kızlar doğru yere mi açtım bilmiorum ama bnm ingilizce olarak ''do you think is it important the protecet the enviroment?why?'' sorusuna cevabn kompozsyn makale tarznda bişyler yazmam lazm da şöyle bişey yazdm nasl olmuş?fikirlerinizi alabilir mym,bnm için gerçktn çok önmli...
Environment - how can you help protect it?
Our planet is in trouble!almost every day we learn some bad news about our planet from he tv,internet or newspapers etc.they are all about the polutions,global warming,acid rain , the destruction of rainforests and other wild habitats.tese are really bad for our world.because it is so dangerous for live life.
Nowadays we dont attend about nature life.for example skill in these days we litter the rubbish the area.but we should allow them like food,paper, plastic.many of us are worried about this but we are doing nothing to protecet enviroment.
It all sounds so depressing - but we certainly mustn't despair! Every one of us, whatever age we are, can do something to help slow down and reverse some of the damage. We cannot leave the problem-solving entirely to the experts – we can all do something for our environment.we must learn to live witout hurt it.
These are some advices you to protect the enviroment;
We humans create such a lot of rubbish!So we sould parse them and send to the recycling bin.And avoid use plastics,
Guard the forests.dont log needlessly.becuse trees help to regulate the world's climate and atmosphere.
Be careful about the chemical waste.dont let it bedaub the water ,air and earth.
Use ozone friendly perfume.Because if you prefer other ones you damage the ozone layer.
Don't waste electricity. Electricity is produced by burning coal, oil and gas and this action gives off carbon dioxide.
Food chain is very important fort the natural heed wildlife protection areas.