have or not to have. am i wrong?:ecrin_bebek:

:roflol:sırnaşık şey you made me laugh quite much. it's because of the icon that you used at the end of the message. and you combine two different things very cuteŞeniz

also i think you should use "when" there(without "on"). because you are relating to a time period.
:roflol:sırnaşık şey you made me laugh quite much. it's because of the icon that you used at the end of the message. and you combine two different things very cuteŞeniz

also i think you should use "when" there(without "on"). because you are relating to a time period.

:ecrin_bebek: :ecrin_bebek: :ecrin_bebek:

danke schön astraea, oops, this is english page kafamçokkarıştı thank youuuuuuuuu Şeniz
Hi Yorgun savaşçı. It's me again :)))
I see that u r very active in this site. I have just discovered this department. I am a fan of Kadınlar kUlübü for a long time. Especially theses departments: "Hair, skin, eye care" and "I have a trouble" From now on I will spend my time here too..
Hi Yorgun savaşçı. It's me again :)))
I see that u r very active in this site. I have just discovered this department. I am a fan of Kadınlar kUlübü for a long time. Especially theses departments: "Hair, skin, eye care" and "I have a trouble" From now on I will spend my time here too..

welcome paprikaa delikafaduldenhihoyyytkaydirigubbakcemile5a.s.
Thanks Astrea.It' s a very warm meeting sengözlerimebaksanab delikafadulden
Hi Yorgun savaşçı. It's me again :)))
I see that u r very active in this site. I have just discovered this department. I am a fan of Kadınlar kUlübü for a long time. Especially theses departments: "Hair, skin, eye care" and "I have a trouble" From now on I will spend my time here too..

hihoyyyt welcome paprikaa delikafadulden i will mix up pages, save me from astraea kaydirigubbakcemile3 if i write in german here, she can kill me, because she hates german language. kötükedihüso

for long time the foreign language departments were to inactive. but for a couple of weeks it became very active delikafadulden and today also german topic delikafadulden

i'm so happy kaydirigubbakcemile2
hihoyyyt welcome paprikaa delikafadulden i will mix up pages, save me from astraea kaydirigubbakcemile3 if i write in german here, she can kill me, because she hates german language. kötükedihüso

for long time the foreign language departments were to inactive. but for a couple of weeks it became very active delikafadulden and today also german topic delikafadulden

i'm so happy kaydirigubbakcemile2

I think I have brought a colour to the KK sengözlerimebaksanab
delikafadulden Don't u agree me? kaydirigubbakcemile3
tired warriooooor:kızgın:

we can not share you with other topics kötükedihüso

come to your home sweetheart :dilcikar: i promise that i wont harm you anymore kötükedihüso